Robert Fleming 216's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


I wanted to share a project I've been working on most of the last year. They're spellcards for pathfinder RPG!

Intended as a memory aid and spell tracking system, each card contains the basic details of a spell, such as target, cast time, duration, range, saving throw, etc. I've gone through every spell in the Core Rulebook and created a card for it. Additionally, I've rewritten the long spell descriptions into short versions that fit on the cards, to serve as a quick reference.

This set also includes Metamagic cards and cards for tracking spells prepared multiple times and spell slots left empty, so that your prepared casters don't have to keep writing stuff down every adventuring day.

Check it out: r-role-playing-game

and you can read more about the details here:


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Not official, but I've been working on these for the last 9 months or so:

I've created a kickstarter for the CRB spells (623 of them): r-role-playing-game