Low Templar

Robert Eby's page

13 posts. Alias of Zoomackulas Eichendar.


Good Afternoon,

Received my order in great condition, thank you! I had ordered Pathfinder Comic #2 but received #1 which I already have. Double checked the invoice and it has #2 on it, Pathfinder #2 (Standard Cover-Matteo Scalera). I can send it back if you'd like and just add #2 to my next order if you could. Again thank you so much for your great service!

Good Afternoon,

Just got home and was surprised the package has arrived! I also got the email saying my next package is about to ship so please take out the Artifacts & Legends and Knights of the Inner Sea that you were so kindly going to replace due to the thinking the last shipment was lost! I hope we caught this in time?
Thank you so much for your great service!!!!


Thank you sooooo much!!!!!

Good Afternoon,

I have yet to receive this order. It was shipped the out the Sept. 24th and seems to be lost in the system and is past the estimated delivery time. Could you please check into this for me. Thank you so much for your help, can't wait to get my hands on these products!

James, couple of questions:
1. Where are the wine growing regions in the Inner Sea?

2. How do Hellknight's feel about alcohol? Do they partake or abstain?

3. What are their views on sex?


James, is the city maps of Sothis, Almas and Augustana going to be made available to us in the near(2012) future? Do they even exist yet?

Robert Eby wrote:

I have yet to recieve this order which it says was shipped on May 23rd and I just recieved order #1708258 today which was shipped last Friday which I thought was #1698197 but was surprised to find it wasn't. Could you please check into this for me, most likely got lost in the mail.....

Thank you,
Rob Eby

Thank you very much for sending me the products ordered and fixing this problem! I have the books finally and am very happy! Never did recieve the original order! Keep up the great work!

Thanks again,

I have yet to recieve this order which it says was shipped on May 23rd and I just recieved order #1708258 today which was shipped last Friday which I thought was #1698197 but was surprised to find it wasn't. Could you please check into this for me, most likely got lost in the mail.....
Thank you,
Rob Eby

I have yet to recieve this order which is said to be sent by July 9th. I just recieved orders 1476706 and 1369416 so I am a little worried it was not sent or lost in the mail! Thanks for your help!

Thanks, I'll get back to work right away now that I am back in town!!!

Just curious, I did not see my game listed in the events list, is it you had pleanty of games and did not need mine? I was working on my game as quick as I am able too but if my game is not needed (as it looks)then I can slow down and not worry about it so much!

I had almost forgot about this, count me in for the seafood feast! Where are you going for Dim Sum?

Event Title: Wanted Dead or Alive, (or mostly dead)
Description: Murdered, Councillor Aden Marque of the People's Court in the Capital city of Andoran, Almas, has been found dead at the hands of an assassin during the Great Andoran Fair of Sarenith. You and a rag tag bunch of bounty hunters set off to capture the fugitive which leads you to Falcon's Hollow and the den of the unscrupulas Lumber Consortium. Bring the assassin back alive for greater reward and the possibilty of the down fall of the Consortium once and for all or is there more a foot than meets the eye in Falcon's Hollow!
Slot: 1st choice Friday evening, 2nd Saturday Morning
Min/Max: 4/6
Event Catagory: RPG
GM Name: Rob Eby
Game/Rules/System: Pathfinder RPG
Game Edition: 1st
Materials Provided: I will provide pregenerated characters
Game Rating:PG13
Experience Needed: Familiar with Pathfinder RPG rules