Gelatinous Cube

Robert Dittrich's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Looking for a game in the Austin area. I've been playing since 1st ed., prefer 3.5 now.

Looking to join or start a group for D20 - I have played since 1e, and would prefer "vanilla" D&D, but I also like Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Midnight, you name it. I'm new to the area & just wanna play. No twinks please.

- Rob

Woontal wrote:
... (without supplying a CD which would no doubt cost a fortune)...

Brings up an interesting point. Why NOT include a CD of music with a module? As a DM I would personally get more use out of a decent CD than a wall-sized full-color map, for instance, particularly of the "way too big to be practical" variety that seems to be in vogue just now. These maps can't cost too much less in reproduction than a CD. (Go down to your local copy shop and inquire as to the cost of a two sided poster sized color repro on glossy paper, then work out what one CD from a spindle costs.)

- Rob

I'd have to say that the right trap in the right place has proven a more effective PC retirer than anything, in my experience. I've played since the early '80s, and nothing scared us more than an upper level Gygax-written module. Though I just play 3.5 now, I still read through that old stuff for ideas. The man was truly devious.

Of course, part of the key was in making the trap both seductive and destructive. The traps in Tomb Of Horrors, for example, were largely designed to kill munchkins. Other modules had traps designed to be over-thought, where escape was ridiculously simple in reality, but the skittish PCs were likely to believe it just COULDN'T be that easy.

So in summation, right trap, right place, right time.

- Rob