I would be very interested in this. I will start my Kingmaker campaign with 6 players in a week or 2 so I would be very interested in seeing (and er.... borrowing) your conversions.
Has anyone given the most recent version of the sheet a try? If people have comments for improvement, let me know and I will try to get it implemented.
I had the same feeling about me explaining how to draw it.
What I have done is I extracted the Hex map (without anything but Landmark encounters) and then added a grid of individual green (empty) Hexes as a layer to the picture.
This way I can just remove one "Hex" at a time when they explore the map, and I will just send them an updated map in PDF after each session.
Upkeep Phase
During a kingdom’s Upkeep phase, take the following actions. [u]If your kingdom currently controls 0 hexes, skip this phase and proceed to the Improvement phase.[/u]
2) exotic craftman don't have an economy bonus, isn't it a typo ?
I will leave this one to one of the Paizo People. (Although I guess that two +1 bonusses and a minor item are enough for 10 BP)
3)In the kingmaker, Oleg's outpost might become the very first building of the new city, and thus it can be incorporated for free as a new building. But wich one ? inn ? shop ? market ?
"Oleg’s Trading Post: The trading post is a versatile structure built to serve as a place of business. If the PCs decide to found a city in this hex, they can incorporate Oleg’s as a free Shop, Stable, or Watchtower in their city grid (once chosen, the function of Oleg’s within the new city cannot be changed)"
- Special Resources added to the Kingdom Sheet
- Consumption calculation for cities corrected
- Starting City Base Value included in Base Value calculation. Max Base Value set at 16000
- Corrected Miscellaneous minor spelling and formatting errors
- "Pop-Up" Information implemented throughout the document
- Multiple District City function incorporated
- Vacancy calculation updated to base vacancies on empty "Name" fields
- Data validation included in the City Sheet
Thanks for that explanation..... indeed it isn't optimal, but it was the only quick fileshare I found. If people have other ideas.... let me know and I will try to accomodate a more convenient way of downloading.
As the “Cities & Kingdoms” Rules for the Adventure Path could require quite a bit of bookkeeping as the adventure path advances and knowing my players, I have created a Kingdom Sheet in excel, including 25 “City Sheets” with some summary sheets as well. This sheet might still need some improving but calculates all relevant numbers based on the decisions players make, events, buildings etc.
However, I am not sure about an appropriate location to post this sample to, so if people have advice on where I could put this up, I would be more than willing to share and update the file.
Challenge Rating 4
The heroes encounter a small herd of river elk lead by a huge bull. Although River Elk are generally peaceful, the bull is quite territorial and will threaten and posture towards the most impressive of the characters. Although the Elk bull will respond aggressively to encroachment on its territory the females of the herd will not attack unless attacked before. The Elk are found in one of the hexes along the Thorn River.
The heroes spot a group of river Elk. A small herd of 4 adult females, 1 large bull and 1 young. When rolling a knowledge (nature) check against DC 15 the heroes recognize them as River Elk and know about the territorial nature of the River Elk Bull. The bull has an initial attitude of unfriendly and tries to scare off the heroes by posturing and a mock charge…..and will shift to hostile if the heroes don’t quickly retreat. However Druids or Rangers can try to shift the animal’s attitude to indifferent by making a wild empathy check against a DC of 19.
If the Bull is killed the herd will try to flee, however they do so slowly and try to defend the young. If the players attack they will defend themselves but will eventually try to run. If a Ranger or Druid manages to shift the attitude of the bull to indifferent he loses interest and wanders off together with the herd. If the characters resolve this situation peacefully they receive XP equal to those received for defeating the Bull.
Great work! I have used your backgrounds for my campaign and it seems that the players are focusing on the Chaotic Neutral background….. (ah well that’s what you get for offering it ). However, I have adjusted that one a bit to also more easily allow chaotic good characters in the team. (By adding some story about them focusing on the Surtova’s, there being disenfranchised nobles, etc….. so mixing some freedom fighting in the mix…. Which fits well with the ambition of the swordlords anyways)
You can also use the SOMEPDF http://www.somepdf.com/ images extract tool.
Additionally I have actually created such a map, with landmarks on the tiles but nothing else and a "hex layer" projected on top of the map just using word. This allows a GM (me) to reveal one hex at a time without any work during the game session so if your DM is interested let him send me a PM.
What is the party size assumed in this (and for that matter any)adventure path? I already read that the rulership part has 11 possible roles, so that shouldn't be an issue.
However, we tend to play with a 6 PC party, and I was wondering to which extend I would have to beef up the monsters for that.
Also are there any monsters covered in (relatively) large numbers in King Maker 2, beside the trolls?
I am starting to collect some mini's for the adventure path, so would be glad to know what to collect.
It is generally the way Paizo did it. (As I like the system). However, it allows for:
1. Different rates of progression. (Not always every 3rd level)
2. Different "End" levels. (Now you always end up with 0.5*CR class levels behind other players, which may sometimes be ok, but sometimes too weak or to strong).
I am working on making a system (somewhat) feasible for playing Monstrous races. Although I generally like the approach followed in the Pathfinder Bestiary, I feel the system is still somewhat to “coarse”. (Some creature abilities becomes worthless more quickly than others)
Thus I came up with the following rules for playing a monster in a mixed group. What do you think about the proposal as written now?
Mixed Groups:
Because of balancing issues, including a single monster character in a group of standard characters, or combining monster characters with different CR’s is quite complicated. However, this is also the situation most likely to occur in most games, thus a system to balance this situation is described below.
If you are including a single monster character in a group of standard characters, or are combining monster characters of different races, make sure that the group is of a level that is at least as high as the monster's Starting Level Equivalent (SLE) . This is the level at which a monster without class levels is equivalent to a character with class levels. The SLE is usually equal to a monsters CR.
For example, in a group of 4th-level characters, a minotaur (SLE 4) would be of comparable strength to e.g. a half-orc barbarian.
In a mixed group, the value of racial Hit Dice and abilities generally diminishes as a character gains levels. The relative strength of a monsters’ Hit Dice and Abilities at each level is expressed as the Effective Level Equivalent (ELE) . This is the number of Class Levels to which the monster is equivalent at the Character Level. The SLE is the level at which a monster without class levels is equivalent to a character with class levels.
At specific levels, a monsters’ ELE will be decreased. This happens with fixed increments, which are given in the race descriptions. These increments are called Level Equivalent Decreases.
When the ELE decreases a character gains an additional class level, as to remain at the same power level as other standard characters. When a race has e.g. an LED of 3 this means that an additional level is received once per 3 levels and the ELE is then decreased by one. This additional level is always received halfway during the last level of the LED. E.g. for a LED it is received halfway between the 2nd and 3rd levels. This process continues until the ELE is equal to the Final Level Equivalent (FLE) , provided in the race overview.
(And of course the standard and appropriate Paizo Monster character disclaimer: “GMs should carefully consider any monster PCs in their groups, especially in Mixed Groups. Some creatures are simply not suitable for play as PCs, due to their powers or role in the game or don’t mix well with standard characters. As monster characters progress, GMs should closely monitor whether such characters are disruptive or abusive to the rules and modify them as needed to improve play.”
Your input is much appreciated. (And I realize I will have to work on FLE's and LED's.....)
That is... we'll be relying VERY heavilly on real world resources like mythology, cryptozoology, legend, and the public domain.
Which is awesome. I even ordered my own “encyclopaedia on mythological creatures” for working on my own monsters. I especially liked the “non western mythology” type of creatures. (Persian, Indian) but would also love to see monsters inspired by Slavic mythology.
A man in black wrote:
THEMED MONSTER BOOKS. The TSR tradition of "Here's a pile of random monsters, enjoy" does zilch for me. Theme them on game-mechanical concerns or setting concerns or tie them together with a loose story or a faction or home plane or environment or WHATEVER.
Fully supported idea. Oh and the first theme should be “Fey”. You’ve got to love them, and to be fair there is loads of inspiration to be gained from mythology.
Fey Beauty (Su)
The sidhe is strikingly beautiful, even more so than others of its kind. It gains a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to seduce creatures with the Fey or Humanoid types, and may use charm person as a spell-like ability at will.
Associated Court: Court of Summer, Seelie Court
Fast Healing (Ex)
The sidhe gains fast healing 1.
Associated Court: Court of Autumn, The Wild Hunt
Horned Hunter
The sidhe gains a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and Survival checks. It also gains a head butt attack for 1d6 damage. (or 2d6 damage on a charge). This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the sidhe wields a manufactured weapon. The sidhe It also gains a racial bonus equal to half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.
Associated Court: Court of Winter, The Wild Hunt
I don't really agree with the comments on the ability bonusses. For a sorcerer a halfling is still quite superior (Small size and all) and the strength penalty is even less relevant than a wisdom modifier. Besides even the Paizo people use this spread for certain of their tiefling variants in the AP.
However, taken into account your inputs and reconsidering my own approach I will go for a non-PC race for the Sidhe, which is a bit more magical........
Abilities: Dex +4, Int +2, Cha +4. Sidhe are very agile, intelligent and charismatic and have an unearthly beauty.
Medium: Sidhe are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Sidhe have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Sidhe can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Damage Reduction: Sidhe have damage reduction 5/cold iron. This increases to 10/cold iron at level 11.
Fey immunities: Sidhe are not humanoids and are such are immune to spells that specifically target humanoids such as charm person and hold person. Sidhe have spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level.
Fey Magic: Sidhe add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Sidhe can cast dancing lights, Disguise Self, faerie fire and Speak with animals each at will. A Sidhe can also cast charm monster, invisibility, and suggestion once per day each. In some cases, a Sidhe’s spell-like abilities might vary, although the level of a particular spelllike ability does not. A Sidhe’s caster level for her spell-like abilities is equal to her character level.
Languages: Sidhe begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Sidhe with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, and Sylvan.
Fey heritage: The Sidhe gains one ability from the list below. This ability is based on its heritage or allegiance to one of the Fey courts.
I have to say i like de dicefreaks take on Fae. I am definitely considering using information from there for my campaign. (I am planning on doing some Magic/Nature vs. Machine type of campaign, with nature being presented by elves, fae etc....). The more "alien" and special Fae from their forums are very nice.
I am creating a setting in which Fey play an important role, and such I created a fey race called the Sidhe. The Sidhe are cast as somewhat "alien" Fey, but should still be quite playable as PC's. A description of the Sidhe can be found below and any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
Physical Description: Sidhe are generally taller than humans, and possess a graceful physique not unlike that of elves. However, they also have an unearthly beauty and their eyes are shaped likes those of wolves or predatory birds and have large pupils in colors like yellow or purple. Sidhe clothing is often highly adorned as Sidhe like to show-off their superiority and wealth.
Society: Sidhe feel a bond with nature, and although they live in cities these are often placed in natural areas. Sidhe cities are of an exquisite and almost unearthly beauty, but few outsiders are allowed to gaze upon them. Most sidhe have a preference for trickery, music or magic and their natural abilities make them particularly suited to become bards or sorcerers.
Relations: Sidhe are quite convinced of their own superiority, and thus often regard other races as crude or savage. Sidhe regard gnomes as interesting, but distant, kin. Elves are regarded as good allies against their common enemies, but also as somewhat boring. Sidhe disdain humans, dwarves and half-orcs as they are too often involved in the creation of mechanical creations, and infringe on their territories.
Alignment and Religion: Sidhe are impulsive and fickle, and often have a cruel streak. Most sidhe are chaotic neutral.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Sidhe are nimble, and charismatic and have an unearthly beauty, but also fickle and impulsive.
Medium: Sidhe are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Sidhe have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Sidhe can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Fey immunities: Sidhe are not humanoids and are such are immune to spells that specifically target humanoids such as charm person and hold person.
Fey Magic: Sidhe add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Sidhe with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—light, ghost sound, message, disguise self. The caster level for these effects is equal to the sidhe’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the sidhe’s Charisma modifier.
Deceptive: Sidhe receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise skill checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Sidhe are proficient with scimitars and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “sidhe” in its name as a martial weapon. Additionally, they can treat scimitars as light weapons for the purpose of weapon finesse and two weapon fighting.
Languages: Sidhe begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Sidhe with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, and Sylvan.
Hereby the next part of my "Vudra" flavoured character options. This time a Prestige Class for monks, using a bow...... the God Khurma is somewhat based on the Indian God Rama.
Champion of Khurma
The Champions of Khurma are an order of monks who aim to emulate the actions of the god Varishan in his incarnation Khurma. Although they strive for inner peace and self-perfection, they also actively champion the cause of good and fight the demons and spirits that plague Vudra. The Champions of Khurma are regarded very highly by commoners and good rulers alike, but are also often actively persecuted by less than just rulers and Rakshasa’s who regard them as a threat. Just as their god, the champions of Khurma favour the bow, and use this with supernatural skill.
Role: Champions of Khurma fill the same role as standard monks, although strongly focused on ranged combat. Additionally they can be effective as diplomats with both commoners and nobles.
Alignment: Champions of Khurma are always lawful, just like all monks. Additionally, because of the tenets of their faith they are never evil, and most Champions of Khurma are lawful good.
Hit Die: D8
In order to qualify to become a Champion of Khurma, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Diplomacy 5 Ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longbow)
Abilities: Flurry of Blows Monk Ability.
Special: The character must have been judged worthy to become a member of the Order of the Champions of Khurma by at least three current members.
Class Skills
The Champion of Khurma’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics, Craft (Int), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str)
Skill Ranks at each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Champion of Khurma prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Champion of Khurma does not gain proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Monk Abilities: Levels of the Champion of Khurma’s Prestige Class count as Monk levels for the Armour Class Bonus, Flurry of Blows and Maneuver Training abilities. He does not gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, such as increased unarmed damage or other monk abilities.
Focused Archery: Starting at 1st level a Champion of Khurma can use his wisdom bonus instead of his dexterity bonus for ranged attacks with any type of bow. (But not crossbows)
Slayer of Demons: At 2nd level the Champion of Khurma gets a +1 bonus on attacks and damage against all creatures with the Outsider (Demon) and evil creatures with the Outsider (Native) subtypes, as well as on opposed intimidate, perception and sense motive checks. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every second after that.
Bonus Feat: At 3th and 7th level, a Champion of Khurma received a bonus feat. The Champion of Khurma can select a feat from the following list: Deflect Arrows, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Pinpoint Targeting, Snatch Arrows, Shot on the Run, Weapon Focus (Longbow).
Flight of Arrows: Starting at 4th level, a Champion of Khurma can treat any type of bow (but not crossbow) as a Monk Weapon, and as such can use it with the Flurry of Blows ability. It is not possible to use Point Blank Shot or Rapid Shot in combination with a Flight of Arrows, as it is already assumed that these shots are included in the Flight of Arrows .
Ki Arrows: Starting at 5th level the Champions of Khurma class levels stack with monk levels for determining his Ki Pool. Also, by spending one Ki point, the Champion of Khurma can bestow his Ki Pool abilities. (e.g. magic, adamantine) until the start of his next turn.
Pierce the Veil: At 9th level, the monk gains the ability to look through magical disguises. This ability works as the spell true seeing, but can be used for a number of minutes per day equal to his class level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive.
Avatar of Khurma: Upon reaching 10th level, the Champion of Khurma becomes a personification of the ideals of his god. His type changes to Outsider (native), and he becomes immune against mind affecting effects. Furthermore his wisdom and charisma scores each increase by 2.
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +2 +2 +2 Monk Abilities, Focused Archery
2 +1 +3 +3 +3 Slayer of Demons +1
3 +2 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat
4 +3 +4 +4 +4 Slayer of Demons +2, Flight of Arrows
5 +3 +4 +4 +4 Ki Arrows
6 +4 +5 +5 +5 Slayer of Demons +3
7 +5 +5 +5 +5 Bonus Feat
8 +6 +6 +6 +6 Slayer of Demons +4
9 +6 +6 +6 +6 Pierce the Veil
10 +7 +7 +7 +7 Avatar of Khurma, Slayer of Demons +5
I am working on making some content with an Indian flavour (Vudra) and would like to ask your input. The first part is a sorcerer bloodline for Naga kin.
Naga kin
The power of the Naga runs in your family due to some intermingling of Naga blood with that of your ancestors, or through the performance of dark rituals. This power tends to make you emotionally distant and cold, with a drive for power.
Class Skill: Knowledge (History)
Bonus Spells: Charm Person (3rd), Detect Thoughts (5th), suggestion (7th), poison (9th), Mind Fog (11th), Mass Suggestion (13th), phase door (15th), Antipathy (17th), Mage’s Disjunction (19th).
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Imitative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (History), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Toughness.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the compulsion subschool, increase the spells DC by +2
Bloodline Powers: You can draw upon the power of the Naga, however the more you draw upon these powers the more cold and distant you become.
Poison of the Naga: (Ex) Starting at 1st level, you gain a bite attack. This bite is treated as a natural weapon, meaning that you are always considered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a high base attack bonus. The bite attack deals damage equal to d4 plus the sorcerer’s strength modifier, plus d6 poison damage. This poison damage increases to 2d6 at level 8, and to 3d6 at level 15. You can use your bite a number of times per day equal to 3+ your Charisma modifier.
Naga Toughness: (Ex) At 3rd level, you gain resist poison 5 and a +1 natural armor bonus. At 9th level, your poison resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 15th level, your natural armor bonus increases to +4.
Spit Venom: (Ex) At 9th level, you can spit naga venom once per day. You can infect one the subject with a horrible poison by making a successful ranged touch attack. The poison deals 1d10 points of temporary Constitution damage immediately and another 1d10 points of temporary Constitution damage 1 minute later. Each instance of damage can be negated by a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your charisma modifier). At 9th level, you can use this ability once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 20th level, you can use this ability three times per day. This power has a range of 30 feet.
Resistance of the Naga: (Su) At 15th level, you become more like the Naga through which you received your powers and you gain spell resistance equal to your sorcerer level +10
Form of the Naga: (Su): At 20th level, your Naga heritage manifests itself. Your body becomes more serpentlike in shape, and you gain immunity to paralysis, poison and sleep, you also gain resistance to acid 10, electricity 10, and fire 10,and gain telepathy with a range of 60 feet.
I have been working on some aquatic races for use in pathfinder, as I have liked the idea of an undersea campaign ever since I read the “Sea of Fallen Stars” Forgotten Realms supplement. Please find the first race I created for this campaign (using pathfinder rules) below. Do you think these are balanced? (I know strength and con might be a bit much for some people, but shouldn’t be a big issue when using pathfinder point buy). Or maybe someone has a brilliant idea for some additional abilities?
Living in the furthest depths of the ocean, Tritons are the most ancient of the aquatic races. A Triton has silvery skin that fades into silver-blue scales on the lower half of its body. A triton’s hair is deep blue or blue-green
They are relatively short at about 5 feet, but are sturdily build and muscular. All Tritons are trained for war, so all Tritons can defend themselves against their racial enemies the Morkoth and Kraken.
Tritons are generally of a serious disposition, and are often regarded as quite arrogant by other races, as they pride themselves on their long history and staunch defenses against the monsters of the deep.
Triton Racial Traits +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Charisma: Tritons are both tough and strong, but also somewhat aloof and gruff.
Medium: Tritons are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Tritons have a swim speed of 30 ft.
Darkvision 120 feet: Tritons can see in the dark up to 120 feet.
Hatred: Tritons receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against aquatic magical beasts and aquatic aberrations due to special training against their ancient foes.
Weapon Familiarity: Tritons are proficient with Tapals, Tridents and the Aquatic Heavy Crossbow, and treat any weapon with the word “Triton” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Tritons begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Tritons with high Intelligence scores can
choose any of the following: Elemental, Elven, Fey. (Sylvan)
Favored Class: The favored class of Tritons is fighter or Cleric. This choice must be made at 1st level and cannot be changed.
And if Paizo wants to try their hand at translating a ulisses RPG: Please translate "Das Schwarze Auge" :). Awesome game, but not all of my players are that great at reading german.
A half-orc druid would be awesome. They have their strength and wisdom going for them. (With the new wildshape ability strength is quite important for druids).
And of course a Druid as a wilderness type character fits in ideal with the quite feral nature of half-orcs. (and not liking humans too much :))
I agree as well. I quite like 4E and it's a game, and hey it says D&D on the front so it is D&D :).
I will play 4E as a player, it seems like its great for more combat/dungeon oriented adventures, which some of my friends like to DM.
I prefer the slightly less combat oriented adventures, of which the Pathfinder adventure paths are an awesome example, so I will DM pathfinder most likely. (and my friends will play it).
Well on a positive note: All us Europeans don't mind buying American products at this time: They are dirt cheap :-).
And Patriotism and Flag waving aren't that different you know: It is both supporting your country just for it being your country.
I am not saying you can't support your country, or certain values you think important, but it don't do it just because its YOUR country. I like a lot of things about my own country, the Netherlands e.g. its freedom/progressiveness and its (relatively) equal opportunities for everyone, but that doesn't mean I can't also have a lot of critism of the government/people and like other things in other countries.
Although I agree with the backward compatibility approach to some extend (Read: I agree with it, but you have to house rule out the same crap you had to in 3.5) there are some improvements in 4E which would I would like to see in pathfinder, but I could live without if it would be more likely to alienate a lot of players and thus make Pathfinder less likely to succeed.
Still we can also houserule those ourselves:
E.g: Saving throws:
- Your will Defense is your will saving throw + 10.
- The attacker throws D20 + spell level + ability modifier