
Riven the Warforged's page

295 posts. Alias of Warsor.


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Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

I've kinda given up at this point as all that happens is a bunch of conflicting statements and then you roll well and still don't succeed xD. I think I'm just going to watch a while and see if it improves but I can't follow the plot right now.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Freakin calvinball when the DM is away lol

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1
Ancient Dragon Master wrote:

Thank you, Atlas2112. 4 Successes (3 Critical), 1 failure

After ADM leaves the android he stops to get a gun on his way to thirstys. As he walks through the (Still) open door he stops dead when he sees reztak. Frantically he searches through his bag pulling out a little book labeled 'Grimoire'. He finds a page and begins chanting "মর রাজটেক ভালো ও ন্যায়বিচারের সাতটি দেবতাদের পবিত্র শক্তি দ্বারা মরে। স্বর্গের শক্তি দ্বারা শুদ্ধ করা আপনার শত্রুদের ইচ্ছা দ্বারা মরা, পুরানো এবং নতুন মর, কারণ দুনিয়া তোমাকে মরবে প্রকৃতির বিরুদ্ধে আপনার বিকৃতির জন্য মরা"

Hey Necromancers aren't ungodly! They just...worship other gods...

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven hangs back not getting involved with this murderhoboing. He didn't want Sapphire to see him in such a scenario. He looked around the area for anyone innocent caught up in all this. Spotting a dancer he deployed a circular spinning open shield that would deflect blasts or kinetic attacks and went over to her. "It is not safe here...please allow me to escort you to safety."

Helping dancer up hoping for lead on Borak: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Costs nothing to be a gentlebot: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

I think the DM mighta died. O.o

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven feels his core temperature surges and sparks fly in all directions as his holographic camouflage fails at the sight of Sapphire...or an inconveniently timed nano virus spike.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven looks them over and then draws his sword as he seems to go see through as his holographic stealth system switches on. He closes the distance hoping their guns will be less effective when he in among them all. He slices out attempting to disable rather than kill.

Slicing: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Dicing bonus: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven heads to Thirsty's club of scum and villainy.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven hurries to catch up to the others.

Love the choose your own adventure reference.

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Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

"How...strange. This burger is made of 80% fat and grease and 19% meat product. There is 1% trace elements of cheese and condiments. I suggest we store this for emergency rations. It will prevent the need for cannibalism."

Looks straight at the camera. "Plus StarBurger(TM) are the most delicious burgers in the galaxy and that is a fact."

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven reactivates his cloaking mode and sticks around watching Gorn to see if he makes any calls after they leave.

Stealth: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven skidded to a halt looking around the area then back to his companions. "I am lost here and unsure who to ask about our objectives. Please use your methods to gather information Zanbabe." Riven seemed to have failed to notice Red Shirt Guy in trouble(?) behind him at the food line.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Sapphire I think you only roll on a natural 4 or highet on dice otherwise its pointless as a rule with enough mods. Also ...nvm

Riven shifts his camouflage off once they escape the combat so his small team can track him. "We need more Intel to locate Borak. My internal systems are malfunctioning. Should we interrogate a local?"

Scan area for suspects or information: 1d6 ⇒ 3

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Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1
GM_Atlas2112 wrote:

Oh no!

All you Players will still be on. Bring your 1000 aliasesii and all the things you've already been doing. We'll just do it in the gameplay thread. Like normal people. ^_^


Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

(Kosh voice)We have always been here.

"Damn it. Of all times..." Riven looked about the now all but abandoned bridge as his shimmering camouflaged form blurred the air slightly.He drew his antiquated sword and moved at a rapid pace to the airlock where he discovered the battle taking place. Seeing Zanbabe in trouble he ran forward through the fray his personal shield deflecting a stray hit disrupting his camouflage for a second.

-1 due to GM imposing it on me a while back for...impure platonic thoughts about an AI.
Slice and...: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

The soldier looked confused as a sharp pain inserted itself through his chest a second later. "Zanbabe, this way! The shimmering Riven shouted as he yanked his sword free and tried to escape into the station.

I'd be interested but need to learn the rules better.

Riven activated his predator style holo personal cloak and worked the teleporter now inside the shields, targeting an unshielded area near a security junction he might ne able to hack to locate Borak through.

Cloaking stealth: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Teleporter: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Sigh well the dice have spoken.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

I'm down for anything.

"It certainly does help. Thank you Sapphire. We need to maintain shield integrity long enough to dock, then the true challenge of storming the station while simultaenously repairing the SDA begins. We will need to work closely together to overcome these challenges."

Riven starts redirecting his focus to the shields. "Sapphire I require your...attention...I mean assistance.

Shields: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Can that quitter talk!

Riven's len eyes flash with warning lights as everything seems to be going to hell as less people man the stations on the bridge. "All members of the crew, ship has sustained heavy damage, please divert all non essential power to the shields and weapons. One more solid hit and the ship will likely start to break apart. Please be ready to abandon ship if this occurs. I will remain on the bridge and buy as much time as I can."

Riven begins to furiously work the controls as some of the crew from earlier seem either incapacitated or in a stupor.

Weapons: 1d6 ⇒ 1

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Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

I'm saving my Alias for that perfect moment... *Plots Space Hamster...*

Riven taps away on his console trying to help take down the station's turrets so less are firing on the ship. "I think this frontal assault is not a wise risk. We should fall back and try to deactivate the shields via subterfuge and sabotage of the station's shields. This would allow teleportation onto the ship where our individual capabilities might be more useful."

Hacking: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Riven finally jolts back minto action his distractions having rendered him immobile for critical nanoseconds whiole the bridge was a flurry of action. He returns to his science console and begins another attempt to hack to point defense guns and cause them to overload.

Attack on station via hacking: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Riven looks between the two space pets. They had once been the best of friends...or had they? His memory circuits might be malfunctioning due to the virus. Still he would negotiate the peace between them and thankfully his body did not have skin for claws to dig into.

"Zanbabe it would be illogical to banish Rowdy from the bridge, this is an emergency and if we are going into battle we may need their help."

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Riven even through all the chaos notices Chaos the Space Cat. He always liked animals of the small furry kind. Pressing a button on his console he pulls a bowl of Space Meow Mix out of the dispenser nearby. He sets it down next to his console.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

I do hope the GM checks back in before tuesday as we have some posters who might or might not be pushing the rules limitations...

Riven strokes Rowdy's neck trying to keep him calm. "Good dog. It'll be ok...Sapphire can you identify the mysterious figure made of smoke?"

Literal sparks might have emitted from Riven as Sapphire spoke but he quickly clung to his hard...er logically circuits. "Maintain our link and be ready to execute any one of the many crazy plans. You may use my holo emitter tech if you wish to join the assault team when we get onto the station. Your competence is greatly...valued."

"Sapphire er...do not...those files on my console...they are not mine...an attempt to hack the stations defenses and...fill with...meaningless data." If the warforged could be embarassed he would be, his internal temperature rose higher and he gripped the console trying to steady himself. He had a bit of a platonic crush on the AI since serving onboard the same ship.

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Riven moves back over to the science control panel and begins to work on calling back the receptionist who loved Rowdy. If he can have her put him on hold and keep an open line perhaps he can hack through the station's firewalls...and fill its memory banks with petabytes of cat memes or porn.

1d6 ⇒ 1

"Commander...my b%+@!@*& detector seems to be malfunctioning. Please cease tracking us with your stations weapons and we will provide with with a vaccine to the nanovirus that has likely been used to ensure your cooperation."

1d6 ⇒ 3 Promising vaccine they don't have yet.

"I would like to go with the away team Zanbabe, my chassis is highly reflective of conventional weaponry and my built in camouflage will assist in scouting the station. I will bring you the vaccine as soon as we can."

Perhaps his logic circuits are malfunctioning but Riven kneels next to Rowdy looking into his adorable canine face while his glowing lens flash with red overlay error message scrolling across them.

"Rowdy...we have been through worse times then this. Let us take down Borak together. I will need you to program the coordinates into the teleporter."

Riven headed for the emergency teleporter pad at the side of the bridge and stood there waiting for someone to flip the lever that would send him somewhere on the station...ideally right next to Borak.

Riven begins to twitch rhythmically as if shorting slightly but only for a minute. He gently set Rowdy down and looks at the Commander. Damn Captain Attero and his leaving them in such a state. "Tell us what malfunctions you are having, we may be able to assist Commander."

Riven begins to use his science console to scan for any malfunctions or lack thereof on the docking area of the station. He also begins to consider alternative methods such as a dangerous dimensional teleportation effect that almost certainly would kill anyone it was used on...or unleash unknown chaos.

Scans: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Riven attempts a dangerous double combo diplomacy maneuver by lifting up Rowdy to the view screen and saying as they transmitted their hails. "We come in peace and bring...small furry animals. Please allow us to dock and share our services with the station."

Diplomacy: 1d6 ⇒ 6

He looked at the others for aid as his diplomacy circuits strain at full capacity.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1


Riven follows Rowdy scratching him behind the ears with his three fingered hands. He looks at the others and moves to the science console and begins trying to trace the transmission of Borak.

1d6 ⇒ 5

"Sapphire please remote into my console and feed the transmission tracing to the ship's navigation. When we are in range we can aatempt an assault to obtain the vaccine required. Good boy Rowdy."

Riven slowly reactivated as blue arcane rune circuits played across his mithril plate chassis. His memory files seem corrupted but his self repair systems are functional and may recover them with time. He looks around before seeing the others. He looked like a magic and tech hybrid robot with a series of scars across his silvery metal chassis and an ancient looking longsword attached to his hip. "System check...functional. Crewmates, I seem to have malfunctioned and am in need of information on what has occured since the Gemini station. I am concerned something has occured and suggest we head to the bridge to gather more information."

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

What about a move and firebolt?

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven was too focused on the new room to see what the others did. He studied the armor and was about to call out to it and the entity but was stopped before he spoke. Instead he waited listening to see what would be said/happen in the room behind him.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Just staying in touch ;)

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Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Whooooah! Where did you go? DM Criiiiitic!

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

"Gold makes a valuable magical conductor for many rituals. Only bat guano is known to possess similar value in relation to magical materials."

He addresses the samurai.
"It was not my intent to seperate as you all were in my sight the whole time though I was not visible to you. I agree with your tactical assessment that stragglers or lone units will be targeted by calculating enemies. Let us proceed for now together to the open doorway to the east north of the door."

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Welcome back. You were missed.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Riven materilized from the shadows nearby as he returned to the group from the room south of the Swan room. As light bent back into solid form he took the time to properly greet Vehemence with a three fingered fist placed against his silvery chest plate and his glowing optic lens focused on him.

"Your presence once more increases the probability of a successful outcome to our goals. I have a report of the southern chamber."

After pausing for a moment he continues.

"The room lacks any threats perceived and has some remnants of possible offerings for the union. There is also a crystal chandelier worth approximately 10,000 gold in material value according to my sensors. Further there are two other exits, there is an open way on the eastern wall north of a door also in the eastern wall approximately 14.5 feet apart. This ends my scouting report."

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

Depends on where you work but ya. Also hope to catch up with everyone Friday once Riven has discovered new things about about room 182.

Male? Warforged Fighter 5 | Init +1 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | 1st Spells-2/3 DC 13 SpA+5 | Insp: 1 | Pass Per: 13
Saves: STR: +6; DEX: +1; CON: +5; INT: +2; WIS: +0; CHA: -1

See the roll20 map. There are other exits, Riven hasn't spoken since he is exploring one connected room in stealth, just waiting on DM.

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