Risas's page

35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


TheKillerCorgi wrote:

Technically speaking sensei makes the ability affect allies rather than himself. The person affected by the spell is the target not the caster.

So if you had cast scorching ray on yourself for some reason you could instead deal damage to all your allies. Not very useful.

You could buff all of them, say with barkskin, though.

Side note: you can stack drunken master onto the above archetypes and it works very well.

yeah, i was thinking of getting drunken master and a bunch of the restriction that give you more ki, it would be a very ki heavy build, and i love the idea of a master of the arts that follows the party just so they pay him in boze

So, if i have a monk with the Qinggong, Sensei and four winds subclass, i can have pretty good support character that can bust the action economy

at level 12 i get from sensei the ability to share my monk ki-based abilities, like the four winds ability to sacrifice a swift action and 6 ki points for 2 extra standard actions that round, that you can, thanks to sensei, decide to give that ability to all other party members (maybe this can make the vital strike feats worthwhile) and what self respecting barbarian and fighter don't love 3 standard action attacks insteado of a full attack?

that is the big attraction of this build, but there are a couple other things fron Qinggong that can help, like sharing some feats or spells. one of the fourth level powers is the ability to cast scorching ray, and i was wondering, if i used that on my companions, what would happen?

1) nothing, wasted 2 points
2)everyone shoots rays immediately (does this count for spellcasters to have cast a spell? tecnically it originated by me)
3) on their turn, everyone can use an action to shoot rays (same question as option number 2)
4) something else
5) the matrix breaks ad our character get freed from our controll, it's the start of a new apocalipse on earth

Tacticslion wrote:

(It’s worth noting the explosion would be strictly limited by the radius of the reverse gravity spell on its own, but in addition, it’s quite possible that the spell has clauses I’m not currently looking at which would prohibit it from being an effective explosion - might be more like a weird balloon thing instead.)

It is worth noting that physics in Pathfinder do not function like physics in the real world. If they did, reverse gravity would cause lots of strange wind effects and likely kick up lots of dust and dirt and stuff, and fireballs would create increased localized pressure effects, but as-written they don’t do any of that, so... anything presuming physics must be approached with many grains of salt.

i like how they specifically say that it has low pressure to prevent PC's from attempts at rocket jumping, probably i would let them do it tho if htey tried, becouse who is so crazy to rocket jump anywhays?

ok, that is a lot to read, thanks for using your time! i will write the answers as i remember the points and not in any other order

i am italian

from what i know, you aren't required to stay in range to keep the concentration, you can teleprt out and be fine.

the contingency is bound to a plane shift spell to get out of there without dying, or at least that was the plan.

your gravity bomb seems like a nice idea and less likely to kill you since you can teleport out while holding concentration on the gate.

my idea is: telekinessis applyes a force to a object/creature, so it means that forces can pass inside gates, so a big fat gravity sqish should to

i didn't knew about actuall radiation, the amulet would get probably instantly charged up for good.

another thing that accours to me is that you could do the same thing with dying stars or dying blackholes since they tend to explode massively, it's a rarer occasion, but there you wouldn't need to worry about needing to place the gate inside the thing.

ok, someone that chils on the sun, probably bathing in solar plasma like it's a hot tub it's hilarius, they probably don't emanate radiation and have very small gravitational force to not kill anything, i like this laws of phisics, and this may very well end the conversation since it shows how inconsistent laws of phisic are in pathfinder, i sould really read more lore, it sounds like some fun stuff happens

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Tacticslion wrote:
Risas wrote:
Java Man wrote:
Just what "portal" are you talking about using?
9th level spell portal

... do you mean the spell gate?


The only ninth level spell I know that opens two portals is called gate and it has several strict limitations.

We will presume (for now) that a black hole isn't a "creature" in the same way a star or planet or moon isn't considered a "creature" (and thus we ignore all that nonsense about HD limits and whatever), but, that aside, let's look at what the spell actually does:

Gate wrote:

Casting a gate spell has two effects. First, it creates an interdimensional connection between your plane of existence and a plane you specify, allowing travel between those two planes in either direction.


The gate itself is a circular hoop or disk from 5 to 20 feet in diameter (caster's choice) oriented in the direction you desire when it comes into existence (typically vertical and facing you). It is a two-dimensional window looking into the plane you specified when casting the spell, and anyone or anything that moves through is shunted instantly to the other side.

A gate has a front and a back. Creatures moving through the gate from the front are transported to the other plane; creatures moving through it from the back are not.

Planar Travel: As a mode of planar travel, a gate spell functions much like a plane shift spell, except that the gate opens precisely at the point you desire (a creation effect). Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire. Travelers need not join hands with you—anyone who chooses to step through the portal is transported. A gate cannot be opened to another point on the same plane; the spell works only for interplanar travel.

You may hold the gate open only for a brief time (no more than 1 round per caster level), and you


i messed up the name, sorry, in my language it's called portal and i made a direct translation. (portale=portal, cancello=gate in my language and it's called portale)

but it's not the radiation that kills you, it's gravity, and i assumed that since telekinesis works from a side to the other of a gate, that gravity would to, since they are both forces and not energies

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Tacticslion wrote:
Pathfinder deities are, canonically, not dependent on worship to maintain their status as a deity.

oh, i didn't knew that

Quixote wrote:

Yeah, I think discovering them is way less of a concern than the fact that there aren't any rules for them. The painter wizard's reality-conquering chain of silliness works wholly within the RAW. No need for GM fiat or any of that stuff.

Though...heh. I'd be curious how Time Stop interacts with Black Holes. Time stop makes you move so quickly that 1 round of real time equals 1d4+1 rounds of your perceived time. But a black hole supposedly stretches time quite a bit more than that in the opposite direction. So...I think the spell would result in a slightly less slowed perceived time as the black hole gobbles you up.

as i understand time stop, the portal shouldn't get to work before your contingency procs, since evrithing is super slow, but in case portal procs first, you are dead, very dead, in the previus comment i wrote about spells that may help you survive, but realistically they won't work, the gravity is to strong and you die very slowly and painfully unless you also have 80 levels in barbarian and a con of 500+

Java Man wrote:
Fire, cold, gas and such still effect the caster of Time Stop. So you will need protection from the intense gravity, sudden lack of air, waves of negative energy, Hawking Radiation, and whatever other effects your GM rules.

oh i didn't notice this part, but you don't have to last long in the blackhole, the time stop is to be able to teleport out beforte the gravity extends from the portal.... lemme think of a couple spells that could help you survive.. of course protection from energy, in particular fire and cold, winds of vengeance allows you to breathe in a vacum, radiation sounds a lot like poison and/or illness, so absord toxicity, and probably delay poison/desese for good mesure to get healed later, oh instead of protection from energy (fire) you can use body of flames to get healed if you end up in the part blackhole that has super heat, a party member could cast pressure adaptation, it of course won't protect you but it may make you last 0.0000001 seconds extra, and that may be the proc time of the contingency, of course this is all teorycrafting and the gm fiat will screw you over so bad, but you do your best

Java Man wrote:
Just what "portal" are you talking about using?

9th level spell portal

Quixote wrote:

Okay, so first: how serious is this? Because referencing the painter wizard as support for your argument/plan implies that it's not serious at all, as the painter wizard concept is very silly. It's a flaw in the game design and something that no one is actually out there doing (or else Pathfinder's setting would just be Pathfinder: All Is Paint"). But then at other times it seems like this is meant to be very serious.

Second, using real-world physics as ways to "break the game" just falls into the realm of GM fiat. You aren't going to be able to find a way to reliably pull this sort of thing off. The painter wizard and Pun-Pun rely on strict RAW and the technicalities and loopholes it contains, not teleporting your enemies into quezars or polymorphing the atmosphere into banana pudding. There just aren't any rules for that stuff.

Third, if black holes exist (and who knows? Maybe they don't), they don't destroy stars in seconds. I mean, look at the super massive black holes that are theorized to exist at the center of each galaxy. Those mammajammas would be hundreds of light-years across, and...well. We're all still here. Been here for a while, too. And we'll probably be here for a while longer.

And fourth, check out the Neutronium Golem. He's essentially a black hole with fists.
Not a very well-designed monster; some of his abilities require you to be beyond crazy-powerful to survive (like Str700, I believe), but the others, while they seem scary, don't even appear on radar once you've managed to endure the "really scary ones" (like having fasting healing and DR 1,500 in on something with...I think 1.5mil hp? Who cares?).
I would really like to know how they calculated the hp of the "average planet", though.

holy s!*~ this tread blew uo while i was away so i will answer the 2 questions that i have seen more

1) this is as serius and ACTUALLY likely to work as any world ending exploit can be: if your GM is an absolute madman with no sense of balance and no samìnity it works, but any less than that, it dosn't.i didn't mean for amyone to actually try and using it i think that the fact that i reference conquering the universe, killing gods, the painter wizzard and r/3d6 should give this away, it's just a fun thing for me to nerd over

2) the plan was: samarsan wizzard lv 20 take the alternate racial trait that allaws you to get spells from other classes, in this particular instance planar shift from rev summoner as a 6th level spell. contingency to make the planar shift happen the smallest ammount of time unit possible after you compleate your next portal spell, portals can be opened in any place of another plane, so grab the coordinates of the singularity of the blackhole that holds your galaxy together. time stop, portal, skidattle thanks to contingency, and the event horizon (point of non return) is big enough to swallow a small continent i think + the size increase, the portal should last only a couple of seconds, but inside the blackhole time moves a lot slower so it will last a lot of time. it's never stated that spells like telekinesis can't affect someone on the other side of the portal so gravity would work too.

i actually belive in black holes so from this the idea comes. i really didn't expect this tread to blow up like this and i am happy a managed to make a cool discussion, god i love this forum whay more than the reddit, the only problem is that i still don't know how to discover black holes :-(

VoodistMonk wrote:

Okay, assuming black holes actually exist and aren't just inconsistencies in data, what makes you think that a God/deity would suffer near death injuries being near a black?

And why would they teleport out hundreds/thousands of years later?

None of this makes sense to me. Not even for a 20th level Wizard.

If you 20th level spell'ed a black hole into some deity's plane of existence, they would just kick it like a soccer ball back towards you, and tell your lame 20th level Wizard @$$ to politely go F yourself.

You had to use a Wish to to get your little toy in the first place... and who grants wishes? Gods.

Ain't never scared of your stupid gravity ball, bro.

simply i think something that destroyes stars in seconds i think may very well deal damage in the thousands or tens of thousands, and in pathfinder gods seem to be incredibly weak for their title, a cr 30 pazuzu almost killed a god, lamashtu killed a god after weakening it with ordes of demons, considering pathfinder's exponential scaling if he was a cr 60 or something balors would had barely scratched him and those thousends of demons were most likely not all balors.

hell the wispering tyrant killed a smaller god, so the gap between gods and demigods or incredibly powerfull "mortals" like the wispering tyrant and baba yaga can't be so big, so they probably don't have HP in the milions or something. also they stilll obey the laws of magic since they can't outright destroy the wispering tyrant without finding first the philactory, so i think they also are bound by the laws of phisics

also the fact that the guy that lamashtu killed didn't skidattled when he was about to die also shows that gods aren't necessarely able to telepot at will instantly like they can in other games or mytologies

when you are near a place with INCREDIBLY increased gravity, time actually slows down, and inside blackholes like sagittarius A it's teorized that time goes slower at unbelivable ammounts making the 2-3 seconds that it would take to cast greater teleport or planeshift or wathever to gtfo dozzens if not hundreds of years have in real world time.
this effectively shuts down deities in the very unlikely occasion that you land this on them, but i am 70% shure this wouldn't happen unless you do some strange things to convince them to fight you out of their dominion or to let you cast the spell first.

the fact that gods haven't thought of this means nothing, gods in pathfinder have shown with their action to not be a lot smarter than the avarage human.

in the painter wizzars build, a level 5 human wizzar can in fact take over the universe and all the gods could do absolutly nothing as they would be too busy fighting 1000000000 great old ones each. the fact that no god has tried this clonation method can only mean that they are too dumb to realize that they can, and since that tactic has been invented by a human, they aren't smarted than humans.
i am not a genius for thinkig about this, but that only shows how dumb gods really are in pathfinder since they can get their asses kicked by a mere level 5 humans, given that the human has a 1 year time of preparation, what weaklings.

the only problem i see with my plan is the fact that black holes don't work the same. but i am quite shure that you could use something to obtain similar effects in a smaller fashion, the universe is filled with very dangerous events.

what i am sayn isn't that with this you can reliably kill gods, but you COULD for how unlikely this is, the main use of this exploit/combo is to delete big chunks of the universe so next time the devils invade golarion just fuking go on and destroy one of their fortresses on the first ring of hell to show them who is in command

Risas wrote:
7.9 million miles (12.7 million km)

this is without counting the size increase that would come with the consumpition of a LOT of mass.

so yes, i would say that this is a lot more efficent than a sphere of Annihilation if you manage to discover what is a black hole

but a sphere of Annihilation is very small, and it is an artifact so it's hard to obtain, and if you whant to destroy a plane with that you will need a good milion years to clear like 10% of the surface of a plane...

what i am talking about requires like 30 seconds of prep after discovering what is a blackhole and you can relatively safely destroy a good 7.9 million miles (12.7 million km) with the cast of a single spell, plus this makes the area unable to be accessed for like milions of years.

plus this is able to kill anything instanty, well gods can deny you this and can probaby teleport out with "only" near death injuries, but in doing so they would teleport out hundreds if not thousands of years later, with noone that is still worshipping them since they don't answer prayers for that long of a time, and so they probably loose their divinity status.
if you somehow manage to land this on a deity, and that may very well happen if you aren't in that god dominion you have good chances of not only survive the encounter untill you die of old age but also effectivly kill that god. while if you tried that with the Sphere of Annihilation they would simply steal control of it and use it to kill you horribly

TLDR:you are a 20th level wizzard and have to discover what the f&+~ is a black hole and were to find one

so, there are a lot of exploits going around for doing things like conquering the universe or destroing planes and i am tring to give my contribute to this wolesome tread i have a plan for an hig level and relatively low effort exploit that can delete big chunks of outer planes.

the only thing that i need to complete the exploit, and possibly the hardest and most expensive part, is to make your charecter discover about what the f*#@ a black hole is.
now you probably alredy know were this is going but i will release breafely after getting an answer on r/3d6 r/pathfinder_rpg and on this forum how to use it solo and with a relatively safety of not getting destroyed.

actually i never played hig level spellcasters so i don't really know what spells could be used. the of course first thing that came to my mind is:
"i wish that my character would obtain knowledge about evrithing about any non-magical macro phisical phenomenon that happens in the universe of the material plane"
but reling on wishes is not a good idea, really not

VoodistMonk wrote:

I have been trying to see how you qualify for Souldrinker without Fiendish Obedience or Great Fortitude... apparently there is an older version that lacks such prerequisites, huh.

The newer version requires 7 ranks in various skills, and two feats... AND they took away the 8th level ability to summon 1d2 ceustodaemons. All you get is Daemonic Boons, which you get if you take Fiendish Obedience, no matter what... the accelerated access to Boons could be had taking Diverse Obedience instead of Great Fortitude. What a bunch of BS. Lol.

you know that somehow i missed the two feats preq.... welp that's my build gone. tecnically with the old one there is no need to go magus since either whay you need a channelling weapon to hit so probably fighter would be better if not for flavor... unless i can get my dm to remove those nonsensical restriction, they are whay too hig, 7th level character with 3 skills requirement and allignemet restriction is alredy enough, adding two feats is insane, and the new class is not that op, the old one was strong, but not insane either, welp, it's time to homebrew!

i found that you can use eldritch heritage to get the familiar at your level -2, which combined with the souldrinker levels should give me full level familiar,that would change my feat progression to this

9 soul feats: heldritch heritage(familiar)
10 soul
11 soul feats: quikened magic ability (Enervation)
12 soul
13 soul feats: enpowered magic ability (Enervation)
14 soul
15 soul feats: spell perfection
16 soul
17 soul feats: spell penetration
18 mag
19 mag feats: greater spell penetration

Risas wrote:

also for the cocadaemon i'd take the mauler arcketype, seems fun

having a hand and a demon to protect me will ofset the slightly low hp and ac of magusses

if i do this is it worth to take that feat to have you'r familiar level=to your oun? becouse the extra strenght, natural armor and DR seems tempting, but i don't know what feat would i give up

also for the cocadaemon i'd take the mauler arcketype, seems fun

having a hand and a demon to protect me will ofset the slightly low hp and ac of magusses

aslo at higer levels, against enemies that i know have low fortitde(or that have that lowered by massive negative levels), a quikend empowered disintegration sounds fun

Claxon wrote:

I don't have anything helpful to add, but I have considered such a build before.

There are some key problems:
1) Affording lifedrinker
2) Avoiding lifedrinkers drawback
3) Being able to cast enervation before you get lifedrinker
4) Not being miserable when you fight one of many things that are immune to negative levels, Undead being pretty common. And also
5) Deathward completely shuts you down
6) A GM who wont get frustrated by this tactic and constantly shut it down

if i go with the dhampir, the moment i will get a life drinker weapon, my teammates will have enough to remove them easely, and i'd focus against big baddies. i would use a side weapon or focussing, for fighting multiple enemies, and gettig a good side weapon as a magus is easy ecpetially if i sell soulgems to enchanters for 250-300 per gem(i gust need the grup talker to convince them) soulgens that i can get X times a day by buyng and slaughtering small animals, like chikens, and enchant teh weapon with my pool, i gust need downtime. as you said deathward can shut me down, but it can also make me immune to the drawbacks, and we can dispell the s&%* out of deathwarded enemies. if i go human, i would simply go with a life drinker weapon if i can get dethwarded before using it.

for the GM thing, if he gets that annoyed at me, he will probably ask me to change character, ya know, communication exists, that how you stop horrorstories from happening.

DeathlessOne wrote:
I outsource during these situations. I expect the players to remember which creatures have been hit with what debuffs

yes, me too, and i can write it down.

also it just occurred to me that i don't need combat casting if i cast warding weapon, which seems nice as havind to cast defensively always leaves the possibility of failing

after thinking about it i have an idea for both backstory and build
i wasn't shure about going staff magus or dex magus so i made alternatives. i know usually adopted wouldn't be able to give you extra feat but in our grup you can do that as long as the build is not to extreme.
the objective is to get a channeling/life-drinker weapn

dhampir (human if staff)
magus (staff mabye), souldrinker

str 7 (change str 16 dex 12 wis 14 if staff alternative ratial trait for +2 istr and int)
dex 18(+2)
con 14
int 16(+2)
wis 10(-2)
cha 7

traits extra feat,?(reactive probably)

feats, arcanas and souldrinker of charon stuff

1 mag feats: combat casting, weapon finesse(lunge if staff)
2 mag
3 mag feats: lounge(weapon focus if staff) arcana: Close Range
4 mag
5 mag feats: intensified spell, enpowered spell
6 mag arcana: enpowered spell
7 mag feats: heigtened spell
8 soul
9 soul feats: enpowered magic ability (Enervation, more negative levels=better)
10 soul exalted boon: sands of time 1/day (kinda useless but the other spells are more usleseless)
11 soul feats: quikened magic ability (Enervation, for extra swift action attack on turn 3 times a day, and it should stack with other standard action spells or spell-like abilities on spellstrike or full spell combat actions)
12 soul
13 soul feats: weapon focus (spell penetration if staff) exalted boon: hunger of the styx (the real reson i took this path other than backstory, auto-stun good)
14 soul
15 soul feats: spell perfection
16 soul exalted boon: grasp of the styx(little helping hand for shutting down weak enemyes like spellcasters or gain cover when fired on)
17 soul feats: spell penetration/ greater if staff
18 mag
19 mag feats: greater spell penetration/ thoughness if staff arcana: quikened spell
20 mag

also i was wondering if you could use ann empowered quikened ennervation with both feats.
the plan is to use languor when i run out of spell like abilities and enervation when i get 4rth levlel spellslots, the rest i will metamagic my whay trugh it

i posted this on reddit, but since the pathfinder reddit is mearely accessory, while this forum is amazing and full of madlads i am going to copypaste that here together with the few tips i got

original post:
"i wanted to make a magus souldrinker, to be able to spam negative levels with weapon attacks. at 3rd level take the magus ability to use ranged spells with a melee weapon for enervation. before that i can use languor, negative levels are good. but the problem is i can't find the book with all the apocalittic boons.

also i was considering using a life drinker-weapon, but i don't know how to stop the negative levels exept going with a construct but i don't know if it is viable, like wyrwood or scout warforged(allowed by dm) if i go with a dex build, normal warforged for a str build, using adamantite palting with advanced construction at 1rst level

also i haven't played magus yet so is it better dex and weapon finesse or plain str build so stat allocation (20 points) advice is very good. if the construct thing isn't viable i think i would go with either a human(saber/rapier as main weapon) or half elf(katana with weapons of anchestors).

also what feats and traits are good, other than combat casting.

also what is the most convinienet order to take levels and are there any usefull archetypes? i was thinking to be more supportive i could go soulforger to craft items with my soulgems, but the reduced casting is a big bother"

they told me about the Vetala-Born dhampir, which sounds cool AF for a dex build, for the life-stealing weapon and that since i won't get that since later levels, my teammates will have plenty of things to remove them on the fly, and with ennervation i will inflict avarage 4 times the negative levels, so unless i fight somthing with 36 hd it will be fine. and that the fact that if you are a construct you can't heal for the first levels, but after that you become absurdly OP with the immunities, so i haven't understood if they are any good.

since the monstruosities i have seen on this forums i am going to add, i don't need full 10/10 optimization, just it to be viable and fun, more like a 7-8/10.

a build would be ideal, but only tips fine.

yukongil wrote:
what level? And can you convince the GM to let Mythic stuff in? I mean, if they REALLY want to break the game...

he was clear that the one thing not to do is mythic

glass wrote:
Sysryke wrote:
No big. Not sure what the harsh was, but we all have those moments. Thanks for the clarification and link. My group plays a lot of gestalt, but that must have been a house rule or misread that the original guys who into'd it to us passed along. Aside from saving a couple of feats invested, I wonder how much more powerful this makes certain combos.

I assumed as much (that it was a houserule that you either never knew was a houserule or had forgotten), but the way I originally phrased it could have been read as saying you were being deliberately deceptive. Which was very much not the intention, hence the edit. Anyway, it does bring up a good point: The way gestalt is presented is very much in a "guidelines for the GM" style, rather than tightly written rules, so it does invite houserules, or at least clarifications.

@OP, does your GM have a list of houserules/clarification for their particular vision of gestalt? That would be a useful thing to know about when advising you. For reference, this is what our group uses when doing gestalt:

** spoiler omitted **...

staring level 1 campain progresses untill we die or level 20 big bossfight and ending

scott willem
thank's for the very usefull advice! this seems very good.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Risas wrote:

Scott Wilhelm

wow that is the second craziest build without magic b#@##+*& i have seen
It's not quite a build yet, but I'll see about delivering on my boast.

on reddit another use suggested me a titanmauler/avenger build for improvized weapon Shikigami stile and vital stirke that lets me 24d6 with a normal vital strike and 48d6 with max vital strike, if i incorporate your build with this i am unstoppable i smash your shield and you explode ;-) and some fools told me i martials can't be op just becouse i can't pun-pun or painter wizard. haaaa the FOOOLS!

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Scott Wilhelm
wow that is the second craziest build without magic b~%*$%+* i have seen

VoodistMonk wrote:

I'm not sure how your gestalt works... but combining Swordsage and Warblade would only net you the faster progression of Maneuvers Known, Maneuvers Readied, and Stances Known. Since they are literally the same class feature, they don't stack, you would just use Swordsage's progression.

Other than that, combining Swordsage and Warblade does get you full BAB and all good saves. I am not overly familiar with either class, but I could see the combination being effective.

What do you want this character to do? Which weapon? Tactics?

gestalt works taking the better between the same but warblade and swordsage have a difference in their maneuvres so it would stak like a witch//mage spellcasting.

the main problem is that they run on different stats and i would have to scrifice some phisical stats for the 2 mentals.
weapons i'd go for two handed and medium armor for mobility and i would like to be fairly mobile around the battlefield

Oh, such a shame if we can't use 3.0 and 3.5 Feats! If your GM wants to break the game as much as possible, it might be worth asking him again for permission to use 3rd and 3.5 Edition Feats.

Seriously! I'm gonna show you a character whose Full Attack can destroy the planet!

After 3rd edition came out, there emerged something called the Open Source Gaming License, which is the legal basis for Pathfinder and all the 3rd party material. People also created other games using this d20 system adapting the same rules sets for Modern settings as well as Star Wars, Gamma World and other things.

No harm in asking. Your GM wants full crazy.

well... go on with the build then! no harm in asking i guess

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Risas wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Ohh, 3.5 stuff is allowed!

How hard and fast is your no-divine-magic? Normally, I think of my highest DPR-Full Attack build is my Druidzilla Build.

it is more of a concept denial, my character is an anarchist, and as such i wouldn't immagine him following a god (a very accurate depiction of what i want my character personality to be like is tecnoblade from the third arc in the dream smp) but i could reflair that powers to not come from a god, expetially with druid
So my Druidzilla build is not a bad starting place. I made her a Half Elf, but I guess the concept still works as a Human. She is also a Warpriest with the Lesser Blessing of Destruction, and she wanted a Natural Attack Deity, so that left Dahak, Golorion's Evil Dragon god of Destruction, but There's no reason why you can't just be a Druid/Warpriest that represents the destructive force of Nature in general. My Druidzilla Character's name is Hanna Luapele. Luapele is the Hawaiian word for volcano (according to Google), and Hanna is the name of a small town in Hawaii.

thank for the andvice

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Are 3rd Edition D&D character options/Feats allowed?

Are other d20 character options allowed? Before I wrote that sentence, I was thinking about D20 Modern Feats, but as I'm writing, I might as well ask for permission to wield d20 Star Wars Light Sabers...

So, there is a 3.5 Feat called Improved Trip, and there is a Pathfinder Feat called Improved Trip. There is a is a Pathfinder Feat called Greater Trip, and Improved Trip is a Prerequisite for Greater Trip. In the event of different Feats of the same name that exist in the different rules systems, how will that be adjudicated? Are they just different Feats of the same name? Can you take Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Improved Trip, and Greater Trip so that you get a +8 on Trip Attempts and get a Free Action attack and an Attack of Opportunity when you Trip them?

I'm going to put your DPR in the thousands at least.

the thing allawed from 3.5 are the classes and class related abilities (like maneuvres for initators) feats and spells are from pathfinder and 3 party

idk what is d20 so probably no

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Ohh, 3.5 stuff is allowed!

How hard and fast is your no-divine-magic? Normally, I think of my highest DPR-Full Attack build is my Druidzilla Build.

it is more of a concept denial, my character is an anarchist, and as such i wouldn't immagine him following a god (a very accurate depiction of what i want my character personality to be like is tecnoblade from the third arc in the dream smp) but i could reflair that powers to not come from a god, expetially with druid

i am going in a 25 point buy gestalst game and we were instructed to try and brake the game as mutch as possible with our build and since i am bad at making builds i am asking to you.
i have a concept but don't know what classes, feats and traits to use to obtain the best out of it

1 CN human
2 melee tank/dpr no preferences on dex or str fighting
3 low cha and no divine magic
4 i would like 1 class/archetipe from warpath (warblade and swordsage from 3.5 included) preferebly both

it is an experimental game with evrithing allawed from 3.5 an third party stuff
any advice is good enough thanks

I know i am not the First to ask this but i Will Do It regardless. I have seen a concept that seems Amazing to me, i alredy asked the dm about evry permission etc. The caracter wants to become a God and to male già attacks feel stronger i reskin its punces as him flicking a finger to Attack but i was thinking what Is the best way to boost damage? Should i go for a scaled fist unmonk? A browler? For the race i was thinking angelkin aasimar with an halo becouse It fits a lot but for the multiclass and feets i dont know i have seen things likes pala/unmonk/magus/Oracle multiclass but i am not 100% Shure its the best way
(The Attack dose not Need to be only one but i dont know if leaving hevy armor for extra attacks Is convinient)