
RisaMelima's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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anchor root!!! <3

I don't know what they expect. They aren't mercenaries who are there for fame and glory. They are just people who are trying to defend their home town, right?
Additionally, the town simply doesn't have large amounts of money!

And since y'all are entering winter now, there is the whole theme around resource scarcity and a literal danger that some people might die of starvation, if there's just not enough food.

If they still want "rewards" then I'd suggest adding some items that have high monetary value but no functional use to the party and let them sell those to Shinzo. Things like art objects that can be found somewhere where it makes sense, or perhaps magic items that are useful mostly for classes that aren't in the party? Just an idea.

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now here's a school book i'm excited about!

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This is looking real interesting!
Might run this with my current Wildwood crew once that's done ^^

Belial__ wrote:
5th level to...?


it's here!!! :D

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super excited for that stream on saturday!

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Kaliac wrote:
Spamotron wrote:
Kaliac wrote:

Anyone know what time (and timezone) the PDF actually releases?

It's Wednesday the 22nd for me! But clearly I'm in the wrong timezone.

I believe the PDFs are unlocked manually when the Paizo staff enters the office. I think they open at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Aw :(

I hope that's not the case.

it's available now!

i believe it's midnight in Paizo time rn

CorvusMask wrote:
Sidenote, this has highest amount of civilian casualties I've seen in a while if you keep messing up.

Yeah, I love that there are very defined consequences! Hope they keep that up for parts 2 and 3!

Side-sidenote: It sure was interesting to read the 1st chapter like "haha, the bees are going wild for the super pollen, what do you mean CASUALTY SCORE?!?!?!" And then all the failure entries for chapter 2! Life is tough in the forest! Good job Andrew White!

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Super excited for this one!

Loved the trailer too! Dunno why people on reddit are complaining about it. I think Rue did an amazing job ^^

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Can't wait to go absolutely feral in late May!