Out of curiosity, why is one (or two) of your players mythic while the rest aren't?
The way i'm doing Mythic in my game doesn't always give everyone the Mythic bump. Its something to be earned individually and with a bit of roleplay, as a reward for destroying certain magical artifacts from ancient times, as a reward for defeating a particularly nasty foe. Such as Xanesha.
Although, defeating a foe like Xanesha would net all party members involved with mythical power and I might auto conclude a trial for those already Mythic.
The APL unevenness isn't that big a deal for me; basing their combat ability on previous fights I know for a fact that they can handle a Cr of +1 to any encounter without to much trouble; basically just who goes first wins mostly.
So my group is very close to getting to Xanesha. As such I'm a bit torn as to how to handle the fight.
I've reviewed the pre pathfinder rules version of her, and the new anniversary edition which I am running. When they get to her my PCs will all be level 7. The group is pretty well rounded with a Fighter, Wizard, Witch ( healer ), and Gunslinger. Those are the main 4 pc's but sometimes two others join depending on work schedules. The Fighter is mythic tier 1. He has a very high bonus to hit.
Something like +17/+12 or so, and a decent AC of 24 without temporary magical buffs. He has the Mythical power that allows him to not critically miss. Basically most random encounters and cannon fodder minions die within one cleave action during most combats. The others can be deadly also but the fighter is the main threat, as it should be I suppose.
Anyway I was reviewing the mythic rules for Lamia Matriarchs and the errata for Xanesha posted on here and I'm considering making her mythic. From this she will gain max HP, +2 general ac bump, tail slap natural attack with grab and constrict special combat maneuver with her tail. She can use mythic power 3/day either a surge +1d6 or an extra standard action.
I haven't increased her dmg or her bonus to hit, or changed her spells ( except where noted for the errata ). So no Mage Armor and Shield buff's. Her current... AC 27, TC 18 FF 20. Which I think is decent enough for this group, but I don't wanna make her a chump as she is not supposed to be one like Ironbriar and his cannon fodder cultists.
I should note that 1 of the 2 floating players is a 7th level War-priest, Mythic 1. The other is a rogue/barbarian. If all 6 pc's attend for her fight. I'm fairly positive i'll need to bump her slightly as she is only a cr 8 considering her rogue level is not in line with her monster role. So giving her this bump seems like a cr +1 to me putting her back at CR 9.
So with a group of 4, 7th level pc's one ( Fighter ) of which is Mythic and possibly 2 more, 1 of which is Mythic ( Cleric ), do y'all think she needs a bump? Or should i change it up and not give her the tail slap and instead give her a actual mythic tier 2 as if she was a pc?
So my players surprised me with some of their ideas tonight. First off they have squashed my mob attack on Orik and Tstuto idea by bribing the Scarni to not only call off those they have been egging on, but hiring some Magnimar mercenary's to reinforce the trials security. They also have been regularly checking in with the prisoners to make sure they are not dead and are In fact secure. Between all of this, their good standing in the town and various diplomacy checks have calmed the town down and convinced people that the good of the towns future is better than simply blood.
Now I already know that Ironbriar wants Tsuto dead, because he 'might' reveal something that could lead to the brotherhood or himself. However he could also use him, to terrorize the pcs if freed.. nah. Its fairly likely they will decide that Tsuto deserves death and will be executed, by the vibe I'm getting from the group. The pcs are feeling out the nobles attending as jury and the witch in the group has convinced two of them to ad least spare Oriks life, if not his jail sentence. They all pretty much think Tsuto should die.
However, they are actually speaking out for orik a lot more than i thought they would and I'm feeling the Blackarrow life sentence is far more likely now. However justice Ironbriar has arrive and has informed them that his criminal record in riddle port requires a secondary trial in Magnimar and then possibly being sent to Riddleport for prison time.
I just really don't see a way out of this for him other than life in the Blackarrows...
however I kinda want to have an assassination attempt on Tsuto, but i'm unsure who to have do it. A local towns person? one of Alderns Ghouls.. nah. hm... I know Ironbriar could 'call in' a favor for a shape-shifting assassin.. but I dunno!
Anyway, as far as the -Trial by Combat- goes I think Tsuto might call for it, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense, in a way. Given that the months are named after the gods, good or bad, the fact that there are a ton of churches in magnimar, official or otherwise, I think that the culture for such a thing is present. Tsuto could demand a trial by combat because of his noble blood, despite being a bastard to Longjitsu, his mother was noble. Ironbriar wants him to die, so why wouldn't he let him fight someone who he thinks can obviously defeat him?
One of my pcs is romantically interested in Ameiko and I think he would do it.
I'm using choppers isle to slowly take them into the Skinshaw murders, i'm going to have a group of ghouls, dressed as the Sandpoint killer Stoot, terrorize the town at night for 3 days until the trial starts. This will be the 'hitch' that happens before the trial and the pcs need to stop the threat of these murders before the trial starts. These ghouls can easily rack up a body count from greedy people in Sandpoint.
Latrecis, that is a awesome idea. I was struggling with how to get this to happen without my pcs raging over how that isn't a law or something. but with Magnimars legal code being shrouded in mystery I guess its up to the Justices what your punishment really is. Life as a gladiator is basically a death sentence. As I understand it Magnimar, doesn't allow fights to the death in said arena, or ad least doesn't allow them very often. I'd have to re read the text for the arena you are mentioning but i thought that's how it was.
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it more. If Tsuto called for a champion, Orik is probably the only person who would stand for him. Orik hates Tsutu but he doesn't really want to die, or to be sent to the Hells. He feels he got jibbed into this situation, and after explaining his situation to the pc's they are pretty much unsympathetic to his blight, so really his only way out is Trial by combat as someones Champion.
As he isn't a noble at all, I cant see him getting a chance to fight for his own life. So.. maybe he would stand as Tsutos champion if it meant he could get a lesser sentence. Perhaps life in the Company of the Black Arrow, or in the arena. Also Oriks past crimes will come out during the trial and a witness may even be called; I was thinking the Tiefling he as in love with, or maybe someone from the alchemists family in riddleport.
Hm, yes I suppose it wouldn't make much sense given the context, for Tsuto to call Orik as his champion. Also for his crimes his punishment is pretty much either death or life in the hells. If he actually won.. I guess he would be acquitted of the charges and set free. As to who would fight him? Wel his sister might, or one of the pcs might.
Well I just watched last nights game of thrones episode and I feel absolutely inspired to plagiarize. In my game, my pc's have capture Tsuto and Orik, and are going to have a trial in Sandpoint. I think now, that during the proceedings i'd like for Tsuto, who is obviously guilty, to demand a trial by combat.
The judge is Justice Ironbriar, and honestly, the judge wants him to die because he may actually know something linking him and the goings ons. However he is a Justice and this is a 'public' trial with the jury being comprised of 1 representative from each of Sandpoint's noble families, including Ameiko Kaijitsu, Mayor Deverin, Ethram Valdemar and Titus Scarnetti.
So basically I'm curious if Tsuto can do this, he is a noble technically isn't he? Even if he is a bastard, doesn't he have that right? I know magnimars legal code is confusing or vague unlike Korvosa's, but magnimar was founded on ideals of freedom from chelish laws. So I imagine trial by combat in the face and judgement of the gods should be something applicable to the law.
Your thoughts on this?
Secondly, Orik is also on trial, however he isn't a noble but i'm curious if Tsuto could call him as his champion? It would seem Orik couldn't be called because he is also on trial, however I could see them allowing it because his judgement could be death anyway.
I've given my players this tid bit of information. Also, I've conjured up a Pathfinder agent to send to the town. His name is Oliver Brash. Making this guy and his story is a experience in creating content for me as a Dm, so thank you for the suggestions about what pathfinder to use but I guess i'm going with this one!
Tid bit-
Tsuto and Orik were not slain and will stand trial next week on 4707 Ar Lamashan, Oathday. 9 days from the last in game day. You all have 9 days of downtime to use before the date of the trial.
Word has been sent to Magnimar of their capture and in response to the Mayors and Sheriff's exercising of their legal rights to hold the trial in Sandpoint, because of the egregious nature of the crimes and imminent danger of Nulias plans, have sent a Justice to stand as Judge for the proceedings.
The ceremony shall be organized thus. His Lordship Justice Ironbriar of Magnimar shall preside as the judge. Sheriff Belor Hemlock shall stand as Bailiff to the proceedings. Mayor Kendra Deverin, Ameiko Kaijitsu, Titus Scarnetti and Ethram Valdemar are to stand as the Jury. You are all told that you may be called as material witnesses for this trial.
Word also arrives via messenger that the Pathfinders have received Sandpoints message about the ruins and are sending a agent to investigate their authenticity.
They deny your request for a peace keeping force of any size to assist in the towns defense. They remind you that they are not a Humanitarian organization, despite the many good works their agents have had hands in. Their primary concern is cataloging history accurately, cataloging historical items for display in museums and education, and securing them if necessary to prevent their continued use if they are deemed to dangerous.
thats what i told them aswell S'mon. The Pathfinders are not Green Peace, or a police force. I was going to invent a indian jones inspired pathfinder agent to insert.
Edit: unless there is already one such agent in magnimar at this time, if you know of one please let me know!
Alright, my pcs have chosen to not destroy the Minor Runewell under Sandpoint. First off they failed their checks by more than ten, so I couldn't give them much of anything really. However they came back a level later, retried their knowledge checks and found out that it can create Sinspawn and possibly be destroyed by boiling holy water in its basin for 24 hours. While the construction of this device and the magics used in its creation remain a mystery to them they spoke to the mayor and she in turn contacted the Pathfinder society on their behalf.
They want to basically offer the ruins up to the pathfinders archaeological personnel or whatever. They have now cleared Thistletop and also want to offer it to the pathfinders. Its been 3 days since sending the message via courier to the Magnimarian Pathfinder lodge. So at this point i'm curious as to how to handle this situation.
They are also hoping that the Pathfinders will simply protect the town from the threat of the Minor Runewell, via their presence and security. Honestly though without someone to use the well, no Sinspawn are being created and so its just sitting their being studied by Brodern and Ilsoari Gandethus, who they took down their for assistance in studying it.
They had Father Zantus, escorted by Gaven Deverin come down to the catacombs to un-consecrate the alter for Lamashtu. The Mayor, and Father Zantus voted to have it destroyed but after no one could figure out how, they sent word to the pathfinders. They eventually found out next level how to destroy it. However they are unsure if they should, as it isn't doing anything without someone using it.
I'm really not sure how to handle it honestly. It seems like a cool idea though. Any advice?
Orik also survived and was captured in my game. They turned him over to the Sheriff. He also is more sympathetic than just how he is presented in the book. They questioned him and found him to be honorable despite his association with Nulia.
My pcs just finished Burnt Offerings and I have decided to have the initial trial in Sandpoint. Depending on how it goes, he may be tried in Magnimar, but they want to have the trial and sentencing here in Sandpoint. I know there is a lot of reasons to have the trial in Magnimar, but if Sandpoint ever wants to be taken seriously as a town, to the larger towns and what not its going to need a record of being able to meet out some justice with a council or authority of its own.
I like the sentenced to life as a Blackarrow idea Twowolves, and I'm putting that on the table as a option. The other options are death, sent to Magnimar for 'proper' trial which is likely to lead to a sentence in the Hells or become a unpaid townguard to Sandpoint for Life.
I'm going to say that because of the immanent danger presented by Nulia and her plans that the Mayor and the Sheriff exercise their legal rights via being the speakers for the aggrieved town, to hold the trial in the Sandpoint's Town hall.
The Pc's will be called in to be material witnesses. I have the mayor, the sheriff, and 3 undecided seats. I'm probably going to go with.. two Noble born npcs in the town to represent the major players and maybe a random npc that the townsfolk have a liking for. So the Nobles don't appear to 'not care' about their common fellows opinions. Appearances are everything.
What specific day on the calendar does the swallowtail festival take place?
The first day of autumn, Rova 22nd or 23rd (Sep. 22nd or 23rd), depending on the year.
it would be the festival featured in RotRL. I was trying to pin it down, but couldn't figure the calender out, even with the inner sea guide infront of me i'm confused, lol.
It should go without saying that this thread, and the post there in contain spoilers for this adventure, but seeing as there is no spoiler tag posted, if your a pc in RotRL, DO NOT read my post as it contains spoilers, of course if you've already cleared Thistletop, then it doesn't matter much.
** spoiler omitted **...
I think there's a middle ground to be found, though it can be dicey to find. In general pc's resting in "the middle of the dungeon/hostile territory" should be discouraged.
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more spoilers
Movie plot spoiler:
They defeated Gogmurt and his goblins, but Gogmurt warned Ripnugget via his animal messenger spell. The pcs rested in Gogmurts lair till 6am or so the next day. So Ripnugget has known for almost.. 10 hrs that adventurers are here. Gogmurt never came back to report, he assumes he is dead or gone. Either way he knows their coming, the 'alarm' is raised.
They did not disarm the bridge trap, Two of the pcs moved acrossed the bridge, after about 30 ft into the 60 ft length of the bridge the goblins in the watch towers spot them and below a warning to the guards, also on alert, in the courtyard below. The bridge goes out after two of the pcs make it acrossed, the fighter almost falls to his death but grabs ahold of the bridge and shimmys acrossed during combat. The gunslinger also shimmys acrossed slowly behind the tank.
After killing all the goblins atking them. They scaled the walls, killed all resistance that met them, including a surprise atk from goblins dropping from the rafters I added in. When they got to Ripnugget, their resources were depleted aside from 3 healing potions. They killed Ripnugget and his commandows in about 4 rounds or so, despite the hdieous laughter from the warchanter hitting the tank and ripnugget critting him on a spirited charge. They all lived, though it could have gone either way.
They explored the entire top level of thistletop, deduced that they are tough enough to handle whatever they have faced thus far, so they barricaded themselvs into rest. I didn't ask them, why they were deciding to do this, I just repeatedly asked them if they were resting here, or going back acrossed the bridge to rest. They choose to bunker down.
I agree with Latrecis, however following his advice, i cannot possibly see how any of your pcs have good alignments. They don't need to be evil to be arrogant and brash and completely pig headed, but that doesn't fall in line with good alignments either. I'd suggest, having them REREAD their alignment descriptions, make the pcs ask themselves if this really fits with their alignment.
If at that point they still continue to act this way towards npcs in general, then they should constantly be having rp issues in every town and rest stop they go to. It should be a MAJOR hurtle for them to overcome, because it seems to me they have no trouble killing things and trying to force their way around, but against npcs like the Lord Mayor of Magnimar and others, this is a horrible idea. There are NPC in Magnimar who are of a higher level than the pcs, and the Mayor most definitely would call in whatever favor he has to, to get aid that can effectively fight the pcs.
Magnimar isn't a very friendly place honestly. Most of the guards there are almost entirely corrupt and would gladly sell the Pc's out to a local gang of thugs or one of the many cults hidden within its borders. There are lots of ways to handle a group of players who act arrogant and brash.
It should go without saying that this thread, and the post there in contain spoilers for this adventure, but seeing as there is no spoiler tag posted, if your a pc in RotRL, DO NOT read my post as it contains spoilers, of course if you've already cleared Thistletop, then it doesn't matter much.
Spoiler for burnt offerings:
I'm not trying to hijack your thread, but my players are dang near right where yours are Beek. My characters just did this as well. They have killed Ripnugget and all the goblins on the first level, and now have barricaded themselves inside Ripnuggets bedroom to rest.
They wedged the round table against one door leading to stairway #2, and dragged Ripnuggets throne to the door leading to the courtyard, from stairway #1. So they have effectively placed a barrier that the bad guys can get through, but doing so is likely to alert them. I'd say dc 18 perception to note the doors being bashed down, whilst hiding inside Ripnuggets bedroom with additional barricades placed against his bedroom door from the inside, more so for sleeping pcs obviously.
Gogmurt warned Ripnugget via his animal messenger spell almost right after the pcs entered Thistletop because they started making noise and attracted nearby goblins.
I don't want to be a dick and not let them rest, they almost died on the bridge as the goblins dropped it almost killing their tank; stranded their gunslinger on the other side of the bridge and effectively trapped them in the courtyard for the entire first battle ( the door was barred, failed all their str checks and no rogue ) whilst pelting them with spears from the goblins watchtowers. I almost killed them right there.
They eventually killed all the goblins attacking them in the courtyard, and scaled the walls to the roof and then the courtyard.
They almost died again during the fight with Ripnugget.. I'm fairly positive that if I attack them with Nulia, and the whole gang, they will die. I'm unsure what to do.
I've read the posts linked here, and I can already see that there is just no way they are going to get to rest peacefully. I really don't wanna TPK them, lol.
But Orik and Big B are going to come investigate, and if they retreat after being wounded somewhat, I don't see any reason while Nualia would just sit down there and wait for them, why wouldn't she get her Yeth hounds and go atk them with what allies she still has? Right?
To have less of a headache, and keep it more towards the rules. I've adjusted it significantly. Although still powerful, its more in line with the normal rules and is easier to assign a value to.
Thirst N Cursed, Intelligent +1 Longsword. - 2315 gp
Telepathy with Bearer at will - 1000 gp
Cast Unseen Servant 3/day - 1200 gp
Cast Darkvision 1/day - 2400 gp
Cast Vampiric Touch 1/day - 6,000 gp
Caster level 5th
Senses 30ft, Dark vision, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10. - 3000 gp
Languages known Common, Shadowtongue, Thassalonian.
Total GP value is 15,915. Wielding this weapon increases the owners cr by +1. Ego +8.
Requirements of use.
-If drawn, you must draw blood with it, from a living creature, before it can be sheathed or swapped for another weapon.
-You must taste the blood of your fallen foe, if able.
-Thirsts Magical powers do not function if you, or it are in direct contact with sunlight.
Boons for meeting the requirements.
-You gain Regeneration 1 for 1 minute if you taste the blood of a fallen enemy you have personally killed. This is a SP effect.
-If you critically hit your target, and your target has blood, you heal 1d8 points of dmg. This is a SP effect.
-Thirst was a Wizard in life, and in un-life before becoming what he was now, if you feed him he may offer knowledge of things long past.
1 point of Con for a knowledge check, unless you have fed it recently with ad-least 20 hp worth of dmg dealt to a foe who bleeds.
Alright you all know the Red Crystal sword, in the Catacombs of Wrath? Well for some reason, I just freaking love that thing. I love it so much in fact that I've transformed it into a intelligent legendary weapon.
I call it Thirst and the rogue in my party is using it. First off, I gave him a will save of dc 16 to not be cursed. He rolled a 4 or something like that.
Anyway.... this group was originally built with a fluctuating schedule in mind that would basically have 2 or more players coming in and out of the AP as their work schedules allowed. I was ok with this, because i'm not even using exp, i'm just telling people when they level up or using the three point system, mainly just telling them when they level. This leaves the group without a dedicated healer though.
Whats more is that the player controlling the cleric has left the group, so they no longer have a healer. The witch in the group can heal a little, but not much. I've offset this with more loot, they have had to spend much of that extra loot on healing items.
So I wanted to give one of them a way to 'heal' themselves in battle, not all the time but somewhat consistently. And not so much that it would always help, but at low levels it should help a bit.
Thirst has some flavor text, and a story I've not even got entirely detailed out yet. The sword can read Thassalonian, Shadowtounge and common. It can Read Magic also and has 3 knowledge skills with a plus 10 modifier; History, Arcana, Planes. I was hoping this sword can act as a back up knowledge checker if they get themselves stuck on the Ap's clues or something, or just can't figure something out and just need a little push to help them.
Its basic ability is that it deals 1d6 bleed dmg per successful hit. This dmg doesn't cause 'normal' bleed dmg, that ticks every round, but rather just 'drinks' a bit of extra blood from wounds it makes.
I don't really like the normal Intelligent item rules or cursed item rules so i wanted something different. The sword is true neutral, despite its appetite for blood, and does not encourage actions in one direction or another.
It simply laughs softly at its wielder or his party members when they do stupid things and will give knowledge in exchange for feeding it, lol. All it wants is to be fed on a regular basis.
It has, etched into its length the following script in Thassalonian
"Let all who hold this blade know the true weight of blood and responsibility."
Anyway I wrote this in. Every time it deals bleed dmg, it absorbs that blood into a pool of 0/25 points. Every 5 points marks a tier.
1-5 Starving, causes a 50% chance of going berserk every hr. -3 STR
6-10 Very hungry causes -2 STR
11-15 Peckish +1 NA
16-20 Full +1 STR, Access to special atk.
21-25 Stuffed +1 DEX +2 NA ( 2 total, not 3 )
Special Atk : 1/day while in Tier 4 or 5 ( 16-25 ) Thirst can, on a successful melee hit, instead drain a targets life blood from any open wound. DC18 Fort; 10+ego (8) Failure means 1d6 con drain to the target.
Note: If you starve thirst to its final stage and no one else is around to feed on, Thirst will use this power on you. You get a -2 to the Fort save if this happens.
-I'm not sure if using this ability should drain blood from the blood pool, or fill it up. Right now its, 1 con point means 5 bloop points. 1/day felt like a infrequent enough time frame to not have him using it consistently on monsters and other enemies.
Special: If Thirst is completely full, additional blood absorbed heals you as if by fast healing for the amount absorbed. Ex. if Thirst is at 25/25 Blood points, your next bleed dmg is instead added to your HP, this cannot raise your HP above its maximum.
I'm unsure how to mark the use of blood as time passes. At first, I thought -1 blood point every hr but then the CN rogue almost gutted a kid from Tarandok Academy because they were easy targets, lol. However he is a somewhat new dnd player, and I think that was really just him experimenting with what is ok and not ok in the game or at my table.
I'd of let him do it, although i'd have said if he does something like this again, his alignment would be force one step towards evil. CE is the only alignment I don't allow. So now i'm thinking of adjusting it to make it less of a issue.
Your thoughts? Feel free to tell me i'm nuts. The good news is my players are not whiners about my modifying things, after I have time to ruminate over how I truly want something to work. I generally explain that Dming is a learning process, and i'm not a politician, so it isn't flip flopping.
Good points both of you. However the more I look at this idea the more I like it. He has further detailed that he was found by a dwarven Pathfinder, who then proceeded to raise him as a cleric of a dwarven deity. BTW he was frozen when he was 17 years old. So as a young adult, give or take 10,000 years, he was saved and raised into this new world in the care of dwarfs.
Digital Mystic your right about him knowing next to nothing about the empire. I was thinking that all he knows about it are stories his ancestors passed down by the fire side. The actual knowledge he would be able to share would be as follows.
Q: So how big was the Thassalonian Empire
A: How should I know, I never went near it. All i knew was we never went further south than ______ ( some geographical marker ). Everyone knows that if you go past that, you are to close.
Q: What was thassalon like?
A: They had a big army, lots of slaves, and were not interested in being friends to my people. We were forced far to the north simply to escape their way of life. I wasn't born during those times. I lived in the frozen wastes my entire life. What i was told about them is that their culture eliminated the possibility for a man to live honorably. You were a slave one way or another, never truly free. Even if you found a honorable lord to serve, hardly any of the others were and it was just like shoveling #$%@ against the tide. But again, I never live there.
A: The only ancients truths i know are these..
To battle and victory!
I think you have to have the Tatto. Thassilon and its mages were basically blood mages from Dragon Age, in that their culture and their magic is focused around sacrifices to cause effect. Obviously they arn't making that sacrifice, so their slaves got branded / tattoo'd and their souls /blood/life energy/whatever used.
This post contains spoilers, if your a pc in Rise of the Runelords, please don't read it.
Alright, one of my new pcs, is going to be coming into my main group just before or after they finish thistletop. He has this very interesting idea i'd like to detail and work out, rather than leave vague.
He wants to be a barbarian tribesmen from the far north. His tribe lived during the same time as Ancient Thassilon. My questions are these.
10000 years ago when the country was at its peak, how big was the actual empire ( where were its borders ), and could there have been a tribe of viking type barbarians who lived far north on Avastian, to avoid being enslaved. I imagine it would be the ancestral Ulfen but i'm unsure of exactly who lived in that area back then.
His hunting group was out tracking some prey, when they began to be stalked, and then killed by a Ice Linnorm. It tore his hunting group in half driving him and his fellows deeper into the frozen wastes until finally they were cornered in a valley. Making a last stand they prepared for their deaths. The battle was hard and viscous but the dragon was laid low by a final and lucky blow from the pc in question.
The rest of his party was dead and as he knelt over their bodies to mourn their loss he heard something behind him... Just as he turns, battleaxe in hand, the Dragons last action was to unleash its breath on him. Freezing him in place, the surprise of it plane upon his face. The dragon died roaring its protest, but ultimately the pc won. So he was found several years before the game starts, and has lived in the 'modern' world of Golarion for about 30 years now.
I know the ice breath goes away eventually.. but you know.. this is awesome, lol. My RotRL game is going to include mythic levels though so perhaps this dragon was mythic and that's why its ice ooze breath never went away? Seems like a cool idea anyway.
My other question is what would he know about ancient thassilon? I told him, he lived in fear of the Seven pointed star, its army of giants and slaves. There is no fighting them, all you can do is simply not live near their influence, or in places they don't want to live.