Royster McCleagh

Ricardo Bolas's page

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Darche Schneider wrote:

His Full BAB vs her 3/4 BAB = Every four levels she's down one point vs him.

This is based on what exactly? Why has the "SMASH!" first ask questions later character got more martial skill than the one with years of martial training?

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As a GM: Being fluent in the setting and knowing your players is worth more than several hours of prep per session. With enough of the aforementioned, you can run a session with no more prep than a five word plotseed.

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I'd let a player who wants to become a lich/vampire/whatever know that I wouldn't allow a PC to be a lich/vampire/whatever unless they immediately became an npc in the same vein as if they retired their character due to them achieving their adventuring goals.

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wraithstrike wrote:

I have known people in real who try to be suave and fail at it. I just see it like that.

At my table it would not be a problem because when it mattered, and he had to roll he would likely fail.

That's fine, and I agree with you, but that's when "that guy" gets mad at not being allowed to "just win coz meh rp".

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Casters are too much bookkeeping and effort.

Martials can't do anything.

They both suck.

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Jimmy Fiddle wrote:
Drowning. Damn it is hard to drown. You can hold your breath for AGES

Should be more things that can make you lose a round of breath. Maybe you need to make a concentration (or similar since that's a caster thing) check if there's something highly distracting going on else you lose a round of breath.