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Thanks guys, that's pretty much how I have been dealing with him. He gets upset like I am picking on him but if I don't address it it will eventually be a problem

I have a player who plays in another game and his gm allows all kinds of weird stuff. Example being able to move 5 feet cast heal then finish off with 25 feet of movement, this leads to wasted game time looking up rules and arguing. How would you handle these moments?

i have horrible luck with dice, i have at least 20 sets and it doesn't matter if i use mine or someone elses. i actually just rolled 10 twenty siders and only 1 roll was over a 10 (14)

i would show up every session get drunk and play a rogue with a lisp ( which i would talk in all night) that is blatantly homosexual and hits on the party members and has a love for flashy outfits, i would spend lots of game time shopping for fancy clothes and i would give him a new alias every 15 minutes or so. if i get lucky the dm kicks me out of his group and i don't have to deal with douche bag dm anymore.

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my favorite character name was my barbarian Earnhardt of the dale

Drogon wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
Drogon wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
And even being owned by Habro, D&D stuff isn't getting into big box stores. Not in any notable quantity at least.
Sure it is. Next time you go to Target, Borders, or Barnes & Noble, look for the Essentials line.
Book stores don't count. They already had a number of at least D&D books for years. Every find any D&D books or miniatures in Target or Wal-Mart? Anywhere?

I have a personal policy of not setting foot inside a Wal-Mart, so I can't answer that. But, yes, you can find it at Target.

Now, why don't Borders and Barnes & Noble count? They are the definition of "Big Box" when it comes to books and games. They are an enormous player in the hobby game industry, even if their staff has no idea. I can point to numerous games that sold incredibly well in my store until one day appearing at one of those stores. At that very moment, sales on that product stopped being "automatic" and we had to start competing.

where do you live that target carries roleplaying games in store?

i always just assume the monks in my games are priests who use a variation of oriental style combat. i don't figure them to be oriental or they would have a race requirement and that would require a new race or subrace to be created. not to mention a far off eastern continent, in 1st edition that worked cuz everything was hack and slash and dungeon crawls barely held together as a campaign.nobody cared about where your character came from. but if i was gonna give them a race requirement it would be mutant turtles

detroit and cleveland are very similar, we had lots of people and lots of blue-collar jobs that paid well to high school educated people. then the jobs left and none of us want to or are smart enough to retrain. then the states put laws in to effect to scare away businesses that might want to come. cleveland went from being the 4th (i think) largest city in america to now having around 450,000 people in it. the only difference is detroit's sky is four different colors (none are blue ) and now thanks to albuqurkee ( you figure out how to spell it) detroit is no longer the murder capital of the world! that's at least a step in the right direction, oh yeah go browns and lions

tell your players that the first 5 to buy the book get to stay, having one book for a party of 6 let alone 11 is ridiculous! or you could split into 2 groups and have them alternate weeks.

back in the 70's when d and d came out it was played by geeks who wanted to be conan or some other cool adventurer type that had scores of women after them. first you had to be smart to figure out all the math and you had to have plenty of time to prep for games, it is a boys club cuz its uncomfortable even in game terms to say or describe certain things in front of someone's wife or girlfriend.pretty much if you had a girlfriend you weren't gonna be playing ,you were drinking beer and driving around in yer sweet firebird.

if you think he cheated then just start a new campaign with fresh characters that are rolled up at the gaming table, in general people who cheat stats will also cheat hit points, have extra or just the right spell, or equipment that the party needs all of the sudden.

backwards compatability works great, it just means that you have to put a little work in. i use 3 and 3.5 modules all the time, it takes about an hour tops to tweek them. you can also use classes from splatbooks with a little work. i guess it all depends on how much time you want to put into doing conversions and upgrades

make the player start over at 1st level with their new character and i bet they love their paladin again. once one player changes the others will feel cheated if they are not given the same opportunity, so if you wanna run a game where you cant do any prep work cuz you never know what characters are gonna be there, then let he players change. think how much fun it will be in three weeks when they get tired of getting whooped and all switch to barbarians!

does anyone else think this show would be way cooler if they skipped all the lame back at camp parts and focused solely on the i'm in atlanta kickin ass parts? and i also think this series would have been better if it followed daryl and merl instead of rick, i don't so much as dislike the character of rick as much as i dislike the actor who plays him

198 always start to take your turn before the dm can tell the group whose turn itactually is.

199 make a character that is already a famous character, conan, drizzt,etc.

5 men sit at a table covered in strange instruments,, they are all dressed in plaid. perception reveals them to be members of the famous bardic group known as the ten singing rangers

i wonder if a class that gave magical powers based off what the character eats would be fun to play? you know like youeat some cockatrice and then cast stinking cloud out of your butt

so perhaps a familiar like goldfish that give waterbreathing until you go so they are easy to carry and eat

i would say that only evil aligned characters would be able to do this, maybe any non-good. i would give the wizard the power that the familiar brought to the wizard as a permanent enhancement at a cost of the familiar's hit points permanently lost.

i chose pathfinder cuz i have tons of 3 and 3.5 stuff, and since pathfinder is basically 3.75 it makes sense to play. i can easily update my current books to pathfinder. i tried 4e and didn't find it to be my cup of tea. so in a nutshell when i play pathfinder i am basically playing like i did when i added the fiend folio and unearthed arcana to first edition. its 3 with upgrades.

Wander Weir wrote:

I really dislike the cliche beginning, "You're all sitting in a tavern..." myself. I've never run a game using that concept and I don't intend to unless I figure out a really interesting twist to it.

I prefer to start all characters for my campaigns with really thought out backgrounds. I work with the players to create an indepth history, examining personalities and motivations and working on weaving the characters together through that. Sometimes the PCs will have relationships that already exist at the beginning of the game, or they'll have a lot of background material that'll help to bind them together. Similar motivations, and the like.

Then I like to throw them right into the game. I usually write up an introduction for them to read while I'm setting up the table and then when I'm ready and they've gone through the introductions we hit the ground running. It's not always combat but something is always happening and usually dice are rolled as soon as they get to the end of their write-ups.

i like the old tavern bit, where's the first place every party goes when they get into town? that's right the tavern. you just gotta make each one cool and unique, somebody should make a cool tavern and inns book

the texas chainsaw poodle massacre

though i don't call it handy items i have always just assumed that a wizard's favorite wand is tucked into his belt for easy use and use the same rules that apply to fighters pulling a sword, if you have base +1 then you can pull the wand as part of a move action. you'll need the quickdraw feat to make it a free action, i would also allow this with potions as i describe them as small vials.

dm fudging happens, i will neither confirm nor deny that i have fudged, and if i ever did, and let me be clear on this, i am not admitting to anything, i would never tell my players that i did it. it would ruin their belief that they are in control of their character and would take the fear of death away from their decission making. so i am neither for or against said actions.

1. God of War 3
2. God of War 2
3. God of War 1

there are no other games with this level of awesomeness in them

since its an apartment and not a house that you have a mortage on why don't you just move and tell the landlord to stick his disaster of an apartment up his butt? 2 leaks of the manitude you're talking about and i'd have been gone. of course if you can see the eiffle tower and the grand canyon from the place then you might wanna stay

if i want goblins that can breathe fire and jump 30 feet in the air i'm gonna have them! if i want a wizard that wields two tree branches and casts spells out of his nose i will have it! GM has ultimate power and RAW means nothing when coming up with cool NPC enemies to fight. so... if i want a fighter with an eyepatch that can shoot an apple off a dwarfs head at 500 yards i will have it!!!!

i like rolling 4d6 drop lowest, reroll 1's, when i use this i put them in order and then make a character based on what i got,

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
If I were Bud Selig, I would've overrode that call in a heartbeat. It's ridiculous that a young pitcher missed his chance at history because of a stupid, blown call. Baseball needs instant replay. You know, to make it slower.

baseball games need to be at least 4 hours long so i can drink some more 8 dollar beers and listen to my kid yell for more cotton candy. no one should be allowed out of the park until they have spent at least 200 dollars. this reminds me of the movie brewster's million, or whatever it was called, brewster should of went to a ballgame. money gone in one day.

i don't think you need minion rules cuz any monster can have 1 HP if you choose it to, want 50 goblins to assist your big baddie? give em 1 HP each. i give them each 4 HPs but its the same concept as minions without printing up a bunch of stuff in the monster book that will cost us cash and reduce the total number of monsters in the book.GM controls XP value so if you don't want to reward for killing the big baddies little pals, then don't.

generally i leave all my monster books on the coffee table cuz they are fun to look at, and the best way to let people see D & D stuff in your home, thus helping get more friends involved with the game. i hide the massive rules books until i have them on the line and interested.

the only time i've seen this concept work is when the whole party are relatives, and another time we were all soldiers on a side mission from our larger force.

has anybody else been following this show, cuz it kicks butt! opinions please

ProfessorCirno wrote:
After the players have hit 20 and are ready for their next level up, I put away the D&D books and bring out Exalted, because you're more or less gods at that point.

i hide their character sheets, pretend i can't find them and pull out some other game i been wanting to try, like star wars or that doghouse rules wild west game

cleric's are religious nuts, druids are nature nuts. the difference is mostly flavor. i could have 3 joe the fighters, or i could have joe the fighter, joe the ranger, and joe the barbarian. it all boils down to options.

Magic! The Gathering of Spells

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rhubarb wrote:
i'm very old school in my opinion of npcs but here it is in a nutshell.

If I were going to do that, I'd just throw out having stats for them.

Fighter: 'I attack' *rolls*
DM: 'You hit. Damage?'
Fighter: 7
DM: You take his head off. Wizard, you're up.
Wizard: I cast Sleep.
DM: *rolls* The burly guy falls over, but the scrawny guy doesn't. He starts pleading for his life.

I don't need to do paperwork to decide if the party wins or loses that way. Much more freeform.

i don't mean i give them what they need when they need it, i mean in npc generation. if i want my villian to be a halfling wizard using two rapiers then i'll stat it up that way for flavor, i'm not pulling stuff out of my butt at the table

i like using -14 to hit hand or foot, -10 to hit arms or legs, -8 to hit head, to lose a hand or foot damage must exceed 10% of target's total HP, arm or leg 15%, head 25%, plus target gets a reflex save( DC10 plus damage dealt) to prevent loss of body part.

i'm very old school in my opinion of npcs but here it is in a nutshell. i don't care what the rules say i can do with my npcs. they get as many skill points as i want them to have, i give them feats they don't qualify for, and i give them weapons they can't use. they are for flavor and adjusted CRs justify it. with that being said i understand your frustration with the bad guys having to play by the generation rules.good luck with your spy story, i have always wanted to run a secret agent D and D game.

i leave when everybody has a full piece of paper that has all their magic loot listed on it and the DM has no problem with it all being available all the time, and when the party spends all their free time robbing from and killing each other.

poop happens, GM said sorry (more than i would have done in this situation) and wants to move forward. GM's put in a ton of work in non-gaming stuff, so cut him some slack on a bad conversion. characters die, its a game. either go back and play and hope this can be avoided in the future or find a new gaming group. did the player get screwed? (we call it grugged) yup. was it on puropse? nope. GM is not a cheater, that's my final word.judgement for the defendent,

since you don't buy the splat books i would have to agree that your method is sound, and saves you tons of money on books with 4 useful pages in them. just curious though on how players new to your group handle these rules. is the transition smooth or painful like a root canal?

i use pre made adventures, allow splat books, use props and funny voices and make the players look up the rules for me. if the dice kill you then it was meant to happen.

when you buy rules to RPG's then wait patiently for adventures to be written, and they never do.

isn't this just like playing, say a warmage? half fighter half wizard? don't all the splat books pretty much cover all the options for "split-class". i'm not trying to be a jerk but isn't this the same thing?

Shadow13.com wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
bards FTW!

I'm surprised there are so many Bard lovers.

I was under the impression that the Bard was the "Black Sheep" of all the classes.

It's been a while since I played a Bard, but I remember it as being a mediocre experience. The next time I roll up a character, I'll have to try the Bard again and see what all the fuss is about.

the bard is gaining followers cuz it was largely ignored by most people, mostly due to party need. now people are giving them a go and finding out that they are fun to play.plus its like being a dungeon crawling rock star, and nothing is cooler than that!

went to look up the turning undead rules in pathfinder to see what exactly we are talking about as i have not played a cleric yet, and turn undead is not in the index, anyways i would like to see each monster have a turn number, to which a cleric can roll d20 plus wis mod plus cleric level. feats can add to the roll. multiple targets would each have to be rolled but it would only count as 1 turning if all done in the same round and all are within the cleric's range. i do like the cmb/cmd idea though and might also explore that route

cheating should not be ignored, it is still a game and has rules. if the other players are using the rules then the fudger should too. pretty soon the players who are following the rules will get fed up and find another game. 1 player can ruin the game for the others, its better to fix the problem and lose the bad player if it comes to that then lose your good players and get stuck with a cheater.

stuart haffenden wrote:
I continually wonder why they didn't use hexes from the get-go, it's a much better movement system imo.

they use squares cuz its easier to draw maps on, i use squares but i think hex maps look way cooler. i have thrown out the movement rule on diaganal movement, 1 square equals 5 feet, unless hampered or some other thing accurs.i also allow the use of a tape measure for when someone wants to retreat in a straight line.

the damage is based on what a couple of guys thought sounded right when they were trying to invent the greatest game ever. i'm sure this could be fixed to more represent reality but then we would have to overhaul the whole hit point thing , and that would just be a pain in the butt. so in a nutshell options are good, reality is bad

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