Rhubarb's page

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I have a player who plays in another game and his gm allows all kinds of weird stuff. Example being able to move 5 feet cast heal then finish off with 25 feet of movement, this leads to wasted game time looking up rules and arguing. How would you handle these moments?

has anybody else been following this show, cuz it kicks butt! opinions please

is there any kind of rules for using rope in pathfinder? or is it just assumed that anyone can successfully tie a knot? last night one of our characters was trying to repel down a fissure by tying the rope to a large rock, but none of us could find a rule about rope use. also how does this affect escape artist. please help cuz my brain hurts.

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since a dwarf isn't affected by encumbrance like other characters does this mean the fleet feat ( extra 5 ft movement ) can be used while wearing medium and heavy armor?

page 531, the description for the sustaining spoon says the gruel tastes like cardboard. does that mean that cardboard boxes can be purchased somewhere in golarion? perhaps like a fantasy version of ups.perhaps there are great factories where small gnomish children slave away making boxes for the masses to put their wizardly piles of components in. or is it just a slip of the pen letting the modern world slip into the game?

anything out there that would make this possible? i wanna set it in the raiders of the lost ark. any products i can morph to fit this genre

i was dming last week and one of the characters has 2 immovable rods, he used them to get 20 feet in the air and placed them a foot apart. next he got on top of them and and began to fire his light crossbow, i said hold on a minute, you have to make climb checks to pull yourself up and balance checks to see if you can fire the crossbow without falling off the rods, he disagreed and the debate was on, what would you fine people rule as to firing a lightcross bow atop 2 immovable rods?