Death's Head Tree

Hardkore's page

33 posts (38 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

I seem to recall an article in Dragon magazine (possibly 2-3 years ago)that detailed the specifics of running a noble born PC. Does anyone happen to remember what issue that was. I can dig through my stack of mag's but thought I might save some time by inquiring at the all knowing Paizo boards.


I could be mistaken but I seem to remember an issue of Dragon having an article that listed an option for Improved Familiars that were more powerful creatures with greater hit dice and abilities. Does anyone remember what issue that was or where I may have seen this if it wasn't in Dragon?

I recently placed an order for a couple of Dungeon crawl classic adventures and the new critical hit deck. One of the adventures (Saga of the Dragon Cult) is on Pre-order. I chose to wait on my order and combine shipping and wait for the whole order once the Pre-order is in stock. Would it be possible for me to change my decision and have my crit deck and second adventure ship out and leave the Pre-order item in limbo until it is in stock?

Is this for real? 200$ for this mini Unbagged?
If so does anyone want one i have 2 of em.

I've seen alot of mention of the Warlock class but have never seen it myself. Can someone please tell me where to find the information on this class.