Reyterra's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

I haven't actually started playing pathfinder any, though I did play some 3.0 and a lot of 3.5, so I'm just trying to adjust to the new rules so I can play official games again.
So I searched it and saw that in older versions raise dead didn't actually give negative levels, instead it just cost gold. The rules I'm looking at now show that to raise a character (assuming level 11, for a decent amount of PP and gold to do this) would be 5 PP to have the body retrieved, then 16 PP for the raise dead, then 4 PP per negative level.

My question however is that, should I get hit with a raise dead spell twice at (or during the course of) level 11, considering that I have four negative levels would that put me at an effective level of 7 and unable to play in the same subtier as my companions, or would I be a level 11 with a -4 to everything affected by it until I get them removed?

Is there a time limit to how long I have to get these removed (end of session, etc.) or do they simply stay on my character until I pay the gold or PP?

If I continued playing the character with the negative levels to try and gain back gold and PP to remove the negative levels (assuming I used all my PP and gold on the raise dead spells) and I manage to get the exp to hit level 12, am I now a seeker with 4 negative levels and am unable to play my character further to get rid of the levels outside of trying to take it to an event to get the gold? Or would I be able to continue playing as a level 8 to regain the gold and potentially end up a total of level 13 before I can have them removed?