I use it with snapdragon fireworks. That extra round of *zot* is wonderful since it's a move action to get going. Stand way-the-hell-back and use it, magic missile, and other long range spells.
That you don't have to fire off a firework still allows you a move or full round action if needed. Else that (potentially) dazzling 1d4 points of damage is a freebie. (and if you mix it with dazing spell or other feats, you're annoying with multiple saves. He's got to roll a 1 eventually)
I don't see much of an issue doing a favor for the addlepated Chelish, as long as the Pathfinders get the credit. We must also remember we're for our brothers in the field, not Decemberbate-lite.
"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that an invisible demon isn't about to eat your face." Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden.
Might I say that the Society itself is like a bonfire. We huddle around it for light and warmth, and the many benefits it brings. But like the flame it is uncaring, as eager to cook us as our food.
Like the fire, all it wants is to consume. As long as we remember that, then we should be kept warm.
(Yes, I know this analogy might upset certain faction heads. Deal.)
Then again, should anyone really be surprised the guys in shiny helmets send us out without rhyme or reason? We're nothing more than simple pieces to be manipulated to the high and mighty Decemvirate. Just stay low, keep smiling and watch your back, my brother.
Akin to those notes, is it PFS to 'reskin' (figuratively) magic items?
For example, provided I survive long enough, I'm going to get a hand of glory.
Do I need ro run around with a hand on my neck, or can I 'fluff' it as an ornate silver chain with a ring on it? I don't like wearing dead body parts after all.
With Rey's limited experience, I suggest the following.
As a player
Be open minded. Yes you're going to get the CN-so-I-can-be-a-Richard player, or the stick-so-far-up-my-aft-it-tickles-my-tonsils Paladin. (Hopefully) They are the exception, not the norm. Nothing irritates them more than ignoring their antics.
Don't negatively 'help' another player's build. "You should take Power attack, fighters w.o Power attack suck!" doesn't help anyone. "My damage curve seems to be higher than yours, ever thought of taking PA as your next feat?" is more positive.
Be prepared. This varies from expecting to have 'ineffectual' characters at the table, (my rogue took all his all his skill points and has 8 different craft skills! You want me to open what?) to being the sole ranged combatant in the party of fighters. Heck Talyn spent a good amount of time in first steps acid spashing targets, and he's a magus. (We had much more optimised meat shields out there.) Likewise, Rey keeps a potion of mage armor handy so he can fill up space in melee (14 dex, +4 armor + fight defensively = 18 AC. He's not going to hit the broad side of the barn like this, but he can be a flanking buddy)
Be flexible. This goes with be prepared above. If your wizard loves colour spray and you have a sorcerer in the party with it, select another situational spell. If you're the sorcerer and the wizard wants to be stubborn, then just prepare (ha!) yourself to rely on your other spells. If you're playing an archery build and there are no other fighters to get in the way of the BBEG, then be prepared to melee.
Be entertained. For Paizo, the primary purpose of PFS is to sell books. ;-) For the players (and masochists who GM them) the primary purpose is to have fun.*
But not at the expense of others. If you have a half orc in the party, the jokes are going to fly. if the other player is getting upset, stop. It also helps when you can laugh at yourself.
From a (now 2nd level!) sorcerer's PoV...
Watch each other's back. Even the Chels need to survive to report, so you don't have to worry about others.
Improvise adapt and thrive. For we casters, if you have acid splash or ray of frost pick up a flask (or two!) of acid or alchemist's frost. That extra point of damage or other effects might make the difference in combat. Also if you have the strength, a haramaki makes a small, but disembowling resistant, fashion statement.
Be creative. People look at me funny when I trot out snapdragon fireworks. It has specific values. It's an anti-swarm spell, and its range (mixed with the not targeting the BBEG, just where he's standing, effect) makes it conditionally useful.
Get to know your companions (yes, even the Andorans). From my farie godmother (yes I have one, don't ask) I picked up sleep Not the most tactically friendly spell. If I'm travelling with elves, half elves or Andorans, I know I can drop it on a fight with few of my own allies falling (and face it, if the Andorans sleep, at least they're not talking about how great they are)
Live up to expectations. People look to me and scream 'Wizard!' that's my plan. Complete with book in backpack, my walking stick and my spell component pouch. At the same time, I'm not a wizard but I do have spellcraft and knowlege arcana, so I can play the part. Also have a little bit of UMD, but don't rely on me using your happy stick to save your life.
Use the goodies you find along the way. The Lodge expects us to turn everything over like good little pets, and then buy back the stuff with the gold they give us. If I find a potion of cure moderate wounds that's the one that gets drank by the wounded fighter, not the one in my sash. It's a lot easier to report. "Potion bottle, empty" than "I used my potion and brought you one. Can I please buy it back?"
Along those lines, BYoH (Bring Your own Healing) is important. Nothing worse than hoping you have a priest, only to find out that the society stuck you out here with a bunch of rogues. (Well maybe the Paladin sermonizing while he's healing you is close) So have a potion of cure light wounds at least. If you really are stuck with a bunch of rogues, bring two. I'll leave it up to you on where to hide them.
Stuff you won't use. Yeah, I'm planning to get some potions of enlarge person at some point. Not for me, but for the PDF (Poor Dumb Fighter) I might get stuck with in some backwater. Careful though, nothing disappoints cannibals more than when their supersized meal turns out to be full of magical additives.
Discression is the better part of valor. Hey, my buddies and I haven't failed yet. *knocks on wood, or the closest Grand Lodge member's skull, same difference* but I'd much rather be known as "That guy who failed the mission" than "That guy who failed the mission, and died."
Ok, for me it's also therapy. but to each their own. :P
They will learn to fear, to horde their precious abilities. Yes. Yesssss.
I thought 3E/3.5/PF had made great efforts to include more at-will abilities, and increase the options for casters, so they don't have to blow their good spells on trivial encounters.
I'm having a laugh with a witch right now, and between evil eye, healing and ward hexes, I can still be useful in the smaller encounters, and don't need to cast spells at all.
I agree. Even at 'just' first level, Rey has infinate 1d3+1 (acid flask focus) acid spashes and six force bolts (sage bloodline). That's before his first level spells. (snap dragon fireworks and sleep. He's built around not needing to roll to hit.) More than enough to get through Silent Tide.