
Revenge Goat's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 4 posts (7 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

THANK YOU for making this into a PDF! I can't stand the old style stat blocks. they are extremely confusing to read mid-combat. With the PDF version I can cut and paste the content, then arrange it in a more readable way. Not to mention that I can tweak spells and feats without writing on the sidebar.

Are there any plans to do Incursion (Issue 100) as a PDF. Please say you will. Otherwise I have to scan the thing in and OCR it.

Ps. It sucks that WotC pulled your license, but I guess you know you're not the only on -by far. Unlike the former management, I believe Wizards/Hasbro is doing what's best for D&D. Even if they're trying to make more money -well, that's good. It means a bigger budget and ultimately a better game. Paizo have been good stewards, and I think everybody knows that the quality content came from you guys and not the D&D label. In a way you're free to push boundaries that you may have been locked-into with the licence. So, here's to you're exciting future!