Ghartok, The Carrion King

Revenantdog's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. ** Pathfinder Society GM. 59 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Lantern Lodge

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What previous pawn collections do I need to own in order to have the complete set necessary for the Mummies Mask Adventure Path? Do I need to buy EVERY Beastiary Pawn set in order for their to be every needed relevant pawn or just select ones?

Lantern Lodge

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Don't let the size of the Core throw you off. Most of it isn't stuff you really need to read per se. But if your going to GM you should at least read all of 'Getting Started', the races and classes your players are going to play, 'Skills', skim through Feats but at least read the intro, skim through equipment, you can read the intro to each section and read up on the specific items as they come up, All of 'Additional Rules', 'Combat', 'Magic' and 'Gamemastering'. Skim through Environment, read what interests you or what you think you'll find useful to your game. Skim through creating NPCs, if youve made a character before it isn't too different. And then just read the intro to section of Magic Items and try to start familiarizing yourself with them.

And then... oh, wow that is a lot of reading... Yay homework!

Lantern Lodge

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Rynjin wrote:
You do know negative levels can be removed, right?

Yeah, to me its more about the feeling of. "i'm dead!" Spell, spell, spell- I'm alive and all better! i feel like death should be bigger in a sense. Have some more impact. Gather some g+#+~!n dragon balls or somethin...

Lantern Lodge

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Resurrection. I hates it. I feel like it takes away stakes from death and I've had games where players were non-plussed about out their characters dying since the cleric could just revive them. And i know there are drawbacks to the system, losing a level and so on, but that doesn't make it better for me, now I just have a player whose character is behind everyone else and they feel like they were cheated. There isn't really a great solution to this problem, since the alternative is just 'role a new character who just happens to be the same level as everyone else.

I've taken now to allowing Breath of Life (Which i like for its immediacy and flavor) and that a expensive ritual that needs several cleric working in unison is needed to revive a dead character. But resurrection and reincarnation as spells- noooope.

Lantern Lodge

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Gretchen, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen.

...Now thats out of the way. I really enjoy the flavor of this, I'm a sucker for they fey, I wish it was explored more in PF than it is. I was kinda let down by Fey Revisted...

I like this concept a lot, and i wonder where some of your inspiration comes from. I have a few questions- What does a fetch look like as an adult? I'm picturing a scarecrow of sorts- is that correct? Do Fetch only appear to human families or can dwarves and the like be given a fetch?

Im less than thrilled with the ability scores, you come out with a -2 which fairly terrible for a race that someone might actually want to play, thats a huge reason to not want to pick it up. I like the idea of them being fragile but i can't help feel that they have straw for brains... and if they yearn for a divine connection i definately wouldn't give them a penalty to wisdom but would instead make it a bonus. Based off the fluff, I would probably rewrite them to be something like "+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Int" (This way you come out with a net +2 bonus, which is fairly stanard)

Fetch sounds a little too much like 'Fetchling', other than that, very cool.

Lantern Lodge

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105. A gifted mage whose Eidolon takes the form of his best friend who died at his side years ago. Now he uses his Eidolon to honor his memory.