Ghartok, The Carrion King

Revenantdog's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. ** Pathfinder Society GM. 59 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Lantern Lodge

Hey fellow friends and gamers!

I wanted to invite you all to check out the Kickstarter for 'Cantrips'! A web-series set in the fantasy kingdom of Los Angeles, Cantrips follows the lives of four young adventurers who are trying to become great heroes and adventurers but are having trouble landing even the most mundane of jobs. Its a sitcom comedy with a fantasy gaming twist!

We're on Kickstarter and have just started our 30 Days to complete our fundraising goal before going into production. We've got a lot of very talented people working to make this the best show it can be!

Come check us out!

Lantern Lodge

I recently relocated halfway around the USA and in the move I lost my primary character's sheet and all his chronicle sheets? He was only lvl three and about half the credits on him were from GM credits, but I'm curious if I can just remake him to the best of my ability or do i have to retire him now that I've lost his sheets?

Lantern Lodge

Is anyone else reading Rat Queens? I really enjoy it and would like to hear what everyone's got to say about it. What makes a fantasy comic good or bad? How does it compare in your eyes to the DnD or Pathfinder comic? I know its only at two issues, but im really feelin' it!

Lantern Lodge

My party just recruited a NPC Tanuki to join them while they search an island for thieves and warring Kappa tribes. The Tanuki is willing to go along with the party and plans to play merry pranks on them along the way but does ask that they buy him expensive whiskey to keep him around.

This is all very fun but the Tanuki is a CR 4 creature and my party only just hit level two so i dont want the Tanuki to over shadow them but provide for fun entertainment and extra help. How much should they be paying in gold weekly to keep the Tanuki around? Is there a system to how much a hireling should cost that I don't know about?

Lantern Lodge

I've been toying with the idea of reshaping and reediting my last homebrew into a sandbox campaign setting and making it available to everybody. I spent a lot of time creating this world and it occurs to me that there's a chance that other people may find it compelling and I want to put it out there for a little feedback.

The concept at first was simply "We want to play a game of thrones game but we wanted to keep playing Pathfinder". That was the jumping off point and over the last few years I've developed a very complex and I'd like to think interesting lore concerning this world and its denizens. I started by coming up with a few noble houses and regions and over time they evolved and changed in exciting ways.

My idea is I'm going to start with posting some of the general information concerning the setting and world. I'll need to make an updated map and a more in-depth map of each region. I had decided that rather than every noble I created being a variant on the Aristocrat class that nearly every highborne NPC (which was most of them) would have levels of a PC class. This resulted in an enourmous file, filled with names and notes. It seemed like a shame to let all that work sit around on my computer. So I'll be retweaking some of the lore, the stats, given circumstances and hooks into something digestible and fun.

I will start releasing updates on each of the main families, full stat blocks for every member, information on their lands, their bannermen and their relations with the other nobles of Bygaria.

Bygaria is a Kingdom ruled by an elderly king who has left the kingdom weakened after spreading resources too thin during recent war. The other high nobles have all begun vying for more power through allegiance and secret dealings.

Everything I've written is still very much open to change, I'm certain there are glaring inconsistencies out there, but I'm wondering if this is up anyone's ally?

I'm currently just using a simple google blog for this project.

Come check it out.

Lantern Lodge

I've been running homebrews and a few adventure paths for the past several years but I've always kept a steady hand on the story and characters. I give my players lots of choice and freedom, but only to an extent. For my next campaign I've been toying with the idea of doing a homebrew Sandbox adventure off the coast of Tian Xia, I feel like I have a lot ideas and am really excited to getting to the game but I also feel a little apprehensive about what running a sandbox could be like.

I've read through Kingmaker, leafed through Serpent's Skull and have been combing the forums for opinions but I have some specific queries that I think would be best answered by those with experience on the matter.

When I prep for a game I'll design the dungeons, the encounters, traps, NPC's and so forth for the particular adventure I'll be running. (I like to premake my encounters by putting each enemy NPC on an index card with their stats, abilities and hp, then roll their initiatives during prep to save time and organize it all) But i see the problem with wanting to do that in a sandbox...that seems like it would become a MASSIVE undertaking, even if the game were just set on a small island, I'd still need to have all the maps, traps, quests etc lined out before a player rolled a dice.

Am I just over thinking this? How do others keep up with a Sandbox game? Do you just create as you go? If that's the case, how do you keep up with the design of interesting encounters and dungeons? Is there a different systems other than the hex explorations a la Kingmaker? Any and all comments and advice would be most helpful.

Lantern Lodge

The Daemon Domained Evil Cleric gains Whispering Evil at eighth lvl as follows:

Whispering Evil (Su): At 8th level, as a standard action, you can whisper a hypnotizing litany of empty promises. Each enemy within a 30-foot emanation that can hear you must succeed on a Will saving throw or become fascinated for as long as you continue the litany. You can use this power a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive. This is a mind-affecting effect.

What then is the save DC for the will save based on? is it 10+Caster level?

Lantern Lodge

I'm currently working on a Asian-influenced sandbox campaign and had decided early on that I wouldn't want to use any of the traditional western gaming outsiders (Demons, devils, angels, archons) and wanted to focus on the new or redone outsiders that had been released in the subsequent bestiaries.

I've been mostly playing with Rakshasa and Divs but learning more about those groups and realizing how much material exists on all the other, less talked about outsiders groups got me thinking. How is everyone using the 'other' outsiders?

How do you guys run Demodands? Qlippoths? Aeons? Kytons? Inevitables? Proteans? Nightshades? Agathions?

What sort of flavor are these creatures being given? What fun ideas have people come up with when structuring adventures and/or whole campaigns around these creatures?

Most of all, what new things have these creatures given us?

Lantern Lodge

Hey i was wondering if anyone had any fun ideas for the build of my BBEG and his organization, here's the premise:

The party plays a group of agents who are in direct service of the country they serve. They've just quelled a civil war in their home country and have learned that the war was manipulated into happening and continuing from a distant country known as Aavas and its magistrate, Rijrud. The other countries around Aavas have decayed and been blighted out of existence but there are signs that Rijrud real goal is to wipe out the PCs home country.

Aavas is a city-state known as 'The Birthplace of Magic', a once beautiful and prosperous metropolis that was blessed by the goddess of Magic and kept a magnificent fountain bubbling for two thousand years until the fountain's magic dried up and so did Aavas' prosperity. The people of Aavas became entirely dependent on magic to live and Rijrud, using powerful connections to Abadon and daemonic forces assumed control of the city. He is a devout follower of Raeraza, one of the lesser daemon lords bound into the service of Trelmarixian. The mages of Aavas attack other cities with summoned daemons and then dry up the resources, turn fields to dust and rivers to salt.

I see Rijrud as the secondary antagonist with Raeraza serving ultimately as the primary antagonist ultimately concluding with a trip to Abadon to vanquish the daemon lord who is the one with the burning to desire to destroy the PCs home. In the meanwhile...the party is tasked with going to the different neighboring kingdoms to recruit them to their defense against Aavas.

I'm looking for ideas for Rijrut's build and some fun ideas for the mages of Aavas. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Lantern Lodge

I have a player in my evil campaign whose been insistent on creating Soul Gems out of fallen heroes who she has vanquished. (She's playing a tiefling cleric to Apollyon) I know that the Soul Trade is detailed out in Horsemen of the Apocalypse but i was wondering if there was a more direct or immediate use for Soul Gems rather than selling them off to hags or hungry hungry daemons.

Can Soul Gems be used as little soul-grenades? Does anyone have a fun house rule for Soul Gems? I feel a little out of good/balanced ideas for this one.