Revanant's page
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Sorry for raising a dead thread, but I thought I would post how our first game went.
Overall, it was fantastic. We are playing a 6 player campaign, meant for 4, and are doing quite well. We havent had any deaths, but one knockout (a straight jacket raped him as he fell unconscience lol). My build, with no traits as no one else was using them right now, is just too good. Plus, the GM had to amp up the difficulty (4 jackets instead of 1), but it still wasnt enough to do any serious harm. I dont think that the GM realised how powerful we all were. So during the next session, the difficulty is even harder than the first, so we will see how it works out.
Here is everything:
Name: Revan Tilenas
Starting Stats:
Strength: 20 (+2 Racial Bonus)
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10
Race: Human
Favored Class: Fighter (+1 HP per Level)
Starting HP: 13 (10 for Hit Die, 2 for Con Bonus, 1 for Favored Class)
Leveled up to 2
HP now 22 (got a 6 on the HP roll, +2 for CON bonus, +1 for Favored Class)
BAB: +2
AC: 20
Traits: (May add these in during the next gathering as the GM now knows where these are located. Right now, no Traits)
Benefits: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
Description: You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly.
Indomitable Faith
Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. (+1 Will Save)
Description: You were born in a region where your faith was not popular, yet you never abandoned it. Your constant struggle to maintain your own faith has bolstered your drive.
Automatic Feats Gained:
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Shield Proficiency
Tower Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
Bravery 1
Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Slam, Power Attack
Level 2: Double Slice
Climb: 1
Intimidate: 1
Knowledge (Local): 1
Knowledge (History): 1
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 1
Knowledge (Engineering): 1
Survival: 1
Perception: 1
Weapon: Bastard Sword (Total Attack Bonus - +7, Damage 1d10+5)
Armor: Agile Breastplate
Shield: Spiked Light Steel Shield (Total Attack Bonus - +3??, Damage 1d4+5)
Gold: 40g
No Encumberment, but nothing extravagent (Carrying 14 Longswords for example)
No coin weight
No bag necessary for coins
You've been a slave most of your life, and have passed from master to master more times than you can count. Like most slaves, you were brought into slavery from birth.
During which time, you were taught the workings of the deity, Iomedae, and have always been teased for believing in such a deity when such practices didn’t exist where you were raised. Even so, you never strayed from what you believed in and managed to maintain your faith during the rough times, which was nearly every day.
Some slavery masters were cruel to you and others, from giving you reduced food rations because they felt like it, to getting beat for not doing quality work in a short time. But not all slave masters were cruel and mean. Most of those you were owned by were very kind. Some even allowed you to wield and use all kinds of weaponry, but of course, the local guards would whip you for even touching the hilt of any.
In all, you've always yearned to be a free man. Something about doing what you wanted without the fear of a whip or a lashing of a cane made you feel good about yourself as each day went on, at least until recently. As your most recent master fell on hard times, he sold many slaves, including you, at a recent caravan auction in Ravengro.
As luck would have it, you were bought by Professor Petros Lottimor. After the funds were transferred, Professor Lottimor told you that you were no longer a slave, but rather will be groomed to be his personal bodyguard. He would pay for your training and teach you how to read.
During your training days your teacher would mentor you on numerous weapons and armor. For some reason, one particular weapon seems to “sing” out to you as you were learning about how to use it, the Bastard Sword (Exotic Weapon Proficiency). Inquiring how to use this weapon and the more often you trained with it, you seemed to get a good feel of its strengths and weaknesses and prefer to not use any other weapon, other than the bastard sword (Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword).
When you’re not spending time training you spend your days assisting the Professors daughter Kendra with day to day activities. 3 days ago Kendra came running into the house yelling for you to help a mysterious woman that was found just outside the house. You scooped up the women not knowing who she was and brought her inside and laid her in bed. As Kendra takes care of the woman and the professor has not returned from his exploration, she has asked you to prepare for the arrival of some of the professors “friends”.
If you know which campaign we are playing, please do not talk about it. I dont want any spoilers. But playing the game and trying to figure out what you want to start are two different things. I know that my feat choices still worked out well, but the campaign is still young. It's going to get good later...I am sure of it. Oh, and the first time I took damage, was the only time I took damage due to a pair of manticles hitting me for 9. Didnt stop me as I hit it with 15 (rolled a 10 on damage) and again after that for 9. It was a great day.
Thanks to you all for the help and input for making me understand this or that. Without this knowledge, I might have been running blind.
Ainslan wrote: Oh, by the way, bonuses of the same type are, with a few specified exceptions, never cumulative. Which implies that trait bonuses are also not cumulative. As such, you can't have 2 traits that give the same bonus (as is the case here, both your traits give a +1 trait bonus to Will saves). Well, you could take both, but you'll only end up with a total trait bonus of +1 to your Will saves. That is most...unfortunate. Well, in that case, I will probably just take a Reflex save on that instead of Will then. I will look at the choices of Traits again and see if there is anything better than Earning your Freedom or the Indominable Faith. I could remove the faith one and go with something else, but I will research options first.
Thanks for the heads up. I was not aware of this.

Thanks to everyone that was able to help get me started and cleared up a lot of things about this game. I think, overall, I managed to make a character worthy of the campain I am about to play. After hammering out all details, here is everything.
Name: Revan Tilenas
Starting Stats:
Strength: 20 (+2 Racial Bonus)
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 9
Race: Human
Favored Class: Fighter (+1 HP per Level)
Starting HP: 13 (10 for Hit Die, 2 for Con Bonus, 1 for Favored Class)
Earning Your Freedom
Benefits: Choose one of the three categories of saving throw; you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws of that type. (+1 Will Save)
Description: You've been a slave your whole life, and have passed from master to master more times than you can count. Some of those masters were cruel, others kindly. In all cases, you've yearned to be free. When your most recent master fell on hard times, he sold many of his slaves to the city government, and as luck would have it, a recent opportunity to earn your freedom has manifested. The Pactmasters of Katapesh are looking to revitalize an old trade route to Osirion, and a band of mercenaries and guards is gathering to go out and supplement forces already in place near the ruined village of Kelmarane, now said to be infested by gnolls. You've secured a place among those mercenaries, under the watchful eye of Garavel. If you help in retaking Kelmarane, you've been promised your freedom. In any event, your life as a slave has toughened you and made you more resistant to hardship.
Indomitable Faith
Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. (+1 Will Save)
Description: You were born in a region where your faith was not popular, yet you never abandoned it. Your constant struggle to maintain your own faith has bolstered your drive.
Automatic Feats Gained:
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Shield Proficiency
Tower Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting (Human Bonus), Improved Shield Slam (Bonus Feat), Power Attack
Level 2: Double Slice (Bonus Bonus)
Level 3: Shield Focus
Level 4: Combat Reflexes (Bonus Bonus)
Level 5: Iron Will
Level 6: Improved Two Weapon Fighting (Bonus Bonus)
Level 7: Shield Slam
Level 8: Greater Shield Focus (Bonus Bonus)
Level 9: Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)
Level 10: Lightning Reflexes (Bonus Bonus)
Level 11: Shield Master
Level 12: Bashing Finish (Bonus Bonus)
Level 13: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 14: Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword) (Bonus Bonus)
Level 15: Greater Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword)
Level 16: Critical Focus (Bonus Bonus)
Level 17: Stunning Critical
Level 18: Bleeding Critical (Bonus Bonus)
Level 19: Critical Mastery
Level 20: Two-Weapon Rend (Bonus Bonus)
Class Skills:
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 4
Knowledge (Engineering): 4
Survival: 4
Cross Class Skills:
Perception: 2
Skill Points Spent: 16 (2 + Int Mod * 4 for starting level)
Starting Equipment:
Weapon: Bastard Sword
Armor: Agile Breastplate
Shield: Spiked Light Steel Shield
You've been a slave your whole life, and have passed from master to master more times than you can count. Like most slaves, you were brought into slavery from birth. During which time, you were taught the workings of the deity, Iomedae, and have always been teased for believing in such a deity when such practices didn’t exist where you were raised. Even so, you never strayed from what you believed in and managed to maintain your faith during the rough times, which was nearly every day.
Some slavery masters were cruel to you and others, from giving you reduced food rations because they felt like it to getting beat for not doing quality work in a short time. But not all slave masters were cruel and mean. Most of those you were owned by were very kind. Some even allowed you to wield and use all kinds of weaponry, but of course, the local guards would whip you for even touching the hilt of any.
In all, you've always yearned to be a free man. Something about doing what you wanted without the fear of a whip or a lashing of a cane made you feel good about yourself as each day went on, at least until recently. As your most recent master fell on hard times, he sold many slaves, including you, at a recent auction in a town, not far from where you are currently at. As luck would have it, you were bought by a wealthy, retired adventurer named Oslo. He is a tough, but fair master and spots talent in any soul, good or bad. Although for some reason, he sees something in you as you were being auctioned off to the highest bidder.
During your enslavement with Oslo, you have a feeling that he is grooming you for some sort of task, although unsure of what that could be. On some days, if things were going good and you didn’t do anything to upset your new master, he would teach you on how to fight with the numerous weapons and armor that he has gathered during his travels as a young adventurer. For some reason, one particular weapon seems to “sing” to you as you were learning how to use it, the Bastard Sword (Exotic Weapon Proficiency). Inquiring how to use this weapon and the more often you use you, you seem to get a good feel of its strengths and weaknesses and prefer no weapon but the bastard sword (Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword).
During your daily tasks, he pulls you aside to tell you that he has an opportunity for you to earn your freedom. As he was trying to tell you about this task he needs to have finished, you do nothing but recap about your life as a slave, and how it made you into a toughened fighter, and more resistant to the problems of daily hardships from everyday tasks. Of course, when he finishes telling you about the task, you heard nothing about what it was that he wanted to you, and you took a punch to the face for the disobedience.
Before setting out on the task that he wants you to complete for him, he suggests that you take whatever equipment that you need before setting out. After hearing this bit of information, you manage to take your favored weapon (Bastard Sword), a modified breastplate (Agile Breastplate) to allow you to move better during your travels, a shield with some nasty looking spikes (Spiked Light Steel Shield), and some gold (1d4x10 starting amount for a fighter) in a special magic pouch (no weight, coins only). Even with this equipment, you still feel uneasy about the task your master, Oslo, has waiting for you.
Only problem that I am currently having with this all is finding the actual text for the trait "Earning your Freedom" in an actual Pathfinder text. In the iPad app, Character Folio, it is listed there, but I didnt see it listed in PCGen. Maybe it is my inexperience that is not understanding this program, but whatever. My GM was ok with all this.
The two feats, Exotic Weapon Prof and Weapon Focus, was accepted by my GM as learned due to my character background. Normally I do not think that this would be accepted in other's games, but who knows? Over all, I think this is a pretty solid build. Yes, I am going to have problems when it comes to Will saves still, but thats just a boon of a Fighter.
Thanks again to you all. You were a huge help. I will still take suggestions, but I think this is pretty solid for what I was looking for.
Callarek wrote: Just a few things:
Weapon Focus (Scimitar) is a prerequisite for Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)
Greater Weapon Specialization (Scimitar) requires Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Weapon Specialization (Scimitar) & Greater Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
Not sure if any other feats listed have prereqs which aren't being met...
From the site,, I didnt see that Greater Weapon Specialization required Greater Weapon Focus. Deadly Stroke requires Greater Weapon Focus though, but I removed this feat and the others as I didnt see a good place to put them early in the game as they were taken by other more important feats.
Now I will have to incorperate Weapon Focus into my new description, which wont be hard to pull off. Thanks for the reminder on that Callarek.

Ainslan wrote: A thing that might have been left aside, as most people consider it minor are your traits.
As a fighter, you definitely do not need armor expert. Armor training and a masterwork suit will take care of that. And unless you plan to be swimming, climbing and stealthing all the time, Armor check is'nt that of a big deal for you.
Quite a few traits increase saves by a point. It may not seem much, but for a fighter a +1 to Will saves is always good to have, and might save your whole party's life.
Rich parents is great at the start, but you'd barely notice the difference by level 2, and probably not at all at levels 3 and higher. You'll come accross masterwork stuff pretty soon in your adventures. So if I were you I'd drop those too and go for something else. Hey, your background already mentions you were bullied as a child, so why not take the most popular trait of them all, Reactionary, for a +2 to initiative? Or a +1 to a reflex save too? Or modifiy your background a bir, say you became a trainee of the Pathfinder Society and take the astoundingly good Defender of the Society trait? (+1 AC with medium or heavy armor).
Also, Iron Will is a must. It's true that a bad will save will make you kill your party, I almost just did that in one of our games (as a sword and shield fighter), over 1 failed save.
That said, even considering this I'm not so sure of your choice of 18 in Wisdom and 15 in Con. Putting your other 18 in Con would net you 20 more HP at level 10, with only 2 less on your will save, and 40 more at level 20. It is definitely noticeable. 15 Wis seems quite enough for a fighter, especialy if you do dump armor expert for a +1 to will saves trait (and if you happen to worship Iomedae, purity of faith in particular is crazy good).
Finally, with such a high dex I think you really should consider taking Combat Reflexes, probably in place of Weapon Focus. WF might give you more chances to hit (wich will barely be felt in the grander scheme of things with all your bonuses), but Combat Reflexes will...
Well spoken. I was thinking about these traits for a while as I wasnt sure if they were going to get me any benefit long-term. Thanks for bringing a second opinion on that. With yoru suggestion, I actually went back through and decided to get the two Traits:
Indomitable Faith: +1 trait bonus on Will saves
Reactionary: +2 to Initiative checks
Only thing is, I do not know if I am going to have to have a deity or not. If so, your suggestion is good, however, I do not know what that would do for me, if anything. I do not have any deity now as that is something to add a degree of difficulty to how I rewrite my description, but if there is usually a bonus for going with one, then I wont say no. I havent found anything that this computer will allow me to look up (sites are blocked that may have good info) but I did find a Pathfinder book that I may have to see if someone here has: Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity. Not sure if this has the info on the Iomedae deity or not, like the bonuses and drawbacks to this deity, but I will have to read up to verify.
I also moved my stats around a bit to give myself a bit more buffer, especially since our campain doesnt have any casters yet (for now) and we are probably going to suffer in that department.
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 9
Feats have been moved around also:
Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting (Human Bonus), Improved Shield Slam (Bonus Feat), Power Attack
Level 2: Double Slice (Bonus Bonus)
Level 3: Shield Focus
Level 4: Combat Reflexes (Bonus Bonus)
Level 5: Iron Will
Level 6: Improved Two Weapon Fighting (Bonus Bonus)
Level 7: Shield Slam
Level 8: Greater Shield Focus (Bonus Bonus)
Level 9: Improved Critical (Scimitar)
Level 10: Lightning Reflexes (Bonus Bonus)
Level 11: Shield Master
Level 12: Bashing Finish (Bonus Bonus)
Level 13: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 14: Weapon Specialization (Scimitar) (Bonus Bonus)
Level 15: Greater Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)
Level 16: Critical Focus (Bonus Bonus)
Level 17: Stunning Critical
Level 18: (Unknown) (Bonus Bonus)
Level 19: (Unknown)
Level 20: (Unknown) (Bonus Bonus)
The last three levels I cannot figure out what to take at this time, but I am sure that when I get to that point, I can find something to benefit everyone or make me into more of a threat to monsters out there.
So, thats it for now. I may just do a normal weapon/armor combo for now as, like you said, I will probably find tons down the road.
Weapon: Scimitar
Armor: Agile Breastplate
Shield: Spiked Light Steel Shield
If there is any other gear that I am really forgetting, please let me know. I am under the assumption that body armor encompases the whole body, so I do not know if I need gloves, boots, legs, and so on, that most RPG's out there do with their games (totaly not like D&D, I know, but you get the picture).

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote: Revanant wrote: I will look into this then. I do not recall half the feats listed on here. Where are those located? And I am going to assume that open-minded is a feat at my choice.
I dont know all the possible books out there, so if these came from 3.5 books, then I will have to do more research on that as this build sounds really good.
They are pretty much all 3.5 feats. Open-minded is a feat that gives you 5 skill points each time you take it.
I, frankly, wouldn't recommend this build. First, this fighter would have an incredibly atrocious will save. A bad reflex save can hurt you, and a bad fortitude save can kill you, but a bad will makes you kill your party. There are tons of feats spent for extra skill points (which aren't a big gain with the fighter's limited skill list). It spends feats to become good at two-weapon fighting with both sides of a halberd, but the dex is too low to actually qualify for Two-Weapon Fighting or Double Slice until at least level 4 (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting is out of the question). It takes Combat Expertise but doesn't continue on any of the chains, which is not a strong option. It's really just kind of all over the place.
If you are allowed 3.5 sources, you should check out the old CharOp boards at Wizards. People did awful, wonderful things with a few hundred splatbooks worth of material. CharOp boards at Wizards? I will look into this as well. Thanks for the advice. And I did see a lot of things wrong about the build, but maybe that worked for him with his GM.
Are there any apps for the iPad or Android that are worth trying? I know of the Character Folio for the iPad for character sheet stuff, but is there anything else out there that I havent found that may help with all this? Otherwise, I will just stay with the PC and figure it all out.

The equalizer wrote: Try this character on for size. AS a level one character its as follows.
Str 18
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 13
Wis 8
Cha 9
Level 1: weapon focus halberd/expertise
Level 2: two-weapon fighting
Level 3: Combat Reflexes
Level 4: spinning halberd
Level 5: open-minded
Level 6: weapon specialization (halberd)
Level 7: open-minded
Level 8: melee weapon mastery piercing
Level 9: open minded
Level 10: double-slice
Level 11: open-minded
Level 12: Greater Weapon Specialization (halberd)
Level 13: mage-slayer
Level 14: crushing strike
Level 15: open-minded
Level 16: overwhelming assault
Level 17: open minded
Level 18: close quarters-fighting
Level 19: open-minded
Level 20: weapon supremacy (halberd)
I will look into this then. I do not recall half the feats listed on here. Where are those located? And I am going to assume that open-minded is a feat at my choice.
I dont know all the possible books out there, so if these came from 3.5 books, then I will have to do more research on that as this build sounds really good.
Abraham spalding wrote: Sure you could. I will look at this at home. I cannot view it here for some strange reason. This computer and that site dont agree with each other it seems.
I finally found the Fauchard, which is a 2handed weapon. I, unfortunately, cannot go that route as I am going One handed and Shield.
Right now, I am sticking with what I came up with earlier:
Weapon: MW Scimitar
Armor: MW Agile Breastplate (total of 9 AC with Dex bonus added)
Shield: Quickdraw Shield, Light Steel (MW if possible, and with spikes for damage) write a good background to incorperate all this. I will have to figure out how to put this all together to not sound so far out in left field that I can get everything.

ossian666 wrote: Umm you only need a Dex 17 not 19 to get Imp Two Weapon Fighting. If you mean Greater Two Weapon Fighting I'd suggest you skip it...not really worth that last atatck with such penalties IMO. With the Bashing Finish added in, I had to push GTWF to level 13. Either way, can you explain, or anyone, how this would work with a BAB +13/+8/+3? This is just calculating the amount of attacks, not including any penalties of any kind just yet as I am trying to get an understanding of how this feat works.
Let's see if I learned anything:
Level 13, 20 Strength (+5 modifier), one-handed weapon in main hand, shield in off-hand, with TWFing feat (-2 to attack):
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Melee bonus: 13(BAB) + 5(Str) => +18/+13/+8?
Full-round attack, TWFing: +16/+11/+6/+1(Main hand) -- +16/+11(Shield Off Hand)
Full-round attack, ITWFing: +16/+11/+6/+1(Main hand) -- +16/+11/+6(Shield Off Hand)
Full-round attack, GTWFing: +16/+11/+6/+1(Main hand) -- +16/+11/+6/+1(Shield Off Hand)
Is that right?
Maxximilius wrote: You're welcomed !
(Also, Bashing Finish is from Paizo's Advanced Players Guide.)
You can also search around for the "Guide to the guides" thread, it includes two guides about TWFing with a fighter and with a ranger.
Awww crap!! I so didnt even see those feats! Ugh, now to rethink the whole thing.
You werent lying, nothing is set in stone as one thing can change the play of the game at the addition of more feats to choose from lol.

Maxximilius wrote: I see you've got a scimitar as suggested, but you still need to get Bashing Finish (free shield attack on a confirmed critical hit) and Shield Master (no TWFing penalty on your shield attacks, and you use your enhancement bonus to your shield as a weapon enhancement when attacking with it ; so if you have -2 to attack because of TWFing with your +5 Shield, you effectively gain +7 to attack and +5 to damage with shield attacks as soon as you take this feat).
Also, +1 Defense spikes on your shield to have an up to +12 shield equivalent at the cost of your +5 bonus to attack and damage with the shield (shield : +1, shield focus : +1, enhancement : +5, dueling : +5).
Thanks for the suggestions, however, I do not see them in the anywhere (which is where I based my build from). I didnt use any feats from any other source as anything outside this confuses me a little, and I dont have the resources at the moment to research any specific book (like the weapon/armor suggestions that Callarek suggested earlier. I have to find these when I manage to get to my own PC so I can download/view them from a safe-enough system).
So if Bashing Finish isnt on the above link I just put here, then I dont know anything about it. I will have to look into it later on however, as it sounds VERY interesting to have.
After reading all the suggestions, which I do as often as I can, I am learning more about this game. Try to explain your selections as it helps me understand all the avaliable choices I can make as I either play or prepare. Of course, if you care to. If you dont, it wont hurt my feelings. I will just have to figure it out.
I do agree, however, that nothing is set in stone. What may be on paper may not work for what our GM has in store. I know, for a fact, that we will be really in trouble based on our party; Fighter (me), Rogue maybe Rogue/Ranger (friend), Ranger/Rogue (friend), Cleric (friend), and Druid (friend). So magic is going to be our downfall, probably.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions and help. With every post, I learn a little more about how to play and what to do when I do play.

Thank you all for giving me major insight as to what I did good and what I did really bad.
After talking with our GM about my character, he was agreeing that my stats were really high, but he wasnt worried as he would send stuff my way that I may not be able to overpower so easly without losing a lot in return. Plus, he said that a couple of people that we are playing with has rolled their stats and came up rather average on stats.
So I rerolled my stats in front of him and feats, based on suggestions, and came up with what I have below:
Strength: 18 (+2 Racial Bonus)
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 9
Race: Human
Favored Class: Fighter (+1 HP per Level)
Starting HP: 13 (10 for Hit Die, 2 for Con Bonus, 1 for Favored Class)
Rich Parents
Armor Expert
Weapon: MW Scimitar
Armor: MW Chain Shirt (if possible for MW)
Shield: MW Spiked Heavy Steel Shield (if possible for MW)
Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting (Human Bonus), Improved Shield Slam (Bonus Feat), Power Attack
Level 2: Dodge (Bonus Bonus)
Level 3: Shield Focus
Level 4: Weapon Focus (Scimitar)* (Bonus Bonus)
Level 5: Iron Will
Level 6: Improved Two Weapon Fighting (Bonus Bonus)
Level 7: Shield Slam
Level 8: Greater Shield Focus (Bonus Bonus)
Level 9: Improved Critical (Scimitar)*
Level 10: Lightning Reflexes** (Bonus Bonus)
Level 11: Shield Master
Level 12: Greater Two Weapon Fighting (Bonus Bonus)
Level 13: Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)*
Level 14: Greater Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)* (Bonus Bonus)
Level 15: Critical Focus
Level 16: Staggering Critical (Bonus Bonus)
Level 17: Stunning Critical
Level 18: Dazzling Display (Bonus Bonus)
Level 19: Shatter Defenses
Level 20: Deadly Stroke (Bonus Bonus)
*= Not sure if I can use the suggestions from Callarek. Will research and inquire. If better than the Scimitar, then I will go that route.
**= I know that with a higher DEX, I can replace this skill if needed, but thought it was good here for now.
Starting Skills:
Intimidate: 4
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 4
Perception: 2
Survival: 4
Amazingly enough, I still got the 9. He also said that he doesnt want anyone with 8 or less for any given stat, so we were allowed to reroll those as we got them. Thats how I got the two 18's. Otherwise 16 would have been my highest. I also put Dexterity at 18 so when I hit level 4, I can put the 1 point into Dex to be eligable for the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat.
I will have to look into the gear suggestions that Callarek mentioned. I do not know what those are, but I have a good idea what. I will read those books to find out what they are and how I can incorperate them into my character's background.
Also, my gear is mainly going to be starting gear as we were also told that when we provide a background, "Include how they got what they did. Everything. If you dont mention it, you dont have it. If you say you have a Chain shirt and a Claymore, then chances are you have it. Otherwise, you have nothing but the shirt on your back and just managed to find your starting gold your class normally starts with. Of course, all of this is within reason." So, if he didnt like what I had in my character background, thats why I chose the Rich Parents trait. I will have at least 900g to start with to buy what I can, if needed. Otherwise, I will have 900g towards traveling and other prices as things go on in the adventure.
So I am in the middle of writing my background, rewrite really, as the GM suggested that I come from a rich background, to justify the Rich Parents trait, and so he can somehow incorperate everyone's character into being adopted by my parents. I didnt think about that, or even what Turgan wrote earlier. I might find a way to incorperate it into our backstory, or even into the campain. For example, I killed character A's parents as some part of "coming of age" ceramony and the kid was adopted into our family and brainwashed into thinking that they were always part of the family. I will have to figure out how to become a wordsmith then.
Again, thanks for the suggestions and advice. Im learning a lot about this game thanks to you all.
EDIT:// Forgot to include starting gear.
I noticed TWF was mentioned a couple of times. If I was to go this route, how does the attacks work at +6 and on BAB? Do you get to attack with both weapons at a +6 BAB then a +1 BAB (ignoring penalities at the moment)? I just dont understand how this works, which is why I didnt go there in feats.

Turgan wrote: If everyone else in your group has similar stats, it won't matter that much. If not, ask your GM/DM if you may lower them. In the end it will be more fun for you and your group.
You are all beginners (I assume) so don't worry too much about your future build.
Some ideas concerning feats:
If you leave your stats like they are
- don't take Toughness. If there is one character who does definitely not need it, it is yours.
- take Power Attack at Level 1 or 2
- no Cleave/Greater Cleave (reread the feat, it is very situational)
- try to bolster your saves: Iron Will, Improved Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Lightning Reflexes (at least Iron Will). There will be a lot of magical attacks on you in your adventure career and you can not load a saved game. Some spells take you out of combat completely, be prepared.
- take Weapon Spec. at 4th level
- wait with Weapon focus until a little bit later. Maybe you want to go two-handed, but take it nonetheless (2nd/3rd level). You will always be Power-Attacking, so a to-hit-bonus is nothing to sneer at.
- goes well with Combat Reflexes: Step Up (or even the Step Up Chain)
Don't bother with TWF. There's no need for that
A twist for the backstory: what if your character found out it were his foster parents who were responsible (in some way)for the death of your parents? That caused a big conflict in your new family and you had to leave the city...
Yes, we are all beginners. There are a couple of us that are more advanced than the rest of us, but havent played in a long time. So this will be a first for most of us.
I will see about working these suggestions into my build. Maybe it will be better than I think.
And that's a good twist on the backstory. I might just have to use that.
Sangalor wrote:
That being said, with awesome stats like that you could try to focus on a different kind of fighter, for example one who goes for the role of a leader, a historian or such. Use only your bonus feats for combat and the rest for skill focuses and other abilities. Maybe rearrange and get the eldritch heritage chain to get something like heavenly fire or so, simply to give your character a twist.
Alternatively, put one of those 18s or the 20 into intelligence, be a really smart fighter and go for duelist. You will really be able to leverage that INT bonus to AC this way. Say "hello", D'Artagnan ;-P
Now, I recognized Duelist, but I dont know anything outside of the Core classes. I know a little bit out of Duelist, but from only a research aspect. That's why I went straight Fighter.
For a Pathfinder game, what books can I look into to get an idea of other classes? I know of a few in 3.5, but not sure if thats ok for Pathfinder.
As I said, it was a long time when I made a character like this. According to our GM, we were authorized 4d6, dropping the lowest value. Anything with 8 or lower was a reroll. I did that I think 5 times throughout the course of the entire rolling, and managed to get what I did out of luck.
I also was told about that link, the fighter post, so I will have to read into that to see what it is all about.
Plus, I didnt think about the two weapon fighting with a shield. I didnt understand the whole attacking aspect with two weapons. I will have to rethink my options then, especially after the post link.
Thanks for the help in figuring some of this out.

I am fairly new to the whole D&D game, especially Pathfinder. I have played Neverwinter Nights, which I know is nothing compared to what D&D can do/is, but it helped me get into the whole concept. As of now, a few of us, that I work with, are going to play a Pathfinder game, so I went ahead and created a Fighter as I can be the tank for everyone.
I think I did an ok build for feats from 1 to 20, going straight Fighter. Only problem is, I do not know if this can be my optimum build. Can anyone lend a hand on this?
Here is everything that I have done so far:
Name: Revan Tilenas
Starting Status: (I did roll these)
Strength: 18
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 20 (+2 Racial Bonus)
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 9
Race: Human
Favored Class: Fighter (+1 HP per Level)
Starting HP: 19 (10 for Hit Die, 5 for Con Bonus, 3 from Toughness, 1 for Favored Class)
Rich Parents
Armor Expert
Level 1: Toughness (Human Bonus), Weapon Focus (Longsword), Shield Focus (Fighter Bonus)
Level 2: Dodge (Fighter Bonus)
Level 3: Combat Reflexes
Level 4: Power Attack (Fighter Bonus)
Level 5: Cleave
Level 6: Great Cleave (Fighter Bonus)
Level 7: Weapon Specialization (Longsword)
Level 8: Greater Shield Focus (Fighter Bonus)
Level 9: Vital Strike
Level 10: Greater Weapon Focus (Longsword) (Fighter Bonus)
Level 11: Improved Vital Strike
Level 12: Greater Weapon Specialization (Longsword) (Fighter Bonus)
Level 13: Penetrating Strike
Level 14: Improved Critical (Fighter Bonus)
Level 15: Greater Penetrating Strike
Level 16: Stunning Critical (Fighter Bonus)
Level 17: Greater Vital Strike
Level 18: Dazzling Display (Fighter Bonus)
Level 19: Shatter Defenses
Level 20: Deadly Stroke (Fighter Bonus)
Skills: (Just ones I put points into for Level 1)
Intimidate: 4
Profession (Soldier): 4
Ride: 4
Survival: 4
Starting Equipment:
Weapon: Cold Iron Longsword (Masterwork)
Armor: Chain Shirt (Masterwork) ----- I am not certain if this is the best choice.
Shield: Shield, Heavy Steel (Masterwork) ----- I am not sure if I should use a Tower Shield, due to the AC Penalty.
My background is also crap, as I am not a wordsmith, so I couldnt make a decent background. Any suggestions for improvement?
Always being picked on for being poor, the neverending search for the next meal, and even trying to find a place to sleep was no way for anyone to live. After discovering his parents were murdered in thier own home, Revan has always been living on the streets as the rest of his family cannot be found or were dead to the plague.
As luck would have it, while Revan was looking around the trash piles outside the upper class buildings, a rich couple, known as the Tilenas, discovered Revan and took him in from the cold streets. The Tilenas' were very rich as they owned half the upper class part of town and were always well liked but also feared at the same time as others could lose their home in a matter of seconds.
Upon his 15th birthday, Revan was shipped off to the Fighter Academy. During the time in the Academy in becoming a fighter, Revan suffered a terrible blow to the face during one of the sparring matches. The wound went from the middle of his forehead, down over his left eye, and over his left check. After receiving this wound, he was able to graduate and become a Fighter, but had to recover from this blow. It didnt reduce his vision any, as the wound wasnt deep enough to damage the eye, but still left a pretty bad scar...a reminder of what he has done to get where he is now.
After returning to the Tilenas, Revan stood in front of his parents a new man. He left them at 5' tall and about 120lbs, but came back at 6' and 200lbs. Of course, the scar on his face was quiet a topic. Since Revan's return from the academy, he was given a masterwork sword and shield bearing the family crest, a masterwork chain shirt, and a small amount of gold to go out and do what he wants with. With his new belongings in check, he bids his parents fairwell and heads out to the next town, awaiting the next chapter in his life to begin.
Any suggestions are welcome as I am trying to get a grasp at how this is done. Thanks in advance!