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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Sorry to rehash, but for the purposes of using it as a weapon. This allows a low strength character to active the token some number of feet above a be my and LITTERALLY drop an anchor on their head. What kind of damage should be rolled for that? Attack role? Reflex save?
My instinct is to treat it like a trap because anchors can weigh anywhere between 5,000 to 60,000 lbs depending on the ship and the falling objects rules are based on size instead of weight. "Tiny tsp of black hole matter deals 1d3 damage? Medium boulder deals 2d6"?

Alternately one could rule since there is no ship to anchor when it is activated it in-fact creates no anchor at all.

Any thoughts on this type of. "Use as a weapon?"

This helps a lot and has answered my question... Thanks bbangerter.

Another question if I may... Character is aware of a opponent but has not been able to connect a precise location
Scenario: party chases bandit to the end of a ravine and the sheer clif faces on all sides prevent escape so he hides behind a tree. Party arrives realizing bandit cannot escape and is simply hiding.

Can the hostile pop out from behind the tree (out of initiative) and start slinging arrows at the party?

But if you are kindof expecting the guy you pissed off in the bar to throw a punch you aren't going to wait 3 second for him to swing...

My biggest issue with surprise round in PFS is that they are nearly always unavoidable...
For example there were some giant birds guarding a nest. We knew that as we approached they would probably attack... They did and got a surprise round for it even though the party was expecting the "surprise" the birds then got a high initiative and ended up with two attacks against a flat-footed party before the party was able to react.

This type of instance has been a recurring theme throughout all the PFS scenarios I have played. How do you mitigate a surprise round on obvious or highly probably combat situations? Tell the GM we are dropping into initiative before the "Surprise"?

Jiggy wrote:

For starters, if you think "TPA" is a thing, you really need to re-download your Guide to Organized Play and give it a read.

Between that and the official FAQ, you should be able to get this sorted out. At least more clearly than with a 2-year-old thread that was talking about wording held over from when the campaign didn't even have its own ruleset.

EDIT: Double-ninja'd.

Ouch Jiggy,

Just didn't really make sense that a 12th lvl character could not access bark skin +4. But I have re-examined the pfs main document thing and yes. That was made quite clear in the season 5 revision. Possibly before that, I'm not sure.
Thank you for the clarification.

Can I get an official ruling on this please.
If a character with 50 TPA wanted to get a +4 potion of bark skin is that legal for PFS?
This concept has been addressed over and over again, but there has been no conclusive ruling on it.
Here is a thread on the topic.
Dragnmoon mentions near the end of the thread that this might be confusing two different sets of rules.

The most consice way I can think of to phrase the question:
Can a potion/wand/scroll above mcl be purchased by a character with sufficient TPA to make the purchase?

Thanks to whatever Dev/Dev aid can address this question!