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Pathfinder Campaign; Kingmaker


Drow Rogue Female, never been to the surface so everything is very new and weird to her

Male Elf wizard who has taken her under his wing and is very patient in explaining everything to her

Human cleric of Erastil who is a bit of a sarcastic ass, but good-hearted

The Scene

The players come up to old Bokken's place. The reclusive hermit informs the PC's that some local bandits have ran off with his some of his sheep.

Drow rogue: What are sheep?

Elf Wizard: Its a herd animal, small, has a coat of wool that is used for cloth making. We also eat them for food.

Human Cleric: Farmers use them when they get lonely (sexual innuendo intended)

Drow rogue: So farmers eat and shave them when they're lonely?

Whole table busted out laughing for several minutes.