
Renegade Paladin's page

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Solid adventure


I just wrote up a long review and the preview function kicked me back to the front page and ate it, so I'm not doing it again. Good adventure, good starter, lots of replayability, work on your posting system.

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Wildly variable encounter challenges


First off, I should say that playing this was a legitimate mistake - our party was APL 4 fresh out of The Disappeared and our GM was so eager to follow up that he hadn't noticed that this scenario is 5-9 until we were halfway through getting killed by the final encounter. So this review is written from that perspective.

The initial roleplaying encounters are easy if you have the necessary social and/or subterfuge skills - Diplomacy DCs are low, Sleight of Hand DCs are low, and our party had two rogues, a cleric with Profession (barrister), and my Diplomancer paladin rocking the boon from The Disappeared. This fed into the initial mistake; our GM didn't catch himself because there is no way challenges this easy should be aimed at an APL 7 party.

Then we got to the first combat encounter (presuming you don't screw up meeting with the Hellknight officers; I imagine those could be rather fatal combat encounters if handled badly). I ate two crits in the first round before my Initiative count and dropped to -9 from full. The opponent then slaughtered the party's druid straight to dead in a single round right after that. The cleric got me back up and we managed to beat the guy via use of flanking combined with frantic self-Lay On Hands on my part barely keeping ahead of his damage output. (Greater Mercy is possibly the best feat investment my character has ever made.)

Then we found out where the Paracountess was being held. We were midway through dying horribly to a Nessian warhound when the GM did a double take at the paper in front of him and stopped the adventure, realizing his mistake. I have to say, though, that even had we all been 5th level and legally playing the scenario, I doubt it would have made much difference; even with everything we could throw at it (and nobody in this group was a slouch at character building) I don't think we could have taken it down.

In short, this adventure has challenges that are too wildly variable. The initial skill encounters are so easy that a Charisma-dumper with no Diplomacy ranks at all could conceivably succeed on the strength of the d20, while the second part is an unparalleled meatgrinder that would push even the most combat-optimized party to its limits. I wouldn't be comfortable taking on the final boss in the lower tier without being at the very top of the range, and I shudder to think what the upper tier combat must have looked like. Variety of challenge types is great and highly desirable, but the difficulties of the various challenge components shouldn't be so greatly far apart.

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I wish I had more downvotes to give this scenario.


Trial by Machine is a terrible adventure. There's no briefing at the beginning, no way to prepare for what's coming, and the setting changes are frankly jarring. Furthermore, the scenario's layout is horrid with stat blocks two or more pages away from the encounter areas the creatures are in, the dungeon design is completely nonsensical, and it introduces something called "epiphany points" without ever even explaining to the GM what the hell they are. I've rarely had less fun playing a scenario (the one time I have doesn't count, because the GM completely screwed up Mists of Mwangi). I sincerely hope this isn't representative of what's in store for the rest of Season 6.

Full Name

Sun Fire Boom-Boom


M Bard 8 | HP (80/106) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +12 | Perception +12 (Darkvision) | <+2 Init>


Spells: F (1/2) 1: (3/3) 2: (2/3) 3:(1/3) 4:(0/3) | Fae 1/2/3 | GS(0/1) | hp (3/3)

About Sun Fire Boom Boom

2004 Sun Fire Boom-Boom
Male Unbreakable Goblin, Former Aspis Agent, Maestro Bard 8
CN Small Goblin

Senses Perception +12 (Wis 0 + Prof 8+4 (E)) <+2 Init> Darkvision
AC 26 (Dex 4(4) +Prof 8+2(T) + 2 Leather Armor+1)
HP 106
Fort +13(T), Ref +16(E), Will +12(E)
+14 Rapier 1d6 P (deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse)
+15 Shortbow +1 Striking 2d6 P +1d6 fire (deadly d10)
+16 Spell Attack
Spell DC 26
Str 10, Dex 18,[/b] Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19
Speed 25 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Unbreakable, Goblin Song, Loud Singer
General Feat Incredible Initiative, Toughness
Skill Feats Group Coercion, Virtuosic Performance(Sing), Impressive Performance, Steady Balance, Battle Cry
Class Features & Abilities Maestro Muse, Counter Performance, Inspire Competence, Sorcerer Dedication(Fey), Basic Spellcasting, Basic Bloodline Spell
Skills Acrobatics +14(T), Athletics +12(EH), Arcana +11(T), Crafting +11(T), Deception +14(T), Diplomacy +14(T), Intimidate +16(E), Lore(Drugs) +12(EH), Lore(Aspis Consortium) +11(T), Lore(Pathfinder Society) +13(E), Occultism +11(T), Performance +18(20 Sing)(M)(Make an Impression), Thievery +17(E)
Languages Common, Goblin,
Bulk (5.2/5/10) 10x Arrows, +1 Invisible Leather Armor, Rapier, Adventurer's Pack, Repair Kit, +1 Flaming Shortbow (Striking), Infiltrator Thieves’ Tools, Persona Mask, Grim Sandglass(greater)(On Weapon), Necklace of fireballs(II)
Special Abilities

Spell Repertoire: 0: Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
1: Liberating Command, Lose the Path, Magic Missile, Soothe($)
2: Restoration, Dispel Magic($), Blood Vendetta
3: Fear, Haste, Vampiric Touch($)
4: Enervation, Resilient Sphere, Phantasmal Killer

0: Ray of Frost, Electric Arc
1: Feather Fall
2: Faerie Fire
3: Heal

Focus 2/2

® COUNTER PERFORMANCE (Focus 1) Trigger You or an ally within 60 feet rolls a saving throw against an auditory or visual effect.
Area 60-foot emanation
Your performance protects you and your allies. Roll a Performance check for a type you know: an auditory performance if the trigger was auditory, or a visual one for a visual trigger. You and allies in the area can use the better result between your Performance check and the saving throw.

=> Inspire Courage Area 60-foot emanation Duration 1 round You and all allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects.

F> LINGERING COMPOSITION FOCUS 1 Cast [free-action] verbal
If your next action is to cast a cantrip composition with a duration of 1 round, attempt a Performance check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of a level equal to the highest‑level target of your composition, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.
Critical Success The composition lasts 4 rounds.
Success The composition lasts 3 rounds.
Failure The composition lasts 1 round, but you don’t spend the Focus Point for casting this spell.

F>Faerie Dust : 30 feet, Will save,For each additional action you use Casting the Spell, the burst's radius increases by 5 feet. Failure The creature can't use reactions and takes a –2 status penalty to Perception checks and Will saves.
Critical Failure As failure, and the creature also takes a –1 status penalty to Perception checks and Will saves for 1 minute.

=>Goblin Song: You sing annoying goblin songs, distracting your foes with silly and repetitive lyrics. Attempt a Performance check against the Will DC of up to 5 enemies within 60 feet. This has all the usual traits and restrictions of a Performance check.

Critical Success The target takes a –1 status penalty to Perception checks and Will saves for 1 minute.
Success The target takes a –1 status penalty to Perception checks and Will saves for 1 round.
Critical Failure The target is temporarily immune to attempts to use Goblin Song for 1 hour.

Necklace of Fireballs 8d8, 6d6,4d6, 4d6 (DC 25)

Grim Sandglass: 1/day cast harm(2) or heal(2) DC 24 | After casting necromancy add 1d6 negative damage to weapon until end of next turn.