Relgore the Insane's page

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I have a Sorcerer 4 / Oracle 1 / Dragon Disciple 8 and am planning to take another level of Sorcerer, only I cannot for the life of me figure out how to properly advance as a Sorcerer after having taken the levels in Dragon Disciple.

I think it is safe to assume I stick with the lvl 5 BAB and Saves for the Sorcerer, and my sorcerer spell level will increase by 1 to 11 (losing 2 from DD, and 1 from the Oracle dip), but what do I do about the Bloodline Spells/Feats/Powers going forward?

From everything I've researched, it seems that I would have the Bloodline Powers of a Lvl 13 Sorcerer, as well as the associated Bloodline Spells, but not the Bloodline Feats, as they would have been excluded from the benefit of progressing in DD.

So, the question becomes, as I take a 5th level in Sorcerer, do I simply get the Bloodline Spell associated with a 5th level Sorcerer, or do I get the Bloodline Feat and Bloodline Spell associated with a 13th level Sorcerer? (assuming I would then continue to progress in the same manner from that level forward). As I write this, it seems to me it would be the latter, but it is still rather unclear.
