About Regnis of UstalavPlaceholder image for the time being until I can find a better one, there are so many Crunch:
Regnis of Ustalav Spirit Binder Divination Wizard, Chronicler of Worlds+Speaker of the Palatine Eye Bard LN Veleeta Born Dhampir(Favored Class Wizard +1 HPx1)
|HP:11|BaB:0|AC:12 T:12 FF:10|Fort:2 Ref:4 Will:2(+2 vs fear, disease, mind affecting)|Init:+7| Str: 10 0 Dex: 12+2 2 Con: 14 2 Int: 17+2 4 Wis: 12-2 0 Cha: 10 0 Racial Features +2 to escape artist and UMD +2 vs disease and mind affecting Dayborn: Lose Light Sensitivity and no SLA Low Light Vision Darkvision 60 Negative Energy Affinity No penalty from level drain (Except death) all negative levels disappear after 24 hours Skills
Spirit Binder Wizard Stuff:
Chronicler of Worlds Speaker of the Palatine Eye Bard Stuff
Spells: Wizard
Khara Familiar Stats:
Greensting Scorpion[Soulbound Familiar: Ranger] HP:5 BaB:1 AC:19 Fort:2 Ref:5 Will:2 Alignment: NE Int:6 Impro ved Evasion Share Spells Empathic Link +1 natural armor Skill focus: Heal(Total+4) Healer's Hands Backstory:
Brass skin, and cold grey eyes, those would be the first two things that one would notice about Regnis. He wears a pair of rimless spectacles, and wears simple, practical clothing. Due to a slight limp in his left leg, he walks with a large staff, upon which he has attached a banner, depicting a scarab with an eye in the center. Those familiar with Ustalvian sects would recognize it as being the symbol of the Order of the Palatine Eye, a group devoted to uncovering both the secrets to immortality, and standing against the Whispering Way.
Regnis did not have a normal childhood. Indeed, he was raised by the Order, an esoteric group of scholars. His mother was a cultist of the Whispering Way, who attempted to kill Regnis as an infant when she was surrounded by the Palantine Order. However, the managed to save the child's life, taking a particular interest in their strange appearance, as well as the reverence that the Whispering Cultists held the infant in. Although there was speculation about a connection between the increased cult ritualistic activity about 11 months before Regnis was discovered as a two month old infant, and the babe itself, the nature of the Whispering Cult, and their loathing to commit their secrets to paper makes it nearly impossible to verify any link. As of this day, Regnis still has no idea who, or what his father is. It was quickly surmised that Regnis was at least touched by undeath, after all, he healed from negative energy. However, the heartbeat of the child was more than enough to convince the scholars of the Palatine Order that they were dealing with some sort of Dhampir. As such, they saw fit to indoctrinate him in the ways of their order, hoping to use the enemies own weapon against them. Alas, it was not ever quite that simple. Regnis tried his very best, but the tender care of occult scholars does not do much to instill a sense of morality into a young man. Nevertheless, despite his apparent lack of charms, there was something mesmerizing about the young man. He drew people to him, made them act foolishly in his presence, although with some concentration he could direct that motivation to impress him to morph into extra zeal for the task at hand. The nature of this phenomenon was a matter of much debate amongst the Order. He often sought the company of other Dhampirs, something that the Order often found disconcerting, but not grounds for panic. In fact, he had a very close bond with a female Dhampir named Kharn. Although he never told another living soul this, he had hoped that one day perhaps they would marry, and leave the dreary lands of Ustalav behind, perhaps finding an area to live where the sun would not burn Khara's eyes. Alas, it was not to be. Regnis practiced both the esoteric and arcane arts in his free time, becoming quite enamored with necromancy. It came easily to him, and magics of the soul intrigued him. He would have to practice it far away from the Order's watchful eyes though, often going into the Virlych wastes with Khara as a guide. It was there that disaster struck, and Regnis called upon magics too mighty for him to control. The necromantic energy struck Khara, and killed her almost instantly. Regnis in his grief, called upon all the power that he had available to him, and bound her soul into a scorpion, using some sinew of his own leg as a catalyst, hoping that maybe, someday, he can return her to her true form. This event changed the trajectory of Regnis's life immeasurably. First, he swore off of using necromancy, except as a last resort when all others had failed. The temptation of it was too strong, and he cannot trust himself without the strict code of magical ethics he forces on himself. Always technically a follower of Pharasma, it was at this moment that Regnis began to follow her tenants strictly. Secondly, it created a rift between him and the other members of the Order. It was deemed prudent that some member of the esoteric order send aid to the neighboring region of the Worldwound. After all, it's hard to discover the secrets of immortality, as well as beating back the forces of the undead if demons have killed you all. But who to send? Regnis grew up hearing stories of the Worldwound, either as reports from the Order on the status of the crusades, or as actual tales of terror from members of the order who had spent time there. Two things struck him as being particularly interesting about the denizens of the Worldwound. The first was that the crusaders were desperate enough to be non-discriminatory about who they selected. While other children dream of running away to join the circus in their youth, Regnis dreamed of running away from the Order to join the crusaders. This desire to feel like part of something was two-pronged however. A far darker part of that dream, something he didn't often consciously consider, was that the demons of the Worldwound often employed the services of the undead. Nabusu in particular create armies of ghouls to employ. Perhaps one of those demons might know something about his creation, and be able to answer the question, "What am I?" Regnis, who had always wanted to leave behind bitter Ustalav, and who had some level of natural defense against some of the most debilitating demonic attacks was a natural choice. It was with a heavy heart that Regnis set off towards the city of Kenebras. Questions!(For the GM and myself):
I've got a couple of questions myself, like I'd like to take the archmage mythic path, but the Riftwarden orphan doesn't really fit with my backstory, any recommendations? 1. What is your character’s name?: Regnis of Ustalav, although he probably has another name within the Palatine Order 2. How old is your character?: Probably about 30ish (Minimum age for a wizard, although I'd take as young as 25 if allowed) 3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?: Average height, skin color of faded brass, eye color a dull grey, hair color dark brown, surprisingly sturdily built, and able to inspire others to great heights through some supernatural force. Dhampir, and bears a flag of the Order that he is here representing. 4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?: A very flat affect almost all of the time, and often seems to consult with the scorpion he holds close to him. When he does show emotion, it becomes evident that the flat affect is an effort to suppress whatever emotion is bubbling beneath the surface at any given time. 5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?: See backstory for this, hopefully you like it! 6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?: Mother is deceased, father is unknown. Was raised by a number of the the Order of the Palantine Eye, but none of them were particularly good at fostering a deep sense of kinship with Regnis. It is something that he desperately seeks, although perhaps he is unaware of it yet. 7. Do you have any other family or friends?: Khara Scorpion, as well as some other Dhampirs within the Ustalavin borders. I'd leave it up to the DM to have more family be relevant, or not as needed! 8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?: Unmarried, although he fantasized about it. He is unsure if he is even capable of having children, and even more unsure if it would be ethical to do so. 9. What is your character’s alignment?: Lawful because he is trying very hard to resist his chaotic nature, neutral for similar reasons on the good/evil axis, but I'd like to say that he is trying his best. 10. What is your character’s moral code?: Do not perform necromancy, unless it is a case of life and death. Follow the tenants of Pharasma. Do as little harm as possible. Survive at all costs. Help when able. 11. Does your character have goals?: He'd like to find a place where he truly belongs, learn more about his heritage, and return his love to a less arachnoid form. 12. Is your character religious?: Pharasma, although this is a recent adoption of actual faith. Souls should go where they are meant to, but he refuses to let go of Khara yet. It is a hypocracy within him that he feels guilt about. 13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?: All problems can be resolved through careful contemplation, and that every time that he fails to carefully consider something, and acts on emotion, it has ended poorly for him. 14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?: Afraid of himself to some extent, as well as being a bit socially awkward. He has very few actual friends, and doesn't really know how to act around people yet. 15. Why does your character adventure?: A sense of duty, the Worldwound is an existential threat to everything that he holds important. 16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?: Exciting. Finally, he gets to do something in the world, and show that he isn't just a specimen destined for eternal poking and prodding, although he may not have realized this yet. 17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?: A large scar on the left hip where sinew was cut from bone. It healed less than ideally. 18. How does your character get along with others?: He's a team player, if that's what you mean. Under no circumstances does he think he's a lone wolf. He was raised in an organization devoted to stomping out another group, and is aware of the need to work together, even when you may not like everyone involved, or even the action that needs to be taken. 19. Is there anything that your character hates?: Necromancers. He is beginning to manifest a mistrust of academics as well though due to his less than stellar upbringing by the Esoteric Order. 20. Is there anything that your character fears?: Becoming a true vampire, never finding a place in the world that he belongs, dying, not leaving a mark on his way out. |