That's fast food, though: "Magic Tai: Eat it quickly before it tastes like crap again!"
Yeah, but it would last *at least* an hour! That's like 55 minutes longer than Burger King french fries, which taste awesome for 5 minutes, and then turn straight to s**t.
*snorts, thinking slop flavored like spicy pepper steak w/ steamed rice wouldn't last 5 minutes, let alone 1 hour.*
The feat that is needed is Summon Down Time. Once per session you can require your dm to give you the necessary time to complete 1 magic item/level. However the Prerequisite is a case of Mountain Dew and a bag of his or her favorite snacks...
C'n I suggest an "Improvised Shield" feat? Fer instance, the standard 15 gallon ale barrel could count as a Tower Shield. I think they have the same cover value.