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I believe the skills are just too spread out! A little consolidation is a good thing or all classes need just a few more skill points.I also came up with an idea to replace skill synergy since paizo has taken them out. Tell me what you think.......
Skill specialization- Benefit: +2 to skill when using it for the specific purpose.
Prequisite: 5 Ranks in any skill.
You may only have one specialization per skill.
This specialization is chosen when you put your fifth rank in the skill.
I believe all characters should be able to take any feat or skill. This allows a player to truly make a character that he has conceived. I don't like power gamers but I do love customization. No to Bab bonus to initiative for me. But new feats that aren't overpowered. I am always a fan of.
I like the ideas everyone is coming up with just remember to keep them balanced.
Everyone should be able to use Perception. And everyone should be able to sneak it doesn't mean that they will be good at it. A fighter with all of it's check penalty will never be as good as the rogue. So everyone should just calm down.
Honestly it doesn't matter to me if the fighter is able to be stealthy, but every class should have perception as a class skill.
I'm sorry I forgot to add the ability modifers to go with the skills. I also had an idea since synergy points wouldn't work with the new skills.
Skill specialization- Benefit: +2 to skill when using it for the specific purpose.
Prequisite: 5 Ranks in any skill.
You may only have one specialization per skill.
This specialization is chosen when you put your fifth rank in the skill.
Acrobatics(DEX): balance, tumble, fly, and escape artist(squeeze through areas)
Athletics(STR): jump, climb, and swim. I assume every hero knows how to swim!
Deception(CHA): Bluff and Disguise
Discipline(CON): concentration, endurance, and autohypnosis
Handle Animal(CHA): ride
(Arcana): spellcraft
(Engineering): looking for weakness
(Binding): spellcraft and devices
(Divine): Religion and spellcraft
(Dungeoneering): survival
(Nature): survival
(Region): geography, nobility and royalty, and local, history
(Pcionics):spellcraft and devices
(Planes): survival
Legerdemain(DEX): sleight of hand, escape artist(bindings), and tying ropes
Linguistics(INT): speak language, forge, and decipher script
Mechanics(INT): Disable Device, use magic device, and open lock, siege devices, and etc.
Perception(WIS): search, sense motive, listen, spot, and smell
Persuasion(CHA): diplomacy and intimidate
Stealth(DEX): move silently and hide
Streetwise(CHA):gather information and urban survival
Trade(INT): appraise, craft(sub trade), profession, perform
Quadrupled! perception/stealth bonus based on size makes complete sense....
Freesword wrote: I would argue that there is a connection between search and spot. As would anyone who as been searching for an item for 10 minutes only to realize it was right in front of them on top of the pile they were searching. Search and spot are just the active and passive forms of the same skill. If you are actively trying to spot something you are in effect searching for it. I completely agree. The change is effectively the dc.
I have put up a few more ideas in this thread. Skill List!
I agree Concentration is needed. Take a look at this skill list!
Skill List
I'm adding a few skills and changing others based on comments. Some of the skills I added aren't for every game but must be for certain classes .
Acrobatics: balance, tumble, fly, and escape artist(squeeze through areas)
Athletics: jump, climb, and swim. I assume every hero knows how to swim!
Deception: Bluff and Disguise
Discipline: concentration, endurance, and autohypnosis
Handle Animal: ride
(Arcana): spellcraft
(Engineering): looking for weakness
(Binding): spellcraft and devices
(Divine): Religion and spellcraft
(Dungeoneering): survival
(Nature): survival
(Region): geography, nobility and royalty, and local, history
(Pcionics):spellcraft and devices
(Planes): survival
Legerdemain: sleight of hand, escape artist(bindings), and tying ropes
Linguistics: speak language, forge, and decipher
Operate Device: Disable Device, use magic device, and open lock, siege devices, and etc.
Perception: search, sense motive, listen, spot, and smell
Persuasion: diplomacy and intimidate
Stealth: move silently and hide
Streetwise:gather information and urban survival
Trade: appraise, craft(sub trade), profession, perform
Matthew Morris wrote:
Athletics: Jump and Climb
Concentration: Concentration and Autohypnosis, both go off Constitution
Escape Artist: Escape Artist and Rope Use.
(Arcana) spellcraft and allowing apprasal of magic items.
(Architecture and engineering) Also allows for supervision of building and determining weaknesses in structures
(Binding)Replaces any arcana and spellcraft checks for binders.
(Divine) Religion and spellcraft
(Psionics) Psicraft
(Underdark) Replaces Dungeoneering
Linguistics: speak language, Decipher script
Profession (Generates income, can serve as a proxy for other skills in very limited situations)
Streetwise (good idea!) Urban survival and gather information
Use Device: Use Magic Device, Use Psionic Device, Use binding device.
I'm working on a skill list right know. I love some of these ideas.
Rogue is not over-powered or even close to the fighter. Rogue has a lower ac and less hit points. He can dish out the damage if built correctly but not anymore than a fighter that is built well. Just take away off-hand sneak attack damage and the rogue works great.
I'm against this because everyone would have full-plate. It just doesn't work.....
Kirth Gersen wrote: Knowledge (arcana) into Spellcraft (Concentration is still separate).
Knowledge (dungeoneering) in our campaign is included in Profession (mining), and the latter also subsumes some of the Stonecunning abilities -- dwarves just get a racial bonus.
Knowledge (local) is included in Streetwise.
Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nature) fall under Survival.
I like these ideas. They would probably work well!
DracoDruid wrote: While your [THINK TANK] (mind the spelling!) is poorly launched ;)
ACROBATICS - Balance, Tumble and Escape Artist for squeezing through tight spaces and escaping grapples
ATHLETICS - Climb, Jump, Swim and Run/Endurance (see SWSAGA for ideas)
DECEPTION - Bluff, Disguise, Forgery, Haggle (for prices)
DIPLOMACY - Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motiv, Negotiating a contract/arrangement
DISCIPLINE - Concentration, Autohypnosis and what else you might come up with...
DOMINANCE - Command, Interrogate, Intimidate
HANDLE ANIMAL - Guide, Ride and Calm domesticated Animals (actually training (wild) animals should be a feat or class feature)
INVESTIGATE - Find Traps or hidden items, research a library, investigate a crime scene
KNOWLEDGE - several, don't know yet
LANGUAGES - Decipher Script, Speak language (with new use similar to DS but for spoken words just heard/evesdropped)
LEGERDEMAIN - Escape Artist (for bindings), Sleight of Hand, Use Rope
MECHANICS - Use/Disable Device, Open locks
MEDICINE - Heal, Profession (Herbalist)
PERCEPTION - Listen, Spot, Smell/Taste, Touch
PERFORM - Specializations: Actor, Juggler/Jester, Music, Oratory, Dance
SPELLCRAFT - Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
STEALTH - Hide, Move Silently, Shadow
SURVIVAL - Two Subskills, similar mechanic: Urban, Wilderness
TRADE - Appraise, Craft/Profession (choose specialization)
WARFARE - Use Siege Engines, plan Strategies and War Campaigns, Small Unit Tactics (improves Initiative)
Thank you for the input:
I would like to see sense motive in deception. Also tie investigate into
perception. Warfare is interesting can you give a few examples of the skill uses. Also maybe tie the survival skills into knowledge of certain areas like dungeoneering, nature, urban, and planes.
But I like it thanks
I think this should be the place to discuss what changes you want made to the skill list:
Just Ideas and Explanations! No Bickering!
This is my idea for the skill list
Acrobatics: balance and tumble
Athletics: jump, climb, and swim. I assume everyone knows how to swim!
Craft: architectture and engineering also profession
Deception: Bluff and Sense Motive
Escape Artist: tieing ropes
Handle Animal: ride
(Arcana): spellcraft
(Divine): Religion and spellcraft
(Dungeoneering): survival
(Local): gather information, geography, nobility and royalty, also urban survival
(Nature): survival
(Planes): survival
Linguistics: speak language, forge, and decifer
Operate Device: Disable Device, use magic device, and open lock
Perception: search, listen, spot, and smell
Perform: profession
Sleight of hand: draw weapon faster than usual
Stealth: move silently and hide
I like this idea! Arcana, Religion, Concentration, and no spellcraft.
I believe this would be a great way to consolidate some skills....
I think if you take weapon finesse you should have the option on damage to either use your strength modifer or 1/2 your dexterity modifer to the damage. Which ever is higher. I mean this charcter has obviously devoted himself to speed this attack.
Why don't rogue get a bonus to find traps? I just thought of it.....Rogues should get a spot bonus for traps everytime they go up in trapsense. Becuase someone who is a level 20 rogue should find traps better than a one level drop rogue.
It shouldn't be required that you have to have a rogue in your group to play. Paizo give some more classes trapfinding. I still rogue should be the best at finding traps but at least make it where other classes can find them to at 1st level. Oh, and why I am on my tangent why don't rogues get a bonus to find traps?
You know they made a new feat to make the channeling of the cleric work without healing opponets right. Selective channeling......
In my opinion either consolidate more or give the people 4+ Int!
Bring deception back I loved this combination of skills. I don't want pathfinder to be like 4th edition but I like the 4th edition skill tree. I would like the skill tree to be a little more condenced.
I think this was an over-sight! Monks can still be devote religious people........
I believe this means class skill!
Bring back skill synergy in the beta. It makes sense!
The feat Close Quarters Defense allows someone to still get a AoO against someone using mobility.( Dragons 309 feat p.110 )
I agree the starting dc should start 10 rather than 15.
I don't see a real problem with the pathfinder sneak attack. Maybe for the dm's who don't like new sneak attack, here is an idea. Make the PC do a spot check vs. the oppenets AC to find a weak spot. This makes common sense for someone who can't make a knowledge check of that type of creature. I plan on playtesting this and seeing how it works out.
I like the idea of athletics, but only if they are not getting rid of the two plus intelligence skill rules for classes. If they add more skills to those classes I think that the skills work pretty good how they are.
I don't like the idea of minions in 3.5, but I would like to see pathfinder to play with mob rules and make them their own. Because I think they have done a great job so far.
Don't change sneak attack to a standard action. If anything I thank paizo for making it more useful.
I have been reading about the changes in fourth edition and I was wondering if there were any plans to incorperate the new ideas being brought in by fourth edition to the alpha or beta tests.
For example that you don't receive a -4 to attack rolls on weapons your not profecient with. Instead you receive a bonus to your attack rolls with weapons in which your profecient. This looks very similar to the fighters weapon groups. I do have one sleight problem with this idea. If someone uses a weapon like a whip, spiked chain, nunchuku, and etc; they should probably get a minus for using these weapons when they aren't profecient with them.
I mean everyone knows how to use a sword but some are just better than others. Unlike when you pick up a whip for the first time and hurt yourself.
Bill Dunn wrote: Zurai wrote:
And it's impossible for the enemy to train to exploit the weaknesses in that approach? There's no such thing as a perfect defense.
Notice the part where I suggest a feat that negates the tumbling immunity rather like the mage-killer type one that prevents casting on the defensive? There is already a feat that negates preventive attacks of oppurtunity feats. Combat quarters defense from dragons 309.
Weapon Finesse is passive feat like most general feats. Combat feats are used for doing something specific like cleave or taking a stance. With weapon finesse you just have to use a weapon that you can move at that speed.
Weapon Finesse shouldn't be considered a combat feat, but I do think adding some dexterity to the damage would make since. Perhaps, using half of your dexterity modifier or your full strength modifier, which ever is higher. I think this would be a great improvement to characters who rely heavy on dexterity.