
Reddog's page

35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I think this should be the place to discuss what changes you want made to the skill list:

Just Ideas and Explanations! No Bickering!

This is my idea for the skill list

Acrobatics: balance and tumble
Athletics: jump, climb, and swim. I assume everyone knows how to swim!
Craft: architectture and engineering also profession
Deception: Bluff and Sense Motive
Escape Artist: tieing ropes
Handle Animal: ride
(Arcana): spellcraft
(Divine): Religion and spellcraft
(Dungeoneering): survival
(Local): gather information, geography, nobility and royalty, also urban survival
(Nature): survival
(Planes): survival
Linguistics: speak language, forge, and decifer
Operate Device: Disable Device, use magic device, and open lock
Perception: search, listen, spot, and smell
Perform: profession
Sleight of hand: draw weapon faster than usual
Stealth: move silently and hide

I think if you take weapon finesse you should have the option on damage to either use your strength modifer or 1/2 your dexterity modifer to the damage. Which ever is higher. I mean this charcter has obviously devoted himself to speed this attack.

Why don't rogue get a bonus to find traps? I just thought of it.....Rogues should get a spot bonus for traps everytime they go up in trapsense. Becuase someone who is a level 20 rogue should find traps better than a one level drop rogue.

I have been reading about the changes in fourth edition and I was wondering if there were any plans to incorperate the new ideas being brought in by fourth edition to the alpha or beta tests.

For example that you don't receive a -4 to attack rolls on weapons your not profecient with. Instead you receive a bonus to your attack rolls with weapons in which your profecient. This looks very similar to the fighters weapon groups. I do have one sleight problem with this idea. If someone uses a weapon like a whip, spiked chain, nunchuku, and etc; they should probably get a minus for using these weapons when they aren't profecient with them.

I mean everyone knows how to use a sword but some are just better than others. Unlike when you pick up a whip for the first time and hurt yourself.