Red Assassin's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Red-Assassin.


Shadow Lodge

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I hate to disagree with most of the above posts. Really though in my opinion their is one ranger archetype that is useful it is the one for making traps.

Since this is a PFS character build for a rogue.

Agility weapon enchancement in the pathfinder society field guide, Is simply put the most powerful enchantment in game. The only reason to have Str FOR any class is for encumberance and Two handed weapon builds.

Secondly scout archetype at level 8 is a game changer. Auto single sneak attack once a round. Add say 22 dex + 6 to hit finesse and agility with bab 6 and a plus +1 generic weapon your at plus 13 plus 2 more for scout abitlity for an attack at +15 deals 4d6 +7 plus weapon damage.

Is a simple simple build using one feat and zero rogue talents.

I would also advice against two weapon fighting, math dpr show a higher dpr, but PFS wealth by level hurts compared to a home campaign where you can have a dagger as a magic weapon that no one wanted without purchasing.

In higher teirs classes like shadow dancer rocks.

Rogues have their strengths but saves are generally their weakness. In a 5-9 mod I have seen traps that are area save or die in damage.

I have a PFS rogue at level 7 that is a scout. He is two weapon str build (can't reverse build him for agility enchant). He hasn't died yet and when he hits it is allot. I hit pretty often though I would like to hit all the time.

I usually am moving 60ft (expeditous retreat)base as well as acrobatics skill around 20.
I tumble as well as have decent cmb and cmd. My ac is in the low twenties. I have a admantium shortsword and a mithiril both enchanted and weapon focus shortsword.

Charisma is a good stat for you face skills and UmD

Good luck hope you go rogue.

There is also a PFS forum if you want advice for a legal build.