
Rebis Ouroboros's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 173 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge

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Flaming Crab Games wrote:

The Brawler has everything right going for it!

Now all we need is a raging/ drunken brawler archetype!

I have to agree wholeheartedly on this one. As soon as I read the post today, I hopped on HeroLab and whipped up Rowsdower from: MST3K's The Final Sacrifice. For gear, he has a pouch, a sack, and some beer, eh?

He's here, he's woefully unprepared, and he's awesome.

Shadow Lodge

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My 12 year old son and I were looking at this on a shelf in the Paizo store yesterday at Paizocon. He was astounded by the thing. "We HAVE to have it!"
I told him there was no way I could justify spending that much on a gaming book, no matter how cool it was. And then it suddenly clicked for both of us. If I keep GMing for Paizo and don't spend my credit, I could probably own this next year.

"I've gotta touch it!" he said, softly, and reached up, despite my protests, and touched it with a finger and trotted out of the store before he got in trouble. I looked around, did the same thing, and also fled.

It has to be seen to be believed.

Shadow Lodge

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Louis, I never got to meet Carla, but the way you talked about her on Facebook and at Paizocon, I could tell the depth of love you had for her. For you and Lucas, I honestly just don't have the words to try to help with the devastation.
Just know that you are loved.

- Rich

Shadow Lodge

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I'm really hoping that the Shaman has a version that is more of a Spiritist, Medium... say what you will, but someone who interacts with actual spirits of the dead instead of just a shaman who is only nature and animal totem based.
I have been trying to create a character like this for awhile now, and the best thing I could come up with is a Druid (Menhir Savant) for the spirit detection at 1st level, Cleric (for the Soul domain), Oracle (for the Ancestor mystery and the Haunted curse). She ends up with a nice theme and some great powers, but loses a lot having to multiclass that much.
If they go with a "character haunted by spirits / uses them for spellcasting) option, even if it's an Archetype (YOU HEAR THAT, BULMAHN?), I will be in heaven.

Shadow Lodge

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I'm about to start GMing Beginner Box for a group of possibly TEN 4th, 5th and 6th graders.

And yeah, I know I'm insane. But they were going to start asking random teenagers to GM for them. They're tiring of 4th Edition, and a few of them who have gamed with me have been telling the other kids about my GMing. I even had a mother offer to pay me.

I'm going to go with EdOWar's class conversions, and then attempt to "EdOWar-ize" up all of the races from the Advanced Race Guide for Beginner Box, as well. I'm calling it MonsterSquad ATTACK!, and I'll be running it at DTwenty Games in Normandy Park, WA.

I figure I'll make up some new goblin characters and have the whole chaotic pile of them go through "We Be Goblins!" to really get them to see how fun it is (along with all of the D&D Encounters players who will be there that Wednesday night - I have a feeling we'll have a few looky-loos). Then I'll let them make their own characters, whatever classes and races they want, and I'll start running them through a Sandpoint area campaign, using material from Rise of the Runelords, maybe Chopper's Isle, and The Brinewall Legacy (at least, the first half).
I haven't been this excited about running a campaign in years.
I have a feeling that when I get Pathfinder Society going at DTwenty in the next few months, this gang of kids will be responsible for converting over many more gamers than I ever could.

The reason I'm posting this is to thank the Paizo staff for the creation of the Beginner Box.

At Paizocon 2011, I actually had tears in my eyes while thanking Erik Mona, Jason Buhlman and Sean K. Reynolds for building the thing, because I remembered how much the D&D red box meant to me back in 1981, and I knew that my wife would absolutely FORBID ME to introduce it to my 10 year old son, such is her hatred of roleplaying and D&D.
To have gone from that a year ago to having her "pimp out" (her words) my GMing skills for babysitting services and not having a problem with my son playing Pathfinder -- it is incredibly meaningful to me.

Also, thank you, Ed (aka EdOWar) for doing the class conversions so that I can get these guys hooked on the full spectrum of Pathfinder, and then transition them over into regular Pathfinder, and Pathfinder Society. Ed, if you want those race conversions, you'll get 'em.

And to John Reyst and his, for always being there on my smartphone, so I can use up all of my battery, checking nuances of character class combinations, or any and all of the other minutiae of the game.

To Jason, Sean, Erik, Lisa, Jeff, James, Sarah, Wes... To all of you and more, THANK YOU. I am genuinely in your debt.

And I am really excited to see how ridiculously insane this is going to be.

- Rich Crotty
(Rebis Ouroborous)

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite. wrote:
Gamemastering > Creating New Races

John, you rock.

There are so many times that I ask myself something about Pathfinder and I don't have any of my books, but my cellphone is handy, d20pfsrd is calling me, and waiting to drain my battery dry. And that's why I will be a poweruser for life.

- Rebis

Shadow Lodge

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I would love to be the guy who writes the first review of Battlemap: Pirate and Ghost Ship, but I can't, because I have a working relationship with Antal Kéninger and Zoltán Bárány of Lord Zsezse Works. Once I saw their first free map (The Hall of the Well - coming soon to and discovered that they were from Hungary and that English was their second language, I volunteered to be their copy editor.
I love these guys. Their maps are amazing, they are incredibly humble, and ridiculously hard workers. I want them to succeed, and I think selling their maps on is the right move for them.
That being said, I can't possibly give an unbiased review for the review page, so I'll tell you about the battlemaps here, and if anyone has any questions for me, I can pull up the map on my computer and get back to you.

* * *

Pirate and Ghost Ship is HUGE. Both the Pirate Ship map and the Ghost Ship map are 3 levels each, and each level is made up of 10 printed, DETAILED color pages. They add up to three 36" x 16" maps for Pirate Ship, and three 36" x 16" maps for Ghost Ship. They also include a map of both versions of the captain's cabin and even a map of a small crow's nest. Included are versions of the maps with water and without water. The guys suggest printing the cargo deck level with water, and then print the two upper decks without water, so you could lay the upper decks on top of the cargo hold as characters move from level to level.
Another unique feature of Lord Zsezse Works maps is that you can toggle on or toggle off the 1" grid. With this map, the only layers that you can turn on or off are the gridlines and the background. With the background on, the instructions look like weathered parchment, without the background, it's white for less ink-consuming printing. Other maps I've seen of theirs allow you to toggle traps, secret doors, lighting effects, and designs on tombstone covers.

The Ghost Ship appears weathered and barnacle encrusted, and nearly everything on the ship that isn't part of the actual ship itself shows up as a ghostly afterthought. Blades, rope, cannons, hammocks, sextants... all have a translucent green glow.

And the thing in the captain's cabin in the coffin...
It's creepy looking at it in the regular pirate ship map.
When you look at it in the ghost ship map, it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

That, right there, is the source of evil on that damned ship.

- Rebis Ouroboros

Shadow Lodge

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Mighty Squash wrote:
The Puffball seems sort of un-Elf-y. Having a pet fungus seems more in line with general gnomish madness.

A drow is a type of elf. To me, a fungal puffball seems highly appropriate for an underground race.

- Rebis

Shadow Lodge

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I've been in love with the Falcon's Hollow setting since the moment I first read Hollow's Last Hope, and Age of Worms is extremely appealing to me. I know that I'll have to cut the adventure path (seriously) short, but I really like the concept of putting these adventures together (Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, The Whispering Cairn, Revenge of the Kobold King, Three Faces of Evil, and then maybe Hungry Are The Dead as a grand finale).
Am I a fool for even attempting this?

Oh, also, the PC's are the MONSTERSQUAD!
It's my 9 year old son and my 10 year old nephew playing two characters apiece, this time playing monsters I've worked up with PFBB stats and using classes from EdOWar's blog:

We have:
A whisper gnome ninja,
A tengu monk,
A goliath oracle of lore,
A wayang witch,
A compsognathus familiar.

Together, they are MONSTERSQUAD!

I've gotten them right to the gates of Droskar's Crucible and they'll be going in today, as soon as my two year old goes to playtime with his mommy. If anyone is interested, i'll try to do up the campaign under the heading "MONSTERSQUAD, ATTACK!"
And I'd really appreciate any advise anyone could give me on how to make this frankensteinien hodgepodge somehow work.


Shadow Lodge

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Morgen wrote:
Hmmm, I don't seem to see a P up there for Ponies.

That's because it's not filed under "P." It's under "M" for My Little Pony!

... Gods help us all.

- Rebis

Shadow Lodge

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Telodzrum wrote:

She says that when I'm researching the system and building my character have the grin of a kid with its new Christmas present.

This game isn't just about magic. It is magic.

Wow. Now I'm the misty-eyed one. That was beautiful.

And I had the same grin on my face as I was reading your post.

- Rich

Shadow Lodge

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I just played the intro solo adventure with my 9 year old son. He played the female elven Rogue, Merisiel.
Oddly enough, before I even opened the box, I asked him, "If you were to play a fantasy game, would you want to play a human, dwarf, or elf?"
"And would you want to play a Fighter - like a warrior, a cleric - like a priest of a god with spells and healing powers, a rogue - a thief like Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit, or a Wizard?"
"A rogue, daddy."
"And would you want to play a male or a female?"
"Eh, I'd play a girl."

So Merisiel it was.

And he had a blast. It took me about one minute to explain that he'd be rolling a d20 plus modifiers, and we were playing through the solo adventure within one minute. He needed for me to point out where some stats were on the sheet from time to time, and he wanted to reroll a perception check 3 times (I just said that they took 10 minutes apiece, so he spent a half hour in the room with the kidnapped child,, having to roll perception and stealth checks since he didn't want to wake the kid. He was convinced there was something hidden in there.
But he almost critted on the goblin (20 and then a 7), and he critted on the skeleton king twice (20 and another 20, 19 and a 17), killing him in two rounds.

The kid is a natural.

So, I'm overjoyed. I'm the guy whose wife vowed to never let my kid play D&D. Today I told her that when I start up the after school Pathfinder Beginner Box program at my son's school (named "Pathfinder," of all things), I wanted Caeden to have the option of playing, if he wanted to. She said okay.

He gave me a hug before he went to bed. He hasn't hugged me in a long time.

Life is good.

- Rich "Rebis" Crotty

Shadow Lodge

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Deep Halfling

This Halfling stands less than half as tall as a human. He has a stocky but athletic build, Grey skin, Black hair, and dark eyes.

Type Humanoid (Halfling) [0 RP]
Size Small [0 RP]
Deep Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on
attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver
Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed Slow (20') [-1 RP]
Ability Score Modifiers [0 RP]
Standard ( +2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 CHA)
Languages Standard (Undercommon, Halfling) [1 RP]
Bonus languages: Aklo, Drow, Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, Giant
Racial Abilities
Defensive Training, Lesser [1 RP]
Deep Halflings gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against goblinoids
Darkvision 60’ [1 RP]
Cave Dweller [2 RP]
Deep Halflings gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made
Stonecunning [1 RP]
Deep Halflings receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual
stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a
check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not
they are actively looking.
Skiil Bonus +1 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Craft checks [2 RP]
Fearless [1 RP]
Deep Halflings gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear.
Special: This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Halfling luck and fortunate.
Halfling Luck [2 RP]
Deep Halflings gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Hatred [1 RP]
Deep Halflings gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against Duergar and Goblins
Weakness Abilities
Light Sensitivity [-1 RP]
Stillborn are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light.

Total [ 10 pts.]

Shadow Lodge

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The white skinned goblin baby looks down at you from the ceiling of the cave, its hollow eyes following your every step. You almost think that it could be dead, right up until the moment its mouth opens and the blood-curdling moan emerges.

Type Humanoid (Goblinoid) [0 RP] Goblinoid Subtype: Goblinoids are stealthy humanoids who live by hunting and raiding.
Half-Undead Subtype [5 RP]

Darkvision 120’ [1 RP]

Stillborn gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.

Stillborn take no penalties from energy draining effects, though they can still be killed if they accrue more negative levels than they have Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels they’ve gained are removed without any additional saving throws.
Stillborn are harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy.

Size Small [0 RP] Stillborn are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Base Speed Normal (30') [0 RP]

Ability Score Modifiers [-2 RP]
Paragon ( +4 DEX, -2 INT, -2 WIS, -2 CHA)
Stillborn are fast, but simple and uncaring of social niceties.

Languages Xenophobic (Goblin)
[0 RP]
Bonus languages: Undercommon, Aklo, Draconic, Dwarf

Racial Abilities
Climb [1 RP]
Stillborn have a climb speed of 20 ft, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants.

See in Darkness [4 RP]
Stillborn can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by deeper darkness.

Undead Swiftness [1 RP]
Stillborn gain a +10 ft. racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Stalker [1 RP]
Perception and Stealth are always class skills for Stillborn.

Terrifying Moan [2 RP]
As a supernatural ability, once per hour, as a standard action, Stillborn can emit a frightful moan. Any creature not of the goblinoid subtype must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s level + creature’s Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Creatures that save cannot be affected again by a terrifying moan made by a stillborn for 24 hours.
Creatures that are already shaken become frightened for 1d4 rounds instead.

Weakness Abilities

Light Sensitivity [-1 RP]
Stillborn are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light.

Vulnerable to Sunlight [-2 RP]
Stillborn take 1 point of Constitution damage after every hour they are exposed to sunlight.

Total [10 pts.]

I liked the half-ghost so much that I combined it with my Deep Goblin!

Shadow Lodge

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The skittering sounds seem almost designed to inspire terror, and come from the deepest shadows around you. Crimson eyes gleam as black spidery goblins swarm forward from the walls and celing to slash and batter and pulp...

Type Humanoid (Goblinoid) [0 RP]
Goblinoid Subtype: Goblinoids are stealthy humanoids who live by hunting and raiding.
Size Small [0 RP]
Deep Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty
to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed Normal (30') [0 RP]
Ability Score Modifiers [-1 RP]
Greater paragon
(-2 STR, +4 DEX, -2 CHA)
Deep Goblins are fast, but weak and uncaring of social niceties.
Languages Xenophobic (Goblin) [0 RP]
Bonus languages: Undercommon, Aklo, Draconic, Dwarf
Racial Abilities
Climb [1 RP]
Deep Goblins have a climb speed of 20 ft, , and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants.
See in Darkness [4 RP]
Deep Goblins can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by deeper darkness.
Darkvision 120' [3 RP]
Underground Sneak [5 RP]
Deep Goblins gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks; this increases to a +4 bonus underground. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks and Perception checks.
Stalker [1 RP]
Perception and Stealth are always class skills for Deep Goblins.
Weakness Abilities
Light Sensitivity [-1 RP]
Deep Goblins are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light.
Vulnerable to Sunlight [-2 RP]
Deep Goblins take 1 point of Constitution damage after every hour they are exposed to sunlight.

Total [10 pts.]

And I'd definitely give them the trait from Goblins of Golarion that causes them to have chameleon-like skin.

Shadow Lodge

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So Libra, are you just trolling? You've admitted that you're not a gamer and get product from Paizo specifically to read it. The majority of subscribers were excited to receive it as part of their subscription, you weren't. Okay. But Paizo has given you an easy way to opt out if you like. Why are you being so melodramatic, sarcastic and insulting?
For most of Paizo's fans, we're gamers. And for some of us lucky ones, we remember the excitement of opening a D&D boxed set and going through these strange new contents and weird shaped dice and starting a hobby that we still, years later, absolutely love. One of the reasons you receive anything from a company called Paizo, hell, most likely the main reason there are employees staffing and in charge of Paizo, is that moment when they opened up a boxed set and experienced magic for the first time.
At PaizoCon this year, I sat in the forum for the boxed set, listening to Erik Mona and Jason Bulhman, and realized I was choking up because I was looking at the contents of this amazing boxed set and realizing that my own children will most likely never get that same feeling because of an ignorant mother who categorically forbids me to introduce my sons to something this amazing for fear they'll turn out like me someday.
This isn't some cheap little knockoff. This is a game I'd be proud to show ANYBODY.
If you don't think Paizo should have put the boxed game as a subscription item, you have made your option clear. If you feel the need to cancel your subscription, do so. Or better yet, send the game my way, where I can use it to introduce a new generation of roleplayers at my son's school (oddly enough, named Pathfinder) to this wonderful game of imagination.
But please don't insult everyone who would like to share that sense of wonder with a newbie or a child.

Shadow Lodge

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I recieved my copy of We Be Goblins! two weeks ago, since I was going to be running it for Free RPG Day, got it signed and illustrated (Tyler Walpole was fantastic at PaizoCon, and even drew little goblins in the module for those who asked. I'd use him as my Avatar pic if we didn't have to use the Paizo-supplied ones).
I ran it and played it both on Saturday, and it really is amazing.


As a GM: I had been somewhat worried, because despite my love of Pathfinder, everybody in my crew had transferred over to 4th Ed and never looked back. I hadn't run a Pathfinder game ever, and the first time I'd gotten to play it was the previous week at PaizoCon.
But, the adventure ended up being awesome. The four players I had completely got into it, random goblin cheers rang out from our table constantly, people kept coming over or peering around gameshelves wondering what the hell was going on with all the shouting and chanting and laughing.
During the dares, the perfect goblins picked the perfect dares.
Reta Bigbad(with her extra large head) picked the earslicer, came out torn, bloody, and missing a few hit points and choice pieces of ear, but triumphant.
Mogmurch somehow hid in the swamp the entire night, not even coming back when Slorb was calling out Olly Olly Oxens, which proved he was the winner of "Hide or get Clubbed."
Chuffy, little iron-bellied Chuffy, made short work of the slugs in "Eat a Big Bag of Bull Slugs Real Quick."
And Poog of Zarongel, despite his usual failures in riding animals, decided it was his destiny to Ride Squealy Nord. ANd fell. and got back on, and fell. And then rode squealy for more than the required three rounds. And then the next day, rode Lotslegs Eats Goblin Babies Many. While it was on fire. Because Zarongel is the god of dog killing, fire, and most holy mounted combat.
At the ship, Reta caught the hornets nest and threw it at Stomps the horse, and Chuffy spilled its intestines in a horribly well-described manner before it died... horribly. They systematically killed every dog on board, and when they came up on deck and realized Vorka was hanging off the mast directly above them dropping a clay pot and then leaping down to slaughter and teat the lot of them...
Reta caught the pot and threw it back into Vorka's falling face, causing the pot of dog poop to shatter and coat her. Then the alchemist's fire set her ablaze, and Chuffy was backstabbing, and Poog was firebolting her, and Vorka fought as well as she could, but it wasn't enough. Spider climbing up the mast, with only one hit point left, she cast cure light wounds on herself, and was just about to follow up with a potion of cure light wounds, when Mogmurch, who had climbed the mast after her using his "Ring of Climbs Real Good," stealthed in above her and poured a vial of acid into her opened mouth.
Vorka died horribly, crying, "What a world! What a world..."

Returning triumphantly with their fireworks and many other goodies, The group were treated as heroes. Chuffy is now Overseer of Village Stabbings, Poog is Master of the Big Pit, Mogmurch is Boss of Big Fire, and Reta is Head Village Watcher. And after all the stories were told, she was declared Most Bestest Team Member for the "Throwing of the hornet's nest" and the "Throwing of the crock o' poop," which will both go down in history, and so the chief married Reta to his daughter, the fearsomely corpulent and ferociously lusty Gupy Wartbits.

Upon which one of my players shouted, "Do you know what we've just DONE? We've just made same-sex marriage legal for all goblinkind!"

Thus endeth the session.

- Rebis

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