Acadamae Student Korvosa

Rebecca "Becky" Beys's page

82 posts. Alias of Profession Smith 6 ranks.

I tried to use the special 20% off GenCon code {gencon) from a recent blog post this morning and was informed it expired on 8/31/2006.

Garn says I!

Here's the scenario: A bandit with the Attack of Opportunity reaction is standing in a hayloft next to the hole in the floor where a ladder emerges. When a PC rogue climbs up and tries to position himself to fight the bandit, his movement triggers the AoO. The rogue can, in turn, use his Nimble Dodge reaction in response to this attack, correct?

Thanks in advance.

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So, I'm trying to get myself in the Christmas spirit, playing a Christmas album by Martina McBride (great voice, even if you're not into country).

"Do You Hear What I Hear?" comes on, and shortly thereafter it happens:

Martina sings, "Said the king to the people everywhere...."

And my brain immediately thinks: "Dilly-dilly!"

Happy Holidays anyways, folks!

Rebellion Sheet/Weekly Tracker | Madness in Kintargo Roll20 Battlemap | AoN Underwater Combat Rules

Let's go with the "Start with 10" ability score generation system detailed on page 19 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook.

For your new PC's backstory, feel free to use the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide and my first post in the Gameplay Thread for inspiration. Also, I plan on utilizing some NPC protagonists in this campaign--young scions from the lesser noble house of Solstine. The Solstines are based in Kintargo's Redroof district and have mostly removed themselves from high society and political intrigue; they are mostly a house of artists and entertainers now, though one branch of the family tree has produced three adventurous souls (who you may work into your PC's backstory, if desired).

Jayson Solstine is the eldest of three siblings at age 24. This warrior has served as a caravan guard and a bouncer in recent years, but Lord-Mayor Thrune's proclamations and curfew have curtailed his prospects in these fields. Jayson's mumbled on several occasions about his dislike for Thrunies, and recently coldcocked a Queensman bully who was picking on a street vendor; luckily, there were no witnesses to this affair. Jayson spends much of his free time practicing swordsmanship in the basement of an abandoned warehouse in the heart of Redroof.

Jolina Solstine, 22, is a recent graduate of Alabaster Academy in Villegre district across the Yolubilis. She still spends much of her time there acting as a tutor to its newer students. She's more outspoken against the lord-mayor than her brother, going so far as to help organize weekly protests in Villegre Park.

Carlissa Solstine, 20, is the youngest of the three siblings. While she seems to be just another Solstine entertainer, singing at dancing for coin at several Redroof and Temple Hill taverns, those who know her best know she's no happy-go-lucky performer. The young lady has already organized a small cadre of contacts throughout the district and is active in supporting those hurt by Lord-Mayor Thrune's policies and rabblerousing to build resistance against the tyrant.

Rebellion Sheet/Weekly Tracker | Madness in Kintargo Roll20 Battlemap | AoN Underwater Combat Rules

REDROOF REBELS: A Pathfinder Playtest/Hell’s Rebels Campaign

Prologue (7 Gozran, 4716)

It’s been two-and-a-half months since Paracount Barzillai Thrune arrived in Kintargo, claiming the mantle of Lord-Mayor, making somewhat preposterous proclamations, declaring a nightly curfew, and generally turning established Kintargo society and customs on their heads. The dottari patrols—once filled with local faces—now feature strangers brought in mainly for their loyalty to Thrune; and these less friendly patrols are augmented by ones from the Chelish Citizens Group (aka the Queensmen), vocal (and often violent) pro-Thrune loyalists.

The streets are no longer safe: a citizen can receive a beating for saying the wrong thing or looking sideways at a Queensman. Crime, which dipped initially when the nightly curfew was instituted, is again on the rise as commerce falters and demand exceeds supply for even simple necessities like food and clothing. Sure, there have been rumors of some rebel faction wiping out a band of murderous fey in the tiefling slum called the Devil’s Nursery, and the Red Jills gang has been disbanded, but as the poor grow more desperate, cold-hearted folks fill the vacuum left in the wake of these evils.

This is the situation the city finds itself in at the moment, a vicious cycle of oppression and crime. If the city is to survive (and perhaps again thrive), something must be done.

I just noticed in the Hell's Rebels MBs (Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder Adventure Path / Hell's Rebels) that the "sticky" topics are no longer at the top of the thread.

Greetings. Our Hell’s Rebels Game recently lost a player and we’re looking for a replacement. We’re nearing the end of Book 1 of the AP, and the players are 3rd level. The current PC roster includes an aasimar investigator/swashbuckler, a hidden priest of Cayden Cailean, a tiefling sorcerer, and a drow paladin. They’re aided part-time by a noble bard/rogue (former PC) but could probably use some muscle, though potential replacement players should submit whatever character they prefer. This recruitment will be open at least until Monday (June 18, noon U.S. Eastern)…longer if none of the early submissions catches the current party’s fancy.

Character Creation Rules: No 3rd-party, 3rd-level PC, 20-point buy, no VMC, 3 traits (1 campaign trait from the Hell’s Rebels Player’s Guide plus 2 others (no drawbacks), unchained versions where available, starting cash/equipment 2,250 gp*…plus, roll two (2) d30s^.

* The current PCs are a bit below normal wealth-by-level, as they used some of their earnings to liberate a previous PC from slavery and help put the bard through college (not really, but they helped pay her admission fee into the prestigious Kintargo Opera House Society).

^ The previous GM had a boon system, some parts of which I’m not 100% comfortable implementing. I’ll send each applicant a private message detailing what extras they can choose between in creating their character.

Feel free to ask questions.

Why not brand goblins as a BONUS ANCESTRY in the core rulebook and include a HANDLE WITH CARE sidebar to warn GMs of potential pitfalls?

From the Paizo/Message Boards/Online Campaigns page, when I try to click on "Play-by-Post" the system repeatedly tries to load the page before giving the following error message: You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly.
Please wait a minute before trying again.

Specifically, the interactive maps for Mummy's Mask: The Half-Dead City. When I bring the file up in reader, the cover page is fine but the next few pages are just tags on white pages and the last page is tags on a black background.

I've tried re-downloading the file but had the same problem. Could someone check and see if the map file works on your end?

Thanks in advance.

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Arr! Me one good eye don't be spyin' no 30% off ye bunch o' scalawags!

(Means 'I think you forgot to adjust the sale products for the 30% discount.')

EDIT: Yar! That be more to the taste o' this ol' seadog!

(Means 'Now I might spring for a PDF on The Wormwood Mutiny.' Thanks!)

So...assuming that a skum (Bestiary, p. 253) either is disarmed of its trident or is too poor to have a weapon in the first place.

Do its claws (or perhaps its bite) function as a primary attack instead of a secondary one?

Let's see if I can draw a decent diagram...

WALL----------- -----------WALL

PC (P on diagram) opens a door. Right on the other side is a Monster (M on diagram). EDIT: The monster is in the square right above the PC's.

Can the PC, on his turn, move diagonally to one of the squares marked D on the diagram? While technically NOT a corner, both sides of a doorway are pretty darned solid and I would think diagonal movement in this case would not be possible.

What's the general consensus?

Rebellion Sheet/Weekly Tracker | Madness in Kintargo Roll20 Battlemap | AoN Underwater Combat Rules

For maps I'll likely use Roll20 unless someone complains; it's free to join the basic platform, though I've heard that it either doesn't work or is challenging to use if you game via a smartphone. Assuming this works for everyone, please send me your Roll20 names when you get a chance.

Rebellion Sheet/Weekly Tracker | Madness in Kintargo Roll20 Battlemap | AoN Underwater Combat Rules



What follows is my own personal creation, or interpretation, or possible turn of events to make a smooth(ish) narrative transition between where we left off in GM Paladin’s PbP game and where we begin in this one. If GM Paladin returns to again take up the mantle of our storyteller and referee, we may or may not see fit to integrate any of what takes place in this game into his game. So this may end up being nothing more than an ‘alternate reality exercise in What If?’ I can live with that. What follows is my version of the period of the Silver Ravens organization since GM Paladin’s hiatus…an attempt to explain the many tumultuous comings and goings that have happened in the days since the hunt for the invisible creature inside the Nest….

The fledgling rebellion of the new Silver Ravens is all but disbanded! A series of abysmal failures and departures from its roster of core officers has left it fractured and badly weakened. The run of misfortune began when, despite a decent plan, the friends failed to catch the invisible spy that had recently wreaked havoc inside the Nest. The Ravens’ officers had agreed to refine their plan and try again, but the second hunt never happened. Sabrina Sarini, pretty but capricious assistant to spymaster Davina Eradon, suddenly stormed out of Laria’s Long Roads Coffeehouse, despite having been promised by her father to another diabolist in eternal infernal wedlock. Her former bodyguard, Domitius, was the first to go after the wayward young woman but was soon followed by the other Ravens’ officers and some of their recruits.

Sabrina and several of her would-be rescuers have not been seen since, and there isn’t even a whisper on the streets of Kintargo as to their ultimate fates. Domitius has vanished, as has the capable Varisian mage Nicolae and two young recruits who accompanied him into the city streets in search of Sabrina. The blame for Sabrina’s brusque departure eventually fell mainly upon her ‘frenemy,’ the young noblewoman bard, Jessibel Aulamaxa, and (to a lesser degree) upon the secret worshiper of Cayden Cailean, Leora Scileana. Apparently word somehow got back to Sabrina that her two friends had snuck off to a tavern for a night of revelry and not asked her along. To make matters worse, Jessi and Leora double-dated that night with the Vashnarstill twins, a pair of decadent nobles (and identical twins), the elder of whom (Angus) Sabrina had dated last summer and discarded by fall. Faced with this ‘betrayal’ by two of her friends, Sabrina quit the Ravens in an angry huff.

Other incidents also contributed to the fracturing of the rebel faction. An important document that the displaced nobleman and scholar, Rexus Victocora, was studying and translating—a piece of parchment with a magical secret page cast upon it—vanished mysteriously around the same time as Sabrina’s exit. Only a day after that theft was discovered, a large and rather insistent contingent of dottari showed up at the coffeehouse, demanding access to the establishment’s basement. Although they didn’t find the secret door and passage leading down the Nest, Laria thought it best for the rebels to find another gathering spot for the short term at least, until the heat the dottari was applying cooled off.

The Silver Ravens decided to temporarily go their separate ways until a new headquarters could be established (or Laria allowed them to return to the Nest). Of the four remaining officers, three (Kiri Windfeather, Leora, and Davina) relocated to Eradon Manor in Villegre; Jessibel split her time between her family home in the Greens and a rented flat in Jarvis End within a block of the Kintargo Opera House Society, of which she was a new member. Rexus is currently staying at the home of a friend, the place he was at the night he lost his family and home on the Night of Ashes, and he’s still busily translating the remaining documents found underneath the Fair Fortune Livery. The Ravens’ teams (Turl’s Performers, the tengu Fushi Sisters, and Forvian’s Fighters) stayed intact but each went its separate way, awaiting orders from their leaders. The rank and file returned to their old lives, likewise biding time until the Silver Ravens would again arise from the ashes.

Yesterday morning, a message arrived via a silver raven figurine of wondrous power from Lydia Tivyr, a rebel and old friend based out of Songbird Hall, the local Temple of Shelyn, saying that she had a request and mission for her old friends, one that she’d need to explain and detail in person. Jessibel, who was checking in with her fellow officers at the time, told the others that she had Opera House Society business later in the day and could swing by the temple while she was on Argo Isle. Although she promised to return to Davina’s home with an update before nightfall, Jessi never showed. The teen girl was still occasionally less-than-dependable and had stayed at her flat near the Opera House Society headquarters when her business with them ran late (rather than risk getting caught on the streets after curfew), so her friends initially didn’t worry too much. When the bard didn’t show up the next morning, however, Davina fired off a message to Songbird Hall inquiring after Jessibel.

Lydia’s silver raven reply has just arrived at Eradon Manor. Written in Elven for security purposes, Davina is able to translate it and read it aloud to the others: J.A. arrived noon yesterday. Told of missing teens in Temple Hill, Redroof. Was to meet her musical friends, then return to you. Please visit ASAP. L.T.

It’s now an hour past noon.

Please post your actions below. If you have any concerns or suggestions about the admittedly kinda harsh temporary collapse of the Silver Ravens organization, feel free to bring them up in the Discussion tab. I'll try to add a few things to the Campaign Info tab over the next few days.

The dark shadow of the new Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune hangs over a series of mysterious disappearances in Kintargo during the time of the Glorious Reclamation in Cheliax.

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In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I penned this seasonal shanty with misadventures aboard the dreaded Wormwood fresh in mind.

‘Tis the most wond—Arrr!--ful time o’ the year
With the ship’s bell a-ringin’
An’ pirate folk singin’ “Bloody Hour be here!”
‘Tis most wond—Arrr!—ful time o’ the year!

‘Tis the yar-hariest evenin’ o’ all!
At the Formidably Maid
You might even get laid before the last call!
‘Tis the y--…Oh…#%$@! *THUNK!*

(Reset to the next morning)

‘Tis the most craptastic mornin’ o’ all!
Climb yer arse up the riggin’
With Plugg an’ Scourge gigglin’ each time that ya fall!
‘Tis the most craptastic mornin’ o’ all!

Thar’ll be sluggards fer whippin’
Rum rations fer sippin’
Hog-lobbin’ each night on the deck
Thar’ll be pirate ghost stories
An’ tales that be gory
O’ pirates hung dead by the neck!

‘Tis the most wond-Arrr!-ful time o’ the year!
Thar’ll be much Yo-Ho-Ho!-ing
Foul tradewinds a-blowin’ out Fatty Fipps’s rear
‘Tis the most wond-Arrr!-ful time o’ the year!

Thar’ll be sluggards fer whippin’
Rum rations fer sippin’
Hog-lobbin’ each night on the deck
Thar’ll be pirate ghost stories
An’ tales that be gory
O’ pirates hung dead by the neck!

‘Tis the most wond-Arrr!-ful time o’ the year!
Thar’ll be much Yo-Ho-Ho!-ing
An’ mainmasts a-growin’ when Sandara draws near!
‘Tis the most wond-Arrr!-ful time. ARGH!
‘Tis the most wond-Arrr!-ful time. YAR!
‘Tis the most wond-Arrr!-ful time...o' the year!

So, a Jinkin Gremlin (Bestiary 2) stabs at an unsuspecting adventurer with its tiny short sword and scores a hit for normal damage plus 1d6 sneak attack damage.

Tiny short sword damage = 1d3-4 plus 1d6 sneak attack.

Let's assume a roll of 1 on both rolls. What's the total damage?

1 - 4 = -3 (which converts to 1 nonlethal) plus 1 lethal (since nonlethal sneak attack damage cannot be dealt with a lethal weapon)?

So...1 nonlethal + 1 lethal?

Hi -

I took advantage of the Humble Bundle offer and received a code for the Pathfinder Beginner Box Set (physical copy), but when setting up the shipping and finalizing the order I was offered the chance to continue shopping, so I did...and now I can't get back to my original Humble Bundle order.

Help, please!

I think the answer's "No," but....

If a monster has a Charisma score of 15, can it only use SLAs resembling spells up to 5th level (as would be the case for a bard or sorcerer) or are there 12 Cha monsters capable of having, say, Deep Slumber as a spell-like ability?

My follow-up question is: if a 16 Charisma monster with SLAs falls prey to a Bestow Curse spell that drops its Cha to 10, can it then only cast any 0-level SLAs on its list?

Thanks in advance for the help.

The Man's Promise | Ship Actions | Current Battle Map
GM Piratey Steve wrote:

Crescent Harbor Cistern
An encounter for Moina and Aghon. This doesn't happen to them at the same time--each is approached separately.

A female human—a few years either side of 30—with long, dark haired peppered with gray sticking out from beneath the black bandana she wears over her crown approaches you while you do your daily castings of create water at one of Crescent Harbor’s trio of public cisterns. The lady is decked in well-worn black leather armor and seems well-armed: A rapier hangs from her hip and the pommel of a dagger protrudes from the top of each of her black boots. She offers a crooked smile as she moves to the other side of the shallow well. A skull-and-crossbones holy symbol of Besmara dangles from a silver chain hung around her neck.

”Don’t it just warm the cockles o’ yer heart to slake the thirst o’ the fine folk o’ Port Peril every bloody day in the blazin’ sun or the pourin’ rain?” After casting a couple of create water spells of her own, the woman offers another smile and sticks out a rough hand with a slight accumulation of dirt beneath the nails.

”Name’s Betty—Black Betty, most folks call me,” the woman drawls. “Who’re you an’ what brings you to this lovely isle?”

Barely giving you time to reply, the woman adds, “Keep a weather eye out—many’s the disreputable crew on this isle what’d press-gang a water-maker or healer for their ship…even though it be illegal.”

Secret DM Rolls:

(Betty’s Something) 1d20+11+2 (roll) = 13
(Betty’s Something Else) 1d20+5+4 (roll) = 9
(Moina’s Perception) 1d20+9+11 (roll) = 20
(Aghon’s Perception) 1d20+4+1 (roll) = 5

Moina Only:
Something's off about the woman's appearance: The creases around her eyes, the gray streaks in her hair, and even the worn parts of her armor seem superficial and not natural. You think the woman's wearing a disguise of some sort.


Aghon wrote:

”Black Betty is it now? Name's Aghon, if you please. As to warming my heart, I'd say, yes, 't does, in a roundabout sort of way, if you catch my meaning.” He pats the coin purse strapped to his belt, right next to his morningstar. ”As t'what brings me to the Isles? Well, that's a long story, and I'd gladly be sharing it with you, perhaps over a drink?” He winks at the dark beauty, indicating, perhaps that she should be the one purchasing said beverages. ”Perhaps after you've slaked my thirst, and I've spun my yarn, ye can tell me a bit more about these disreputable crews I should look out for?” He finishes another casting of create water then looks at the position of the sun in the sky. ”Tell me where to meet ye, and at what time, and I'd be glad to share a drink and a tale?” He grips her extended hand in his own calloused paw, brings it ever so gingerly to his lips, and presses a warm kiss on it.

Secret GM Rolls:

Aghon Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Aghon Bluff if he wants to hide that he's seen through Betty's disguise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Betty's opposed Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Aghon Only:

As you chivalrously kiss the woman's hand you notice that it feels softer than it looks. Alarms go off in your head and you take a closer look at the lady the hand's attached to, seeing through her magical disguise. "Betty" is, in truth, about ten years younger than she first appeared, with shorter jet black hair. Her hazel eyes are sharp, intense, and penetrating. The jaded smile her older form once wore has become an amused smirk.

"Seein' me in a whole new light, are you, Aghon? Ah, but that's the risk o' shakin' hands now, ain't it? Her voice drops to a throaty whisper. "Lettin' you interact with my disguise gives you a chance o' seein' through it. Oh well--at least now I know you've a decent head on your shoulders and a sharper eye than most."

Betty purses her lips as if pondering some deep matter. "If you'd still like to talk over a drink or two, meet me tonight at the Frog & Grog...say an hour after sundown." Another smirk crosses her lips as she adds, "I'll cut me hair an' wear me best duds--I hear that makes me look about ten years younger!"


Moina Luft wrote:

"Ah hi, I'm Moina." she says looking around, "I had to leave my village."

She studies Betty and then asks, "Perhaps you might help me. I'm wondering if there are any jobs around here. I don't have too much coin left after the boat here."

Something seemed off about the woman but it wasn't the first strange thing she had seen here. Everything was strange.

"What kind of work you lookin' for?" the woman replies, still smiling but withdrawing her offered hand. "I'm guessin' you don't wanna be a serving wench an' you look too scrawny for the brothels...."

"Your magic powers'll get you a job on most any ship sailin' from this port," Betty continues. "An' a healer's touch is welcome in all sorts o' places in a rough-an'-tumble place like this."

Her eyes narrow as she gives Moina a closer look. "How are you at sneakin' an' spyin'? Can you be subtle? There's another new arrival I've got my eyes on, and I could use some help if you're game."

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The Man's Promise | Ship Actions | Current Battle Map

Here's some Crescent Harbor info and rumors to get you all started. Not sure if any of your PCs can fail a DC 10 Knowledge (local) check, but feel free to take a peek at that stuff for some basics on life on the pirate island.

For rumors, make up to 3 skill checks.


DC 10: Popular Locations:

Crescent Harbor Taverns, Inns, and Hotspots
Taverns: The Mermaid’s Bucket (PF #57; largest on the island), The Thirsty Turtle, Chugg’s Place, The Frog & Grog, Barracuda Bill’s, Chumm’s Tavern, Bloodknuckles’ Pit (fighting)
Inns: The Captain’s Cabin (high class); The Gulls’ Nest, The Stormcellar Inn (comfortable/average); Crew’s Quarters, Hammocks & Hamhocks (basic necessities)
Theater: The Song & Dunce
Brothels: Lass Call (classiest and most expensive), Winsome’s Wenches, Seacat’s Den (notoriously wild)
Bathhouse: Becalmed Waters
Gambling Dens: The Shark’s Tooth, The Gold Monkey
Chapels: Crescent Harbor has small public shrines to Besmara, Gozreh, and Pharasma; the three brothels have a tiny shrine to Calistria in their foyers.

DC 10: Local Laws & Rulers:

Port Peril’s laws are handed down by the Hurricane King. Basically corrupt, these edicts say that the Hurricane King, his fleet’s captains, and—to a lesser degree, their crews—can do as they please in town. Pirate Lords of the Pirate Council, likewise, have nearly free reign while in the city. Other Free Captains of the Shackles, up-and-coming pirate crews, and even daring merchant ships and their crews are welcome to make berth…after spending at least a week quarantined on Crescent Harbor isle, where their cargo and crew are examined before they are allowed into Point Peril proper.

Visitors must submit to a short interview with a docks official and is afterwards given signed papers that contain the person’s name, age, sex, race, port of origin, and other pertinent personal information. Each visitor must have his papers on his person at all times. Full-time residents of Crescent Harbor are issued identification papers that must be presented to cross the bay to mainland Port Peril. All sailing vessels, even down to makeshift rafts, are required to check the papers of all passengers. Anyone still in quarantine can expect to be turned away at the docks of Crescent Harbor or arrested if they somehow manage the crossing to the mainland city.

Small-scale brawling is generally ignored by the Crescent Guard (the island’s small watch force); assault with deadly weapons is more likely to catch their attention. Theft, pickpocketing, and robbery are illegal, but if the perpetrators aren’t caught in the act, the watch rarely provides additional investigation, unless the victim is important or has connections. These crimes are investigated and prosecuted with more vigor in the main city, however.

The ruler of Crescent Harbor is generally assumed to be Harbormaster Tjosmin Kreidoros, a dwarven wizard. He and his unknown number of custom agents and cargo inspectors (derisively called Hounds by the locals) have the authority to arrest anyone at any time for any reason (real or manufactured), and are much more feared and hated than the Crescent Guard. The island has two watch stations, imaginatively named North Jail and South Jail. The latter is larger and more secure, and is used for more dangerous criminals—those deemed deserving of a trip across the bay to either the Lockers of Dead Man’s Dancehall.

One other unusual law in Port Peril is that every known divine spellcaster capable of casting Create Water must do so each day “for no less than 1 minute and no more than 1 hour” in one or more of the city’s public cisterns.

DC 15: Rumor 1:

Rumor 1: A nutjob lugging a large anchor around with him recently arrived on Crescent Harbor. He’s been getting into brawls regularly, acquitting himself quite well. The big fellow hasn’t been arrested yet because he hasn’t yet used the anchor as a weapon.

DC 15: Rumor 2:

Rumor 2: A recently-arrived ship named the Reef Treader owned by Free Captain Duarnen Stonemaester was seized at the docks, purportedly under orders from the Hurricane King. This event is likely the culmination of a short feud between Capt. Stonemaester and one of the Hurricane King’s lesser fleet captains, the universally-despised Ludvar Barrows, captain of the Bonepicker. It’s rumored that crewmen from the Reef Treader who didn’t surrender immediately were slain by Barrows and his gang of cutthroats.

DC 15: Rumor 3:

Rumor 3: The Gypsy Wanderer, a sailing ship out of Riddleport in Varisia, arrived in Crescent Harbor two days ago, bearing a travelling circus crew intent upon setting up shop in the mainland city for an extended engagement. Quarantined on the island for a week, the circus’s owner and ringmaster is seeking permission to put on limited performances at the northeast tip of Crescent Harbor for a few days until the troupe is allowed to proceed across the bay to Port Peril proper.

DC 15: Local Traditions:

Local Tradition: Most sailors say a brief prayer to Besmara over a coin and drop it into the harbor before leaving Port Peril on a sea voyage. The amount of this offering varies from a single copper coin for common sailors and pirates to a gold or even platinum one for captains. Rumor has it that the Calistrian high priestess from the Siren’s Lash temple/brothel on the mainland city has a handful of aquatic elf allies who regularly collect this booty for the temple’s coffers.

DC 20: Hidden Organizations, Rulers, and Locations:

Although there are dozens of smugglers, cutpurses, and other small-time criminals in Crescent Harbor, there is (of yet) no organized thieves’ guild on the island. One scoundrel who’s been gaining influence in recent weeks is Gruepert, a monaciello gremlin who likes to dress in flashy pirate clothing and runs his own small marpetplace in the shadows of Squallshield Hill near the heart of the island. It’s said that—given enough time—the gremlin merchant can pull just about anything out of the magical bag he’s always clutching. The little monster’s backed up by a ripped pech warrior and a female human arcane caster named Archimedae Staal (who has a small booth selling alchemical items and spell components in Gruepert’s Market), as well as a cadre of lesser gremlins, including several mite couriers and messengers.

Full Disclosure: I’m a veteran 3E/3.5 D&D GM who….

  • 1. Hasn’t run a game in more than 5 years;
  • 2. Am just now learning the Pathfinder system;
  • 3. Has never run a Pathfinder game;
  • 4. Has never run a PbP game;
  • 5. Doesn’t have home or mobile internet access and will access the message boards at my local library, hopefully at least 3 days a week (approximately every other day, excl. Sundays and holidays). In the event of a snowy winter in the Northeast, my posting frequency is likely to drop;
  • 6. Will likely use Roll20 for maps (though I have to learn that as well).

This irregular posting schedule will likely result in a slow—ahem, leisurely—game experience. I’m not sure what type of players (if any) will be interested in such a game—perhaps some newbies, folks who can’t commit to the usual post-a-day (or more) requirement, or maybe a veteran or two from other games who’d like to add a low-stress, part-time game to their gaming schedules and gently correct the GM when he makes mistakes (like using a 3.5 rule when Pathfinder’s updated something). I’m also hoping the players will takes matters into their own hands and make RPing posts when the GM’s in one of his lulls.

Anyone still reading this post? :)

In the off-chance someone still is, let me set down some parameters:
Setting: The city of Port Peril in the Shackles (specifically, Crescent Harbor island, where all newly-arrived ships must make berth for up to a week for inspection, as per the orders of the Hurricane King).
Campaign Type: Hodge-Podge (original encounters, modified PFRPG published stuff, modified D&D encounters; not PFS)
Campaign Info/Background: The campaign begins on the island of Crescent Harbor, where all incoming vessels must berth for about a week for inspection before their crews and/or goods are allowed across the bay to Port Peril proper on the mainland. This restriction has caused a number of “service industries” to thrive on the island: inns, taverns, brothels, gambling halls, eateries, pawnshops, barber shops, and the like. There’s money to be made from quarantined merchants, sailors, pirates, and gullible adventurers…and cutpurses, con men, brawlers, and shady merchants are abundant in the isle’s streets, alleys, and businesses.

Your PC needn’t be a pirate. Perhaps he’s a local street thief, performer, sellsword, or cleric of Besmara (or some other less represented deity). Maybe she got press-ganged at another port but was such a lousy pirate/sailor that she got dumped unceremoniously on Crescent Isle. How about a down-on-his-luck gambler or mercantile type? Or a Mwangi native recently moved from the jungle into the wonders of so-called civilization? He could even be a “typical” adventurer, just arrived in port and looking for some quest worthy of his time and talents.

I’ll pick 5-6 characters from those submitted (assuming I get that many, of course), likely somewhere between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The actual game will start shortly thereafter.

Starting Level: 1st
Level Advancement: Slow (I’ve always preferred low- to mid-level games and like for the players to learn and grow into their new abilities/powers/spells).
Character Creation: 20-point buy; 2 traits; no drawbacks
Starting Character Wealth: average for class
Restricted Alignments: LE, NE, CE. I’m shooting for a Pirates of the Caribbean feel—the PCs shouldn’t be saints but neither should they be black-hearted butchers.
Races/Classes/Equipment Allowed: Core Rulebook…plus. Like I said, I’m just learning the Pathfinder system after a longish hiatus from D&D 3.5, so the closer we stay to Core, the more comfortable I’ll be trying to run the game. That having been said…there’re lots of goodies outside the Core Rulebook. I like what I’ve seen of the Traits system and Archetypes seem simple enough to implement. Beyond that is a gray area, and I’ll take things on a case-by-case basis. I want to learn the Pathfinder rule system…just not all of it at once!

I don’t have the Occult Adventures book, so that’s out. I’ve only glanced at Unchained, and would prefer to learn the basics before jumping into optional/variant rules, so that’s out (probably). I don’t know an eidolon from a Megalon (and am not sure I want to). And no ninjas (Come on—it’s a piratey campaign!) or paladins (problematic in a pirate port).

I have enough store credit for my order, but...for some reason the system isn't applying the full order amount. Help, please!

I tried to grab some GM's Day bargains but the check-out process won't allow me to use my store credit.

Help, please!

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I just got my copy of CotCT #1 today, and while flipping through it I noticed something a bit odd. Zellara claims that Gaedren Lamm's thugs stole her treasured Harrow deck, yet a few moments later claims that those very cards are the ones in her hands...but she never bothers to say how the deck was returned to her.

For those who've already started playing the adventure, did anyone catch this discrepancy and confront Zellara with it? If so, how did your DM have her explain it away?

I could've sworn that I saw a lore table regarding Shadow Pearls somewhere, but now I can't find it. Does one exist or is this just a figment of my imagination?