About Nana Grilka"Does you want to make a baby?" Nana Grilka is a statuesque and voluptuous half orc woman. She lacks the bestial features of most of her race, save for the scars gained in her brutal upbringing amongst the orcs of Belkzen, where she was wife to an orc shaman. She is heavily tattooed, with multiple facial and body piercings. Nana believes that every living creature deserves a mother's love, something she never received until she heard the Word of the "Holy Mama", otherwise known as the Mother of Monsters, Lamashtu. Nana will never accept that her goddess of motherhood is a Demon Lord, and pursues her own devotions, heedless of the name or the truth of her divine patron. Her faith is its own truth. Nana's offspring:
Nana had 4 children whilst a member of an orc tribe in Belkzen. Whilst a pirate in the Shackles, she conceived her 5th child by an old human dockhand. Her 6th child was conceived with a human pathfinder agent during a mission beneath Oppara. Her 7th child was conceived with a savage barbarian-alchemist after they survived a deadly dungeon. Her 8th child was a true blessing from the Holy Mama, fathered by a nagaji pathfinder. Her 9th child was sired by an elven pathfinder after a mission into the Darklands. Nana Grilka
Spells Prepared (CL 12, concentration +20):
Level 0 (4) create water, guidance, detect magic, read magic Level 1 (7/day)
Level 2 (7/day)
Level 3 (7/day)
Level 4 (6/day)
Level 5 (5/day)
Level 6 (4/day)
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 7 Wis 26 Cha 14 Feats:
Spell focus (conjuration) Endurance Augment Summons Ferocious Summons Boon Companion Spontaneous Nature's Ally Superior Summoning Traits:
fate's favoured, unintentional linguist (Abyssal) Skills:
Acrobatics 1 (Jump 1) Bluff 6 (1 rank) Diplomacy 6 (1 rank) Fly 18 (using Fly spell) (1 rank) Handle Animal 6 (Handle Kernuffle 12) (3 rank) Heal 13 (2 ranks) Knowledge: nature 6 (5 ranks) Perception 12 Profession (midwife) 12 (1 rank) Profession (sailor) 14 (1 rank) Ride 2 (1 rank) ACP - 1, included above
Common Orc Abyssal Equipment:
Gear from current scenario Combat Gear
mithril breastplate +1, light fortification
wand of cure light wounds (2/50)
antiplague (1)
Other Gear
potions and oils:
Viridium Moonbeast:
Viridium Moonbeast As per Bronze Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power, with a tentacled head; Viridium is a fictional green-blue exotic element. fly speed is 20 (good) – assume it doesn't actually have wings and looks like the regular moonbeast; bite sickens for 1d3 rounds (DC15 Fort save negates). Intermittently babbles telepathic nonsense and incensed proclamations of doom to its owner when active. (Serpents' Ire chronicle sheet). Bronze Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power
If a figurine of wondrous power is broken or destroyed in its statuette form, it is forever ruined. All magic is lost, its power departed. If slain in animal form, the figurine simply reverts to a statuette that can be used again at a later time. Bronze Griffon: When animated, a bronze griffon acts in all ways like a normal griffon under the command of its possessor. The item can be used twice per week for up to 6 hours per use. When 6 hours have passed or when the command word is spoken, the bronze griffon once again becomes a tiny statuette.; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects. Griffon CR 4
Griffons can carry up to 300 pounds as a light load, 600 pounds as a medium load, and 900 pounds as a heavy load. --------------------
Special Qualities:
Aspis Hunter vanity: +1 to attack and to weapon damage vs obvious Aspis agents. channel negative energy 5/day, 6d6 damage, Will DC18 for half Aura: Strong Chaos and Evil Darkvision 60' Sacred Tattoo Weapon familiarity orc blood orisons, spells spontaneous casting (inflict wounds OR summon nature's ally) domains: trickery, feather (separatist domain) eyes of the hawk (+4 perception, factored in above; +2 racial bonus to initiative if you can act in the surprise round) copycat (sp): You can create an illusory double of yourself as a move action. This double functions as a single mirror image and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level (12), or until the illusory duplicate is dispelled or destroyed. You can have no more than one copycat at a time. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (11). Master's Illusion (Sp): At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per cleric level (12). This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The save DC to disbelieve this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier (24). The rounds do not need to be consecutive. Animal companion (effective druid level 11) Animal Companion:
Kernuffle Male Ape 9HD N Large Animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+9 natural armour, +3 armour, +4 Dex, -1 size) hp 67 (9d8+27) Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +6; devotion, evasion, multiattack --------------------
Enlarged melee:
Abilities Str 25 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 3 Wis 12 Cha 7 Feats
Special abilities
Captain of the Voracious (Ship) pfs chronicles:
1. The Wounded Wisp; 1 xp, 2PP, 435gp 2. The Confirmation; 1 xp, 2PP, 435gp 3. Weapon in the Rift; 1xp, 2PP, 500gp (applied to level 1) 4. Scions of the Sky Key 1: on Sharrowsmith's Trail; 1xp, 2PP, 1214gp 5. Scions of the Sky Key 2: Kaava Quarry; 1xp, 2PP, 1185gp 6. Scions of the Sky Key 3: The Golden Guardian; 1xp, 2PP, 1219gp 7. expedition manager boon (adamantine falchion) 8. Severing Ties; 1xp, 2PP, 1224gp 9. The Dalsine Affair; 1xp, 2PP, 1250gp 10. From Under Ice; 1xp, 2PP, 1203gp 11. Plunder & Peril (Rum Punch); 3xp, 4PP, 4800gp 12. Plunder & Peril (Dangerous Waters); 3xp, 4PP, 6756gp 13. Plunder & Peril (Black Coral Cove); 3xp, 4PP, 8712gp 14. Plunder & Peril bonus chronicle sheet; 2PP 15. Abducted in Aether; 1xp, 2PP, 4487gp 16. Serpents' Ire; 1xp, 2PP, 5000gp 17. The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts; 1xp, 2PP, 3240gp 18. Thralls of the Shattered God; 1xp, 2PP, 5469gp 19. Ageless Ambitions; 1xp, 2PP, 4498gp 20. Forged in Flame 1: The Cindersworn Pact; 1xp, 2PP, 5420gp 21. Forged in Flame 2: Cleansed with Fire; 1xp, 2PP, 5546gp 22. Hrethnar's Throne; 1xp, 2PP, 5388gp 23. King Xeros of Old Azlant; 1xp, 2PP, 4655.5gp 24. Reaver's Roar: 1xp, 2PP; 7700gp 25. Words of the Ancients: 1xp, 2PP; 7960gp 26. Fingerprints of the Fiend: .5xp, 1PP; 3264gp (slow) 27. Fury of the Fiend: .5cp, 1PP, 3845GP (slow) 28. Fate of the Fiend: 1xp, 2PP, 7824gp 29. Drow of the Darklands Pyramid: 1xp, 2PP, 5894gp 30. On Sevenfingers' Sails: 1xp, 2PP, 8021gp XP: 33 Fame: 62 Prestige: 41
pfs boons:
Explore, Report, Cooperate: GM gives info on secondary success condition. 1 only. Prized find: gain 1PP even if you failed a success condition. 1 only. Ghalcor's spellcraft (spells from Demon Hunter's Handbook are legal) Grippli's favour: +2 to CHA checks vs grippli Tapestry Traveller: treat the Hao Jin Tapestry as your favoured terrain (+2). 1 only. Vanei's Friend: 1/scenario, reroll a failed bluff, knowledge or diplo check pertaining to Aspis. If you fail the reroll cross off this boon. Explorer + Chronicler: +4 circumstance bonus to acrobatics, climb, swim, survival, linguistics, knowledge (any), use magic device, use as if trained, and halve your armour check penalty for the check (if any); 2/scenario Nemesis of the Aspis: as an immediate action force an Aspis agent to reroll a d20. 1 only. Warm friend in a cold land: +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy in Irrisen, or gain this bonus for one scenario anywhere else then cross it off. Exceptional Notoriety: Disrepute 20, Infamy 20 Avast Ye! Spend Disrepute to gain up to +5 diplomacy vs pirate or aquatic/water creature. 1 disrepute = +1 bonus. Also works on perform (oratory) Rum Punch Champion: pit challenger. Gain Improved Unarmed Strike for 1d4+1 rounds, doubled in an urban setting. 1 only. To the Sea, Ya Landlubber! Cast Touch of the Sea as an SLA. Standard action single target for 3 Disrepute; cast it on up to 6 targets (range touch) as a full round action for additional 3 Disrepute each target. Loyal Crew: qualify for certain Follower Vanities at a discount. Shackles Paragon: no ongoing effects. The Lantern's Secrets: 1/adventure, add 1d4 to an INT skill check. Zey's gratitude: 1 only SLA from dispel magic, fireball, greater invisibility, stoneskin. Esoteric Item Research: gain access to Scabbard of Bleeding Edges and Viridium Moonbeast. Unwavering Resolve: 1 only, before rolling a save against fear or confusion, gain +2 to the save. If you fail the save, you gain 2 x character level in temp hp for as long as the fear effect persists or if subject to confusion you roll the d100 twice each round and choose whichever effect you prefer, for as long as the confusion lasts. Ectoplasmic Enhancement: swift action, 1 only. For one round all your unarmed, natural and weapon attacks gain the Ghost Touch quality. Valais' wisdom: 1 only, reroll a failed saving throw against a demon's compulsion or possession effect. Fire Affinity 2 Efreeti Arcana: 1 only, cast Scorching Ray as an SLA (CL7) Experience with Dark Dreams: 1 only, before attempting a save against a spell or SLA with the evil AND mind affecting descriptors, OR a save against any mind affecting ability of an evil outsider, gain a +4 bonus on the save; OR cross off this boon to not be fatigued by a nightmare spell or similar affect. Reaver of Reavers: you can 'almost always' secure common lodging, stables and food for free at inns. ridiculous boon ;) Guiding Compass: If you fail a saving throw against an effect that allow additional saving throws to mitigate the effect (eg glitterdust, dominate person), you gain a bonus on subsequent saves against the effect equal to 1 per 3 goals completed (=1, assuming you don't treat multiple cards as cumulative). Restorative burst: when you would be reduced to less than 0hp you can expend this boon to automatically trigger a burst of healing around your body. This heals you and all willing allies within 30' as the channel energy ability of a cleric of your level. Writings of Rachikan: +3 to Knowledge checks about the Jistkan Imperium and its constructs. Burn the boon to reroll an attack against a construct with a +2 bonus. All Aboard the Voracious: Nana becomes captain of the ship Voracious (costing 4PP) which works like the Ship vanity (+2 Prof (Sailor) etc). Up to 3 times she can use a leng ruby to Plane Shift back to Golarion, taking 1 minute. |