Gem Inspector

Really_Seamus's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Congrats on defeating the mountain of wondrous items so quickly. Well done!

Saddles can easily weigh 25 pounds or more. Working and roping saddles in particular can weigh between 40 and 50 pounds.

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Remember, Myrrendor, that this item isn't actually going to be part of the competition, and I don't believe true collaboration is even permissible in actual entries. Still, holding one's work up to the Superstar standard is definitely admirable, and I think there's great value in working together to improve.

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goodwicki wrote:
I wonder if characters who were smokers would be more likely to get attacked first or last by creatures with scent?

I would probably attack them first from range, but avoid them in melee. Treat 'em like a troglodyte.

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Seeing the judges' enthusiasm has really opened my eyes to the potential in this contest and this community. Great ideas flourish best in a place where everyone is supportive and dedicated,

I made a mistake in the Construction Requirements section, but otherwise did okay. This is a really good and thorough explanation.. Maybe it should be stickied or somehow linked to that big advice thread?

The fact that you needed to include that spoiler is hilarious.

Thank you for thoughtfully commenting on a sensitive issue, Neil. My condolences on your loss, and I hope your family is doing all right.

OwlbearRepublic wrote:
In fact, fighting a debuffed BBEG in baby form could be the climax of a whole adventure path. "Rattle of the Serpent King," anybody?

It's settled. If you make it to the final 4, that must be your adventure proposal. There can be no other option.

This 3.5e disease is pretty funny. I've read some articles on Sex, Romance, and Childbirth in RPGs that were pretty interesting, though I can understand if some people are really uncomfortable with the whole area. Really, that might have something to do with the fact that it puts one in an awkward situation in front of, or even with, the other players sitting around the table. Maybe my cleric should be head over heels in love with that monk, but if that monk is played by my brother... well, Cadderly ain't getting his Danica!

Anyway, how many items push the questionable content boundaries? How many of those generally merit serious consideration? Obviously a special purple pimp hat that grants a bonus to slapping women isn't going anywhere, but does one often see mature items well presented?

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I love this place's whole vibe. Whether I finish in the top 32 or fail to make the top 1000, I feel like this competition has reinvigorated my interest in RPGs. I've had a hard time playing regularly the last few years, so it's easy to lose sight of what makes the whole hobby special.

Good luck to all entrants, and good luck to the judges brave enough to wade through several novels worth of words!