Gem Inspector

Really_Seamus's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Remember, Myrrendor, that this item isn't actually going to be part of the competition, and I don't believe true collaboration is even permissible in actual entries. Still, holding one's work up to the Superstar standard is definitely admirable, and I think there's great value in working together to improve.

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goodwicki wrote:
I wonder if characters who were smokers would be more likely to get attacked first or last by creatures with scent?

I would probably attack them first from range, but avoid them in melee. Treat 'em like a troglodyte.

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Seeing the judges' enthusiasm has really opened my eyes to the potential in this contest and this community. Great ideas flourish best in a place where everyone is supportive and dedicated,

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I love this place's whole vibe. Whether I finish in the top 32 or fail to make the top 1000, I feel like this competition has reinvigorated my interest in RPGs. I've had a hard time playing regularly the last few years, so it's easy to lose sight of what makes the whole hobby special.

Good luck to all entrants, and good luck to the judges brave enough to wade through several novels worth of words!