
Daniel Moyer's page

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Great Mini, slightly large


I love this mini, I have 2 of them painted to date and contemplate buying a few more for modding purposes. The sword hand comes unattached and is relatively easy to file down and reattach a different weapon.

As some others have mentioned a few of the newer minis are slight larger (28mm-30mm), this is one of those, but he is relatively easy to paint.

  • My first one of these is modded as a Chain Fighter. (using the Chain Weapons Pack)

  • My second one of these is a Rogue who uses a Greatsword. (No modification)

  • Our Price: $3.99

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    Good time had by all!


    Quite honestly, I don't think I can say anything new or original having read what Douglas Hirt wrote in his review, he covered it perfectly!

    "I too played in 3 of the Pathfinder Society adventures at Gencon and this one was by far the best. It had a deep story with a good mix of roleplay, combat, and puzzle-solving including a very interesting moral dilema or two thrown in to push it over the top in my mind."

    And yes, it was our group's (4 Pennsylvanian folks) favorite of the 3 modules we ran through as well. We were all glad we ran through this one first as it was inspiring and left us anxiously anticipating the other 2 adventures we had signed up for.

    Our Price: $3.99

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    I also played this at GenCon '08. This adventure was fun and exciting...

    until you join a caravan to complete your mission... at which point someone, I guess the author decides to throw a CR5+ combat your way. I won't reveal the specifics of the combat, but it was large and ridiculous for a level 1 party. It involved terrain penalties that the 'monsters' did not suffer.

    The GM running our table told us that only one group he had ran won the encounter and they were 2nd level, the other 2 groups (3 including us) survived, but only because he did not Coup De Grace the players. We were robbed & left for dead til our cleric that we convinced to run could make it back to us.

    Other than that combat, the module ran fine and was entertaining. I was grumpy and having 'Living Greyhawk' flashbacks. ( 3 Psuedonaturals, surprise round, entire party Truestrike grappled... yea, that happend!!!) Until I realized something on the car ride home. GenCon '08 did not use the 'PATHFINDER' rules for character creation, it was standard 3.5 PHB stuff. Meaning, our cleric would've had approx. 5-6 'Channel Energy' aka 1d6 healing bursts, not to mention health increases across the board that fight would've gone much better.