Raymond Brooks's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Sara Marie wrote:

We're trying to clean up a backlog of emails from the Thanksgiving Holiday. Hang in there! We should hopefully get through the rest by tomorrow.

Sara Marie

Much appreciated! I'll keep my eyes open.


I was just wondering if the email address customer.service@paizo.com is being monitored or not. I sent a message to it yesterday and I've not even got an automated reply yet. I got the email address from the packing slip for the last shipment I received so I assumed it was working. I've had some serious problems with my last order and I explained the issues in detail in my email message. I'm just curious to know if my email reached any human being yet.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:

It seems to have dropped off any priority for the company.

Someone could contact Scorched 'Urf and ask them.

I've used the contact form at their site twice now with no reply. Very frustrating.

lastknightleft wrote:
Has there been any update on this book, last I heard it was ganked from this website due to issues with public use art. I was really interested in this book so I'm curious if it's back or at least what the status is on it coming back.

I hadn't heard about the possible art issues. I was really hoping to get a copy of it though, only to find that it had vanished. I'd be happy for any further info too.

Hey Chris!

Like most of the others on the thread, I love the Maps of Mystery too and I'm thrilled with the grand finale in issue 150. One quick question though that I didn't notice anyone else ask in the thread. Were there any thoughts about an appropriate scale for the map or were you leaving that up to the needs of the people using the map? Just curious because I noticed a scale wasn't included on the map (unless I'm blind of course...).

Thanks again for the great work and I'm really looking forward to getting a look at a gazetteer of the World of Mystery!

Cosmo wrote:

I'll get you a replacement 358 and poster.


Thanks Cos!

I just wanted to say that I've been a subscriber since issue 107 when I had to save up money from my paper route to pay for it. Over all these years, I've had very few problems with my subscriptions and even less when the magazine was under the control of Paizo. The few problems I've had have been dealt with promptly, professionally, and with courteous apologies.

You guys have done a great job and it will be missed.

Cosmo wrote:
Gryffin wrote:

Hey everyone. I received 359 today, and while it looks like it's an awesome finish for my beloved magazine, I'm a little confused: on the cover it says in the top right corner "Giant Post Inside!". I can't actually find any posters in or around the magazine proper, however. Am I just blind, or did some crazed mailman make off with my geek poster?

Also, now that I've received 359, it's made quite clear that I have not received 358, which is a bit distressing. Should I wait longer, or sould I get a replacement for that?


I'll get a replacement poster and Dragon #358 shipped out to you as soon as possible.


Looks like there might be a bit of an issue north of the border. I'm in exactly the same situation as Gryffin. I received Dragon issue 359 today and there was no poster included. Also, like Gryffin, I have not received issue 358 yet. If you guys could give me a hand, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.