Raylol's page

49 posts. Alias of Robin Matheis.

Relevant rule text:


Creating a mystic bolt requires the hand to be free, but the bolt appears only briefly, so a warlock using mystic bolts has a free hand any time she isn't attacking with a mystic bolt.

If I am TWF with a Scimitar in the main, and an Bolt in the off-hand, am I considered to have a free hand during the attacks with the main hand ?

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Does Slipslinger style gice you proficiencies in other slings, specifically the double sling ? I assume so, since you get proficiencies via class abilities or feats, and therfore it should count, but I am not sure about the "require" in the style feat description.

Hi !

When using their race bonus for favoured class, Dwarf Inquisitors can use 1 1/2 their level when determining the effects of 1 Judgment. (APG, page 13: Add +1/2 to the inquisitor’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one type of judgment. Also accesible via d20pfsrd or the pathfinder reference document)

Some Inquistor Archtypes, such as Sacred Huntsmaster or Sanctified Slayer replace the Judgments with other abilities.

Is it possible to choose the dwarfen racial favoured class bonus for one of the replacements ?


Animal Companion (using 1 1/2 her Inquisitor level as hunter level)

Sneak Attack (getting an addionel sneak attack at 4-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19 [aka 1 1/2 times the normal] instead of at 4-7-10-13-16-19)

Also: would that be pfs legal ?