
Ray Oliver Frost's page

No posts. Organized Play character for duhwoo.

Sovereign Court

Barbarian is *not* raging, suddenly gets hit by fear: can enter Rage after fear starts? (to improve movement for escape?)

"A frightened creature can use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, the creature must use such means if they are the only way to escape"...(emphasis added)

12th-level Barbarian *not* raging, gets hit by fear -- but has Fearless Rage power: can enter Rage after fear starts -- thus engaging Fearless Rage -- and completely defeating fear?

Barbarian *not* raging, gets Panicked -- but has Fearless Rage *and* Headband of Unshakable Resolve: can use Headband to downmode panic to fear, then enter Rage, engaging Fearless Rage -- completely defeating panic?

what's out there that tells me otherwise? near as I can tell, barbarian with Fearless Rage and Headband of Unshakable Resolve can completely avoid effects of being panicked or frightened (as long as he has rounds of Rage left -- and the the Headband isn't suppressed somehow)...

goal: use MoMS to complete Crane style chain at 2nd level...

1st level character feat = Crane Style
1st level Monk bonus feat = Crane Wing
2nd level Monk bonus feat = Crane Riposte

It looks to me like this is legitimate, following the rules straight out of Ultimate Combat -- I can have a 2nd level Monk who already has Crane Riposte. Is there something I'm missing? Can I run this guy in Pathfinder Society?