Raviiiii's page

26 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

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If oracles are going to have less spells, and have a cost for using their focus spells, they should be able to use focus CONSIDERABLY more than other people.

I, personally, think this means they should be able to stall their curse progression several times, put it on a 10 minute timer, in battle, the curse still goes up, but out, other focus spells dont murder the oracles utility.

The oracle focus spells also need to be more considerable if the final cost is ending the adventuring day. An extra cast is almost never worth going down, and you shouldnt have class features you not only wont use, but arent supposed to use.

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Not even sure what would get erratad, while a few things arent completely clear, Im pretty sure everything in HoG is functional.

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Anyone else hoping for Cha based shifters with those fey and dragon archetypes?

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zer0darkfire wrote:

Nothing in it lets you jump higher technically, but it does let you add your wisdom modifier to acrobatics, so that should be a small increase in height.

There's a conduit feat that fixes that. Throwing janni rush on this would be fun, 1 of MoMS then into shifter that specializes with gore might be ideal

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I do wonder if the planar rifter is supposed to get rid of guntraining altogether? I know its elemental/aligned damage, but 1d6(and two dead levels for guntraining 2 and 4) in trade for a raw Mod is a rough trade, especially since you basically won't ever benefit from planar resistance and planar strike at the same time.