Ravennus's page
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"and I BARELY know anything about psionics"
That sums up your issue right there.
It also explains your broken (not OP, but illegal) build you are bragging about. The other minor issues can be settled as the other posters described.
I'm a huge supporter of Dreamscarred Press and their take on Psionics in Pathfinder. In fact, I generously supported their Kickstarter for their upcoming hardcover.
It didn't start that way. I was a skeptic, but then I actually made an effort to understand what the issues were.
If you actually do your homework, like me, you'll likely find little issue at all. If you still do, then you probably DO have an issue with Psionics as a theme, much like others hate firearms or anything Eastern in their "Fantasy" world.
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Please expand on guidelines for DMs regarding WBL for newly created higher level characters and item crafting.
Specifically, by default should new characters buying equipment using the WBL guidelines be allowed to pay half-cost for items they can craft themselves, so long as they bought the required crafting feats and have the skills.
If so, is it fair to craft all their WBL items (effectively doubling WBL) or is a cap of 50% (or something similar) fair by default?
I know most DMs houserule this (mine did after I made a lvl 11 Forgemaster Cleric with most of the crafting feats), but some guidelines and explanations would be helpful.

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Steve Geddes wrote: I don't think 3PP products are built from a consistent set of understandings of what the rules mean, how they should be applied and how options should be balanced. You may well end up trying to fit a tractor wheel to a Porsche. The problem with this statement is that it applies to Paizo as well.
Hence the current debacle over the Monk's Flurry of Blows.
I love Paizo, and they are easily my favourite RPG developers to date, particularly in how close and responsive they are to the community. Unfortuntely (or fortunately!) they are human, and make mistakes, and also don't abide by a consistent set of understandings of what the rules mean.
To my knowledge, there is not a single Paizo employee or freelancer with eidetic memory and a PhD in RPG development. That's not a bad thing, but you can't expect perfection from 3PP developers anymore than you can from Paizo itself.
Personally, I've always been against 3PP stuff. For a long time, it was because I had this weird idea that 3PP was "cheating" or completely unbalanced because it was unofficial.
What changed my tune recently were the products from Dreamscarred Press. I missed the old Psionic rules and wanted them in a Pathfinder game I was thinking of running. After a lot of great reviews, I bought their Psionics supplements and was astounded at the quality and balance. In fact, I think they have the best Psionic rules to date (though I may be biased, because they actually FIXED the Soul Knife and the Aegis KICKS BUTT!!).
There are some amazing 3PP developers that have created some of their own RPG systems as well. Green Ronin comes to mind, with Mutants and Masterminds. It's fantastic if you love Superhero RPGs. :)
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Yup, there are blank books/journals you can buy and fill with whatever.
Drawing flasks take a Retrieve Stowed Item action.... so it's a move action.
The Blue Book lists all the local brothels, bars, and gambling dens in a city... which then gives you +2 to Knowledge(Local), Bluff, and limited Diplomacy checks for 24 hours in that city after you read it.
Oh, and the Bayonet is still in there... but it still renders the crossbow or firearm useless when it's attached (that always bugged me too).
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It takes up the body slot, so you can't wear it with Monk's Robe.
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IceniQueen wrote: Where is the cutlass? You included weapons from every book but left out the cutlass? Cutlass, favorite weapon of pirates and you left it out.
Saddle once again Price Various? Weight Various? For all tents you put in for every kind. Why for saddle you put in Various?
Yup, none of the pirate themed gear made it in, including the cutlass.
So it isn't even really an up to date compilation.
This is the first Paizo Pathfinder product I have been truly disappointed in.

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As far as I'm concerned, this is not RAW... as there is no precedent for it AND THERE ARE NO ACTUAL RULES AS WRITTEN THAT DESCRIBE WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO!!!
Which is... reduce a spell level to a 0-level cantrip or orison and cast it an unlimited amount of times. The description of a couple traits is being twisted around and people are making ASSUMPTIONS that you can lower the level of the spell and making ASSUMPTIONS that you can cast it unlimited times when it becomes a 0-level spell.
Also, it blatantly goes against the Rules as Intended for traits.
Don't even get me started on the fact that Wayang Spellhunter, AS WRITTEN, is a REGIONAL and CAMPAIGN SPECIFIC trait.
SO BY RAW, if you are in any kind of campaign that IS NOT GOLARION you are sh*t out of luck. Even if you are playing in Golarion, you may not be allowed to create a character from Minata, let alone Tian Xa.
So..... congrats to those Magus players who get to play in the Jade Regent AP? *slow clap*
I'd love to see someone argue this for an actual PFS game.
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baalbamoth wrote:
Nothing in this character was for RP ability, as I mentioned way earlyer this character was primarily made to stop (or stomp... heh) a higher level barb built for max crit damage, if I did put feats/skills etc. into RP he would have wiped the walls with me if it came down to that.
Whoa... let's go back to this for a second.
Let me get this straight... you are saying that you created this character specifically to be able to win at PvP vs. another player in your group?
Let me ask this again... you created this character with the intent of being able to defeat another member of your party? "If it came to that."
Wow... um.... just wow.
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Jubal Breakbottle wrote: Is this thread still going? I appreciate the prolific demonstration of trolling.
Yup, have to hand it to a certain someone... they are one of the most successful trolls I've seen on these boards in a while.
Unfortunately I think it was complete luck that they stumbled on a topic that happened to hit a lot of nerves.... as the actual intellectual debate has been rather lacking from their end.
Have I actually been using the internet so long that I'm actually tempted to say something along the lines of.... "Back in my day, the trolls..."?
Thanks for the laughs.
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baalbamoth wrote: go ask somebody on the street "have you ever played pathfinder" and I think the common answer will be "whats that?" try the same with D&D and at least they will know what D&D is. baalbamoth wrote: the only reason I play Pf is because its popular, and there are few gamers where I live. So you are saying that nobody knows what Pathfinder is, and yet it's so popular in your hometown that you can't find any other games?
Hilarious. Trolololololololololo
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He won't. It's likely what I suspected... he was a newer player who was duped by some older players who should damn well know better.
He'll never get them to give up their character sheets, and will likely be mocked for the effort.
OP; if you ever come back here and read this... leave those idiots as soon as possible and find a group that is actually interested in learning and playing the game for real (and that respect you as a person and DM/player).
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+1 to what Mauril said.
There is NO RAW that prevents another race from using one of the new archetypes, unless that archetype specifically uses racial features of that class.
In fact, in the introduction to each Race chapter, they describe the archetypes as being "typically" taken by members of those races, but that they designed most of them to work with any race.
However, I just found out that PFS supposedly just made a ruling saying that they require you to be the race the archetype it is listed under. Apparently not even being a 'half' race, or using a racial heritage feat is enough.
So if you are playing a Pathfinder Society Game, you are SOL... but if it's a home game, then by RAW you are fine.
However, keep in mind that almost everything in the ARG REQUIRES DM PERMISSION.... so make sure to check with your DM first. :)
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Baal, your link to that "I'm too Nerfed" thread doesn't apply.
In what little information we have received, it's clear that the DM and/or players do not understand the rules of the game. The OP also mentions vague houserules that we have no details on.
Later in the thread, the OP states that the Wizard in their game dipped into Monk and somehow got an AC over 50 and had EVERY attribute at 40+. This has nothing to do with the flaws of Pathfinder, and everything to do with players and DMs not understanding the rules to the game... or creating houserules they shouldn't and breaking the system.

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wraithstrike wrote: It's a fantasy game which also explains the guy who can take down a dragon with is bare fist, and guy that launches fireballs. Indeed.... or to keep it in the family....
Allows a Heavy Crossbow to be reloaded and fired multiple times a round...
Or even better...
Allows a muzzle loaded firearm to be reloaded and fired multiple times a round.
The visual of either of those things is 10 times more ridiculous to me than a highly trained fantasy archer shooting 6 arrows a round.
Hell, we have the LOTR visual of Legolas for that (for good or ill).
I've actually worked at a historic site, where the early 1800's were portrayed. I learned how to load and fire an actual musket, and I can tell you there is no way in hell a TRAINED person is getting off more than a few shots a minute. That's with flintlocks and paper cartridges.
A larger crossbow with a windlass reload mechanism (as a Heavy Crossbow is described) would reload even slower.
So yeah... shooting arrows quickly from a bow doesn't bother me, compared to that.
Still, it's MAGIC!!! *sparkles*
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(Posted from my other thread)
I believe I might have found a possible errata, or at least something that doesn't make a lot of sense.
Pistol, double-barreled 1d8dmg ×4 20 ft. range 1–2 (5 ft.) misfire
Musket, double-barreled 1d12dmg ×4 10 ft. range 1–3 (5 ft.) misfire
Ok, so simple question... why does the double-barreled pistol keep the same exact range as a normal pistol when the double-barreled musket suddenly loses 30 feet.
This gives it half the range of the pistol (normal or double-barreled).
I thought that the drawback to using a double-barreled weapon was increased misfire chance, which both get.
Plus, they also get -4 to attack if they fire both barrels.
So why the discrepancy?
It doesn't seem to make any logical sense to me that a musket would have less range than a pistol when you added a second barrel.
Typo or is there some actual balance reason for this?

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Kaiyanwang wrote: Makes sense - it's x4 AND an high damage dice (d10). It's an exotic weapon "by the book".
You can think that it seems a club, but is balanced in a different way. more difficult, but more devastating.
I don't see how it is an exotic weapon, "by the book".
A scythe does 2d4 damage, x4 crit, can do either Slashing OR Piercing, AND has Trip as a special property (which is one of the most coveted and useful weapon abilities out there).
The scythe is a martial weapon.
It does on average 0.5 less damage per hit than the tetsubo, but has better minimum damage and other features which more than make up for it.
Also, I think most would agree that learning to fight with a full size two-handed war scythe in combat would be much more difficult to learn than just swinging a metal-shod baseball bat.
Personally, I don't see how the Tetsubo is a 'super weapon'.
It doesn't even come close to deserving a feat to use.
In my group, we loved the Goliath Greathammer from 3.5, and ported that over to Pathfinder when we converted. Exotic, 1d12, bludgeoning, x4, and gave +2 to sunder attempts.
We never had a problem with it.
This new Tetsubo should clearly be a martial weapon, especially if they consider the No-Daichi to be martial.
EDIT: Also, take a look at the Pathfinder Earth Breaker. It's a bludgeoning weapon that does 2d6 damage and x3 crit.
That's two full steps in damage dice above the Tetsubo (1d10>1D12>2D6).
So the tetsubo SACRIFICES damage for x4 crit, and gains nothing else?
Again, sounds like martial weapon "by the book" to me.