Ravados's page

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For a Lawful Evil type. I once played a Fallen Knight who fell due to love of King and country.

His homeland was being torn apart by intrigue and people were growing increasingly paranoid, stealing from each other and participating in witch hunts. So he vowed to become the evil people would fear so they would stop preying on each other.

This culminated in him brutally murdering the king at a banquet to make himself a target and gaining levels in Antipaladin (previously was a Fighter).

So he started from a good place and well, things just kind of spiraled out of control from there.

Basically all he wanted to do was unite his people, and if kindness wouldn't do it, a looming threat would.

Snickersnack wrote:

@Flak oranyoneelsewhoknows

What is RAW?

Wish I could play again. Too much time spent on my gf, school, and work. (That's 3 full-time jobs right there). I stay active on the advice forums though posing questions and reading the ideas of others. Almost makes me feel like I'm playing...

RAW stands for Rules As Written mate. So basically as it says in the book. No gaming is often better than bad gaming so hopefully once you have some free time a game finds you.

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Depending on the level of squick, my current character in my home game can give some ideas.

He was a Dhampir Doctor with the Blood Drinker feat who always kept very tidy and fastidious. Befitting his role he dressed all in white. One of our enemies ruined his coat and as such caught a ripsaw glaive to the abdomen and was drained of blood. After doing that he spent the next 15 minutes fretting over the stains on what remained of the coat.

Said character later was involved in a magical lab accident and is now an animate intelligent quantity of blood who occupies a clockwork armor to speak. The blood is visible in the tubing and the armor has a featureless face plate (think cobra commander) with pseudopod occasionally lashing out to drink from enemies.

I've honestly been looking everywhere trying to figure out how I made the mistake.

The best I can figure out is I was recalling the Oriental Adventures Kitsune which had Fae as a subtype and as such were ageless.

It doesn't make much sense to me either to have them live as long as orcs in some circumstances but as I am not the DM it would be their call.

This was why I was wondering if I'd gone mad and imagined them not having a max age or living longer or what, and if I had gone round the bend, how to achieve it via the rules.

Hey all, I've been lurking about the boards for quite some time and reading alot of the cool stuff people have come up with.

I seem to recall reading in either the Inner Sea World Guide or Dragon Empires Gazetteer (sp?) that kitsune were fae like and lived much longer than 70 years or so. Would someone be able to help me out with this and if I was mistaken anyone know of a way to achieve this for a PC?

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Here's one which requires a bit of background. I had a Necromancer in a 3.0 game who had somehow managed to get a hold of a portable hole full of 1000 HD of assorted undead.

Random the Cleric: You remember that thing I told you never to do?
Janus the Necromancer: Do I get to have fun?
Random the Cleric: Yes, open the hole but let me run first.
Janus the Necromancer: YAY TIME TO COMMIT A WAR CRIME!

Also the cleric's war cry became
"Janus go do something genocidal."