Harrowed Summoning

Rashid ibn Azhar's page

102 posts. Organized Play character for Apoc Golem.

Current Campaigns

GM Tyranius (PF2) Blood of the Beautiful (inactive)

GM Tyranius (PF2) Whitefang Wyrm (inactive)

PFS #2-01 and #2-03 with DM Deevor (inactive)

Current Map

Handouts, Maps and Stuff for Catastrophe's Spark

Challenge Rating: 16

Hero Points: Istanus 1, Jak Tooley 1, Pooka Palooka 1, Rangi 1, Shayla Quickfingers 1, Webny 1

Default Exploration Activities:
Istanus: ?
Jak Tooley: Detect Magic
Pooka Palooka: Scout
Rangi: Defend
Shayla Quickfingers: Avoid Notice
Webny: Search

RPG Chronicles

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