Red Mantis Assassin

Aenil Vlos's page

46 posts. Alias of Monkeygod.

Full Name

Aenil Vlos




Crimson Dancer 4/Harbinger(Crimson Countess) 4(gestalt)






Lawful Evil




Common, Drow Sign Language, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Read Lips, Shadowtongue.

Strength 8
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Aenil Vlos

Basic Info:
Initiative+7, Senses Perception

AC 16(+2 armor, +3 dex, +1 enchantment) , Touch , Flat-Footed

HP 40

Fort+5, Ref+5, Will+7

Speed 40ft

Melee +1 Short Sword +10(1d6-1/x2 19-20)


Special Attacks:

Base Attack +4 CMB+3, CMD 16

Feats Deadly Agility(b), Extra Martial Talent(Essence Manipulation), Grasp of Darkness, Improved Feint(b), Improved Initiative, Malevolence, Persuasive(b).

Traits: Fraud(Campaign), Gift for Magic(Blood), Unwelcome Business(Disguise).

Alternate Racial Traits:

Skills(8/level) Acorbatics+10, Autohypnosis+5, Bluff+17, Diplomacy+15, Disguise+12, Heal+6, Intimidate+11, Perception+9, Ride+4, Sense Motive+9, Stealth+10, Survival+6(+10 vs bleeding targets)(1 left)

Background Skills: Linguistics+10, Perform(dance)+11, Sleight of Hand+14.

Class Features:
Bloodletting (Ex):

At 1st level, when the crimson dancer uses an attack action or attack of opportunity to deal damage with a melee weapon, she inflicts her bloodletting on that creature.

Alternatively, when she spends at least a standard action creating a magic sphere effect that allows a saving throw or requires an attack roll, any creatures struck by the effect or that fail their save are inflicted with her bloodletting. For magic sphere effects that linger and make multiple attack rolls or require multiple saving throws over many rounds, only the first saving throw or attack roll per creature inflicts bloodletting. When bloodletting is inflicted, a creature suffers bleed damage equal to half the crimson dancer’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This bleed damage stacks with any bleed damage originating from the crimson dancer. When inflicting bloodletting on a creature already suffering from it, the bleed damage is increased by the amount of bleed damage that would be applied. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum amount of bleed damage a crimson dancer may apply with the bloodletting ability to a creature is equal to the crimson dancer’s level.

Creatures suffering the maximum amount of bloodletting bleed damage the crimson dancer can inflict are exsanguinated.

Vitae (Ex):

At 1st level, the crimson dancer can hold a small pool of collected life force that she can use to power her abilities, known as vitae. A crimson dancer's maximum vitae is equal to her class level + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). She begins the day with no vitae, but this amount changes throughout the day. If the crimson dancer spends over 1 minute without gaining a point of vitae, she begins to lose points at a rate of one per round. Vitae cannot be gained through any source from a creature that has less than half the crimson dancer's class level in Hit Dice, and cannot be gained if the crimson dancer is not in combat.

The crimson dancer can gain vitae in the following ways, known as vitae sources. Unless otherwise specified, each vitae source can only grant vitae points once per round. Some sources are only gained at specific levels, or are gained when specific class features are obtained.

Bloodletting: When the crimson dancer inflicts her bloodletting to a creature using at least a standard action, she gains 1 point of vitae.
Relish: Whenever the crimson dancer ends her turn adjacent to at least two or more creatures suffering from her bloodletting bleed, the crimson dancer gains 2 points of vitae.
Absorb Burst (2nd level): If a creature fails the saving throw against the crimson dancer's burst ability, she gains 1 point of vitae.
Voracity (4th level): If the crimson dancer has spent at least 1 minute with her vitae pool at 0, the next time the crimson dancer gains vitae from any source, she regains an additional 1 point of vitae.

The crimson dancer can spend vitae in the following ways, known as vitae abilities. Some abilities are only gained at specific levels, or are gained when specific class features are obtained.

Metabolize: The crimson dancer can ingest collected life force to heal themselves. As a standard action, she can spend any amount of vitae points, regaining 1d6 hit points per point of vitae spent. If she spends at least five points, she also removes the fatigued, shaken, and sickened conditions. The crimson dancer can only heal an amount of dice equal to 1/2 her class level per hour, but can still be used to remove conditions. This healing is not a positive or negative energy effect and can heal a crimson dancer of any creature type.
Staunch: The crimson dancer can spend a point of vitae as a swift action to touch a creature, attempting a Heal check with a bonus equal to her class level to end any bleed effects they are suffering from.
Empower: The crimson dancer can spend five points of vitae as part of casting a non-harmless sphere effect to grant herself a +1 bonus to her caster level for that effect, increasing to +2 at 10th level. This can only be used once per sphere effect.
Focus: The crimson dancer may spend two points of vitae as a swift action to regain her martial focus. By spending six points of vitae, she may do this as a free action that can be taken outside of her turn.
Talented Vitality (3rd level): When attempting any Dexterity-, Strength-, or Wisdom-based skill check, the crimson dancer can spend 2 points of vitae to gain a +2 competence bonus to that check, which increases by 1 at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

Autocautery (Ex)

At 1st level, the crimson dancer's body is conditioned against the manipulation or shedding of blood; rarely bleeding, even when severely wounded. As long as the crimson dancer has at least 1 vitae, whenever she would suffer hit point damage due to a bleed of any type, she reduces the damage it would deal to 0 and instead loses one point of vitae.

If the crimson dancer would ever suffer blood loss (willing or not) due to a (blood art) talent, she may spend any amount of vitae as an immediate action (or as a free action that can be taken outside of her turn if she was willing) to reduce the damage from the blood loss by 3 per point of vitae spent. She is still considered to have taken the full amount of blood loss for any effects that rely on the amount of blood loss she takes.

Additionally, the crimson dancer gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks made against effects produced by the Blood or Duelist sphere. This bonus also applies to the crimson dancer’s CMD whenever she would be subject to a Blood or Duelist sphere effect. Autocautery’s bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

At 14th level, crimson’s dancer vitae storage eventually becomes such an integral part of her body that her mortal heart barely functions. The crimson dancer becomes immune to all poisons, diseases and bleed effects, as well as any sphere effect that originates from the Blood sphere that is otherwise subject to spell resistance. Creatures that can bypass immunity to bleed effects also bypass the crimson dancer’s immunity to sphere effects from the Blood sphere. The crimson dancer may suppress these immunities if she so desires when targeted by an effect she would be immune to, although she cannot then later choose to become immune to that effect while it is ongoing.

This is a supernatural effect.

Burst (Su)

At 2nd level, the crimson dancer learns to pull forth the blood of a bleeding opponent. As a move action (or as a swift action by spending two points of vitae), she may target a creature she can see that is suffering from her bloodletting, forcing them to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 her crimson dancer level + her Charisma modifier) or suffer 1d8 points of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage + 1 damage per point of bleed damage they are suffering from (bleed damage rolled with dice is treated as its minimum result). After this damage, all bleed damage currently affecting her target ends. Starting at 5th level, if the creature is exsanguinated, the damage dealt becomes untyped damage.

Bloodthirst (Ex):

At 3rd level, the crimson dancer develops an uncanny sensory perception for blood. She gains a limited scent ability out to 30 feet that can only be used to detect bleeding creatures, or that have less than half their maximum hit points. Additionally, she gains a bonus equal to her class level when attempting Survival checks to track a creature that has left a blood trail, and when attempting Perception checks to locate bleeding creatures.

At 17th level, the crimson dancer gains blindsense 30 feet, but this vision can only sense creatures that can naturally bleed and that do not have bleed immunity.

Crimson Path(The Scarlet Dancer) (Su):

Initiation: The scarlet dancer increases the amount of bleed damage she deals when applying bloodletting to her Charisma modifier.

Voracity (Ex):

At 4th level, after spending at least 1 minute with her vitae pool at 0, the crimson dancer gains a +10-foot enhancement bonus to her base land speed, and her next attack that applies bloodletting to a creature that was not bleeding deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. At 12th level and every 8 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +10 feet and +1d6 respectively. These bonuses are lost after the crimson dancer gains any amount of vitae.

Spheres and Maneuvers:

Casting Tradition: Diabolism

Martial Tradition: Thief

Spell Pool: 8

Maneuvers Known: Dimensional Strike(s), Fading Strike(s), Half-Gone(c), Intimidating Force(c), Shadow Feather Strike(s), Strength of Hell(boost), Unhindered Step(boost).

Stances Known: Black Seraph Battle Stance, Sands of Time Stance.

Spheres Blood(b), Dark(b), Duelist, Fencing(b), Scoundrel(b).

Talents: Essence Manipulation, Exsanguinating Strike(b), Focusing Bloodshed, Focusing Feint(b), Gory Armaments, Piercing Blood(b), Shadow Stash.
