Randal Kay's page

12 posts. Organized Play character for Richard Loh.



Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

Piloting: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Cutting the power to the engines, Randal pull a U-turn, pressing himself and the rest of his crew members into their seats. Ignoring the chaos happening in the cabin, he fires up his engines, putting himself firmly on the tail of the Endless Threnody. Once he is on the tail of the Endless Threnody, (at K24) Randal mouths a quick hope that his fellow crew members are accurate with their shots.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

"Captain, engineer, spin your magic!" as Randal reaches in to his pocket to remove a stick of gum out of its' shiny aluminium wrapper and pops it into his mouth.

The rash of adrenaline beginning to fuel his limbs, he knows that a good ship battle is enough to keep him awake for hours after the fight, might as well make the best use of his time by enjoying life's pleasures.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

"Curses, our electronic countermeasures aren't so great... C'mon Captain," as he tosses a glance at the simply named Bob, "Say something witty in reply!" as he begins to pressure the Captain in to answering the hails.

Randal's finger rests over the comms button, ready to press should he not like the Eoxian's face.

Randal will move as per previous instructions, which is straight ahead.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

Piloting: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

"Hail Nebula! I see that you are a trained pilot. The ship is yours! I will take care of the boring engine room then!" Randal adds, "Don't worry too much about it, his twin antennas twitching, "I am sure I'll get a chance to fly the ship another time."


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

Randal whistles at the sight of the Loreseeker.

"Awesome! I've always wanted to take one of these things for a spin! Dibs on flying the darn plane!


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

"Very well, Venture-Captain, but before we do that, can I take a rest before we proceed?" as Randal looks at his wounds.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

Cursing in pain, on Randal's turn, he will take a guarded step away from the menacing thug and let loose with his pistol.

Pistol attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

The pain caused by the thug's blow causes enough of a distraction for him to miss his shot.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

Creeping forward, Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5, Randal's boots clopped uncomfortably loud in the echoes of the Vat. Standing beside Thomagar, he waits while his fellow lashunta scans the air.

[b]"Any signs of intelligence? Besides us, of course."[/b} Randal almost shot himself in the foot with that intelligence question.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

"To the Vat Garden!"

Cue The 70s' Batman show scene change music.


Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

Randal's antennas and his shoulders droop considerably. His "clever attempts" to read minds failed him.

He takes his time to consider what are the options available to him first, but for now, he takes a step back while letting Thomagar guide the conversation.


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Male Damaya Lashunta Technomancer Scholar 1

"Guess we have to hurry. Wouldn't want our Starfinder friends to be lost forever! Anything more we should know before we head off?" Randal probes Venture-Captain Arvin subtlely.