
Raizen's page

122 posts. Alias of Radavel.


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remind me to get expeditious retreat ready for this game LOL

any alignment restriction?

Just have to cut down on a couple of levels.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
We need someone to make a (3.5)20th level character and a (PFRPG)20th level character(PFRPG). Then have them fight. Which ever DD wins will be the better PrC.

Check me out.

As Cacophonik is already a paragon level PBP, I'll try my hands on an epic level PBP. Stay tuned.

For Lazaro

After watching 211, an paragon or epic 4e campaign sounds cool.

"Friends, the foul one has taken the gem! To arms! We must reclaim it!"

How much damage have we sustained?

For Lazaro

I take it he already has the gem. Any damage?


I'm game.

Someone called for me? Is it my scene yet?

For Jahangir

I'm getting a headache.

For Lazaro and Jahangir

I guess we want to head the church where the others are. Can't be worse than with those 3 cysts.

For Lazaro and Jahangir

Retreat is the better part of valor. Don't you agree?

Casting Defensively 1d20+30=36

Assuming the Shadowwalk is cast successfully, Raizen grabs Jahangir and says, "We gotta go! We won't last long against these things!" Then they escape through the Shadow realm.

For Lazaro

Will the auras interfere with the casting of a shadowwalk spell?

Knowledge (arcana) 1d20+30=45, Spellcraft 1d20+30=43

Additional Saves 1d20+24=33, 1d20+24=36

Lazaro wrote:
Raizen and Jahangir** spoiler omitted **

Will Save to Halve Damage 1d20+27=46

Will Save to Avoid Effect of Aura 1d20+24=35

Init 1d20+10=22

Raizen grits his teeth as the cold, negative energy courses through his body.

"Jahangir! They want the gem! We have to pull out!"

One More Perception Roll 1d20+30=47

Lazaro wrote:

Outside the Temple of the 'Uncarring One', Jahangir and Raizen take flight. High above the walls of Greyhawk they scour the area looking for where the artillery fire is coming from.

Jahangir, Raizen Perception checks please

Perception 1d20+30=41

Just to remind, Raizen has darkvision, blindsense and see invisible

Raizen can fulfill the role of the mysterious messenger and/or weirdo perv sage. So there would be no need to toned down stats.

Raizen should be there only to see that the players perform their mission and not to fight their battles. Think of him as a plot device.

for private discussions on the subject e-mail me at inquisitor dot radavel at gmail dot com

Thom, I'd like to volunteer in your high level beta pbp... but as a GM player character. I am currently sojourning through Lazaro's Essence of Evil Pbp but if you need a guest appearance then count me in. See my stats under the profile.

Hi, Thom!

Raizen follows the paladin.

Wings on!

Perception (Inclusive of Penalty) 1d20+20=36

"Look there! Something's moving across the rooftops!"

"Damn. We've been away too long."

I wonder what's the damage for the gargantuan nail clippers he he he.

I do hope the enemies we'll be facing are not stronger than the Espada.

Gin really pissed Nnoitra off.

"Good point."

"Our enemies might be able to track us if we carry away those things."

Raizen warns everyone against taking any of the things of the jaebrin. He just feels uneasy about them.

Lazaro, Bleach 201 is up.

"Let's get going. I get the feeling the Giorge's allies are headed here as we speak."

I just need a cure light wound spell to wipe out the remaining vile damage.

Taking another level of sorcerer should give me 9th level spells. Yay!

Guys, my laptop broke down and I am in the process of fixing it.

Oh yeah!

The path to demigodhood... awaits.

"Wow, she really is toast! Check for vital signs!"

1d20+19=36, 4d6=11, 1d20+19=38, 4d6=18, 1d20+19=28, 4d6=6, 1d20+19=22, 4d6=12, 1d20+19=39, 4d6=15, 1d20+19=36, 4d6=16

Casting Scorching Ray and Quickened Scorching Ray.

"There she is! Five feet away from Jahangir!"

1d20+19=31, 4d6=14

One attack was a nat 20 hence the above confirmatory roll.


Get ready for the pain!

Quickened True Strike added.


Disintegrate Fort DC 28 vs. Mask

2009 in less than 7 hours; Happy New Year Everyone.

Casting Defensively; Haste - me and all allies gain +1 to Attack Rolls, +1 Dodge Bonus to AC and Reflexes; move speeds increase an additional 30 ft; making a full attack gives everyone an additional attack.

Quickened Grease targeted on Giorge's weapon Reflex Save DC 23; Cast Defensively of course.

Casting Defensively 1d20+28=46

"Friends! Forward!"

To my allies

Try to use different types of attacks so we can find out our foes weakness and keep and eye out for other foes.I do not believe that this is all the other side is sending against us.

Raizen is hovering a foot off the ground.

"Giorge, my comrades in arms are raising objections to limiting the fun to Jahangir and I. You amenable to a battle royale? Our team that's all six of us versus your team, i.e. you and Mask."

Init roll


Yeah, pre-emptive strike... err ... Happy B-day Lazaro :D

For Lazaro

My blindsense combined with the blindfighting feat effectively allows me to close my eyes and fight without any miss chance, correct?

Rolled 1d20+28=39 for Knowledge (arcane) to get specific Info on Mask the Binder, i.e. abilities and weaknesses.

Also rolled 1d20+28=42 for Spellcraft to detect any ongoing spell and spell-like effects surrounding Mask and Giorge.

Lastly, from past encounters with Giorge and Mask do we know their preferred attack modes?

Jahangir, you up for a little tag team?"

"Tag team fight?"

"Being a bladesman, I suggest that you challenge a bladesman. It'd be unsportmanlike to ask you to fight a dirty no good cheat like me."

"Let's see your entire team so we there'd be no surprises, Giorge."

So, are we agreed that we'd have a tournament?

"I'd rather not. It's bad form to talk pleasantries when the rest of creation is being fncked up by your patron deity."

For Lazaro

I get the image of us having a battle royale in the vein of Yuyu Hakusho's Dark Tournament

"Negotiate? Are you kidding? What could you possibly offer?"

For Lazaro

Raizen is looking for invisible characters in range and also for divination sensors. 1d20+30=41

In Draconic: Be prepared, this is a trap; Act Normally.

"Perhaps, going to the darkside, Giorge, has scrambled your brain."

"Where's the rest of your group by the way?"

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