
Rainbowspryte's page

18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I admit to being a stereotypical female gamer and I enjoy some of the fluffier prestige classes.

Some of my favorite ones are:
-Diplomancer (from Book of Eldritch Might II) I played this one for a couple years
-Muse (from Kingdoms of Kalamar Players Guide (neede work to be perfect though) I am playing a Bard/Muse right now and I love the idea of the class.
-Heartwarder (from Faiths and Pantheons)
-Dark Hunter (from Gwendolyn's article Fey feature)
-Spymaster (Complete adventurer)I like the idea of playing a consumate actor

What ae everyone else's favorites and why?

We are a group of 30 something gamers looking for other players who lend themselves to a more method-acting style of role-playing.

we play games which blend political, romantic and action style polts and subplots and have lost some of our key players who are integral to the "feel" of this sort of game.

Recipients must be female positive and queer friendly.

Players or GM's are welcome (I would gladly hand over the majority of GMing as I need a break, since this responsibility has fallen on me so much over the years).