
Raifstarian "Raif"'s page

3 posts. Alias of Kewl Modie.

Opening Crawl
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....
The Clones Wars have ended.
The Separatists and their corporate backers have fallen.
The Jedi Rebellion has been thwarted.
Peace reigns once again through out the galaxy.
According to the chancellor, it is a new day.
Less than twelve hours later, in a special session the Republic Senate voted Chancellor Palpatine complete power; naming him Emperor.
Thus began a period some would call "the reign of terror"....

I sent you each private messages with the starting points of your characters - unless there is some egregious conflict that would make us stutter step, this is the opening scene.

A beautiful human news person, Angeel Bartund is making a quick update to the story that has been on high rotation since yesterday. She mentions that in a special session of the Senate, Chancellor Palpatine has been named supreme ruler and Emperor of the galaxy. Over her shoulder a small inset shows the new emperor addressing the senate and the galactic population as a whole. The crowd at Fischer's Place Cantina is boisterous and tension is almost palpable. Laughter can be heard periodically as can the occasional curse. The crowd is a mix of humans and non-humans with one thing in common, everyone seems to want to blend in; to avoid drawing too much attention. A Sullistan walks in from the street shortly followed by a Human. What seems like ten heartbeats later, the front door bursts open and several white armored clone troopers burst through. “Everyone STAND DOWN, in the name of the Emperor” one of the soldiers booms over his helmet mics...


I am interested in running a Star Wars Saga Edition series.
This posting is an interest check.

The series will start AT the end of the Clone Wars.
Chancellor Palpatine has just announced the end of the war, the end of the Separatists threat, and the failure of the Jedi coup.

The news seems a little surreal. You shake your head as you sip your caf and watch the newsreel replay on the Holonet. It seems that just a week ago the chancellor was talking about impending doom. The Separatists had attacked Coruscant directly. It seemed that there was no stopping the Separatist juggernaut. Then as fast as a Kybuck changes direction, the whole affair was over.

You look out the cafe window at the jumble of battle droids that still lay in the streets. It was weird the way they just shut down; as if by a switch.


My idea is to run the session during the chaotic period while the Empire is just forming. Vader is not yet fully functioning in his new body. Most people are hopeful that the end of the war will bring better times.

Although there are disbelievers, many people assume that the haughty Jedi did try to take over and they got what they deserved.

The location will range across the galaxy, but will start in the Outer Rim.

I am looking for 4 - 6 characters willing to play in this arena.

Saga Edition has a very similar feel to 3.5.