Rahnum's page

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Doppelganger. (Dm will be writing up the race) Lvl 1
Telepath with plans of going into Thrallherd.
3.5 sources also accepted pending DM approval so feel free to mention stuff like Mindsight Feat from Lords of Madness.

I have also debated going dual disciple to expand my power list. However I am unsure of what would compliment a Telepath. Psionics is a bit hard to sink your teeth into at first!
My Doppelganger will be trying to garner an information network while assisting my party. I don't exactly want to be followed around by a horde of believers, and it fits the character.

The name of the game is hide my identity as long as possible. (The character is terrified of how his long time friends might react.)

Currently rereading Psionics Unleashed to get a better understanding of what I can do.

Any idea how you write it up? I have a Grey Render and a create undead spell. Ghoul Grey Render. What the heck transfers? Do any of the stats get boosted? Probably doesn't keep feats. Any advice?

I tried looking around the threads but nothing to be found. Which really surprised me!

I'm looking for all sources of stack-able Dex increase possible. Belts, Tomes, Grafts, anything you've got.

Lets aim for 30 Dex and above!

In death, the graveknight's life force lingers on in its armor, not its corpse, in much the same way that a lich's essence is bound within a phylactery.

If a lich was to make his full plate armor into a phylactery would he become a graveknight as well?

As for how he's got fullplate armor as a spell caster. Dwarven Cleric with Heavy armor proficiency. Thoughts?

I was wondering if Mythic Adventures would ever be added to the paizo prd.
Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't, but I was just wondering if anyone knew.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was thinking what keeps a Fletcher from inventing new arrows like a wizard with spells. What are your ideas for mundane arrows?

Rope Cutter
This intricate arrow head allows you to cut rope at distance.

Heavy Hitter
Hits as a size category bigger, only has half range though.

Wall Piercer
Adamantine Tip and Thin Body allows it to go through certain walls.

Alchemical Nightmare
Segmented glass arrow that upon shattering releases all contents on the subject

Lets hear your ideas!

I've heard this is a good combination. Unfortunately I can't find the Absorb Familiar feat, so I can't figure it out. Any thoughts?

I've managed to wield a Huge Compound Longbow. What does this do for range? I recall reading something on how the range increases 1/4th or something for each size category increase? Am I crazy? Does anyone know what the actual ruling is and can give source?

I've a character which is able to wield a Huge Bow. Don't worry about how, I've already worked out the specifics with my DM. My character is a ranger....so I've got a Huge Compound Longbow 3d6+4 -> Gravity Bow 4d6+4

What is the size of the ammo I need? For a normally huge bow are we talking about firing spears and javelins through the air as arrows?

And I can actually use enlarge person to increase the damage further if my animal companion has ammo sized for a gargantuan bow. So what am I firing at that point? 300yr old oak trees?

Basically what are the ammo sizes for each size of possible bow?

How does the size of the longbow affect the damage. The size table only went up to Large.

My character is able to wield a Huge Longbow (giant) and he's a ranger so when i use gravity bow things are going to get even crazier. So what the heck are the damages for this thing?

Would changing Horizon Walker to an archetype be over powered?

The character I'm doing this for is a Goliath Urban Ranger. I want to turn him into a master of all terrains both wild and urban.

I've already homebrew balanced the Urban Ranger, so don't go on about how I should change that. We're here for the Horizon Walker.

I'd really love to make Horizon Walker a Archetype. Obviously I need to make it a 20 lvl rather than 10lvl class but i can just gain stuff at lvl 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 problem solved

So now that that's out of the way, would making it an archetype be overpowered? and How could i balance it so that the DM might allow it? What are arguments I could use for the change?

I'm playing a Monk of a race from the underdark. Now my problem is once I hit level 17 I can take an aspect.

However, I'm playing a custom race of the DM's and this race has a long history of Monks and sorcerers and for a good portion of that history did not come to the surface.

So it stands to reason that they would not have modeled aspects after Owl, or Tiger, or any of the surface animals and come to think of it they don't worship gods (they don't believe them worthy of worship) so even the Kirin and Oni Aspects might be suspect.

So I've asked the DM for Underdark custom Aspects. This has apparently never been done before. (I've looked around)

I'm curious as to what you guys think would be good aspects to replace the surface world aspects, for any Underdark Monks of the Four Winds. And what would be their traits.