Headless Horseman's Horse

Ragusa Cekbar's page

31 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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The Raven Black wrote:
Soilent wrote:

I'm not sure what to expect, it's quite a conflict of interest.

Seeing as Lovecraft is a heavy inspiration, yet this is a Paizo product.

Lovecraft was very racist, most noteably making a HUGE deal out of interracial marriage.

Meanwhile Paizo has always been deep into the progressive mindset.

I'm curious.

Though really, the lovecraft quote seen above "Never explain anything." explains a great deal about his concerns as a writer. He was considered a hack in his own time, because his primary concern was getting words onto pages, without actually saying anything.

I'm hoping Paizo can do better than him.

Lovecraft was a great writer and he was a racist

You can enjoy his work while not being racist

I'm not a huge fan of his writing and am certainly not a fan of racism. I should point out the other charge against Lovecraft, that his main concern was getting words onto pages, is rather unfair. he was writing during the depression when pulp writers were paid (as writers often are still to this day) by the word, and at a mere pittance. "Being concerned with putting words on the page" was the man trying to feed himself and pay his bills. As a full time writer myself, I well understand his motivations. Now, whether his work is art or groundbreaking or whatnot....that's a fair discussion to have

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Mokmurian from RotRL. I expanded his role greatly and wrote some cut scenes that revealed something of his nature, the end result being my PCs feared and hated him. It made assaulting his fortress all the more memorable.

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A city guide, like Korvosa or Magnimar, would be awesome

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Not likely to happen, I'm sure, but I'd love to see a book like this for the Osirion gods of old

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I enjoyed Wrath specifically and Mythic in general. More would be great, though I am not in favor of messing with the well-oiled machine that is the AP (six installments, several support articles, etc.)

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Pathfinder is a game with a vast setting, spanning entire worlds that encompass infinite themes. As a result any monster is welcome, from any inspirational source. Truth be told, I've yet to see a monster that I couldn't use in some capacity with a little bit of imagination...and that's what monsters are for, to spark the imagination.