The Yellow King

Rafa "Gonzo" Gonzalez's page

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber. ** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 7 posts (44 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters.

Radiant Oath

Anyone figure out how to put a value to the Maunder Castle property?

The PCs have recovered the deed and are intent upon keeping it, or rather, restoring it and then selling it.

Looking for help with the rules on how to figure out an estimated total value of the property, and how much would be needed for repairs.

I suppose there would be 3 separate values:

1. Maunder Castle
2. Maunder Bridge
3. all appurtenances thereto

Radiant Oath ****

I missed it:

are Season 2 Corruption's Reach T-Shirts available?

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Coming soon in an adventure near you???

Vigilant Seal ****

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm seeing this under the new Faction Boon descriptions, e.g., Rugged Mentor (Horizon Hunters), but not sure what it means or where to find it.

Any ideas?

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide important insights that keep your less experienced colleagues safe from harm. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to saving throws to 2.
Normal A Level Bump increases a PC’s saving throw modifiers by 1.
Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.