Demon, Vilsteth

Raezial the Thamendaemon's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Love this AP! It was my first as DM and I learned alot (like how to not let my players get too overpowered XD)

Beginning Party:
(PC) Kaosix Ironbeard, Dwarven Gunslinger (Retired)
(PC) D'rizzat Ironbeard, Drow Cleric (Retired)
(PC) Groznak Ironthroat, Oversized Goblin Barbarian (Left Party for personal goals)
(PC) Galverist Ironthroat, Goblin Alchemist (KIA)
(PC) Knell, Changling Druid (MIA)
(PC) Kaia, Catfolk Bard (Active)

End Party:
(PC) Kaia, Catfolk Wizard 5/Rogue 3/ Arcane Trickster 10
(PC) Elliot Von Strusenburg, Aasimar Paladin 18
(PC) Qahlbbah, Kastatha Unchained Monk 18
(PC) Krosan, Kastatha Ranger 7/ Magus 7/ Arcane Archer 4
(NPC) Aiako, Catfolk Hunter 11/ Shadowdancer 5
(NPC) Senju, Tengu Shaman 14
(NPC) L'ornari, Worm that Walks Wizard 17

It was a hard fought battle but this party eventually beat Special-K and his entourage. Thank you Paizo!

P.S. Tell me how your party has changed from beginning to end!

Name of PC: Galverist Ironthroat
Class and Level: Alchemist 3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Shadows in Thistletop
Details: Exploring with the ranger. Got surrounded and drained

Name of PC: Groznak Ironthroat
Class and Level: Barbarian 10/ Alchemist 1/ Grey Paladin 2
Adventure: The Skinshaw Murders/Under Jorgenfist
Catalyst: Xaneshas Spear Critical/Fireball Trap/An old Friend
Details: Xanesha full round attacked to finish with a crit. Reincarnated and killed again in JorgenFist by the Kobald fireball trap. Reincarnated again and killed by a PC turned Enemy NPC. Reincarnated again left the party after dieting too much to try to become a god (and by product immortal)

Name of PC: Odek
Class and Level: Cleric 10
Adventure: Fort Rannick
Catalyst: Crushed by the Skullripper
Details: Tried to save the parties arcane trickster and got caught in the skullrippers claws

Name of PC: Thorn Ironbeard
Class and Level: Slayer 14
Adventure: Sins of the Savior
Catalyst: Rouge sneak attack
Details: 153 damage on a sneak attack from xyrodeck

Name of PC: Qahllabbath
Class and Level: Unchained Monk 14
Adventure: Sin Savior
Catalyst: Death Clutch spell
Details: Necromancer in Melendez range. Passed Cast Defensive, Passed Spell Resistance, Monk fails fort save rerolls with bottle cap. Raise Dead and Regeneration later he's back.

Starting Party:
Kaosix Ironbeard - Dwarven Gunslinger
D’rizzat Ironbeard - Drow Cleric of Torag
Knell - Changling Leshy Druid
Galverist Ironthroat - Goblin Alchemist
Groznak Ironthroat - Oversized Goblin Barbarian
Kaia - Catfolk Bard

Book 2 Party
Kaosix Ironbeard - Dwarven Gunslinger/Wizard(Spellslinger)
Nell - Half-Elf Magus(Esoteric)/Brawler
Odek - Asmoeti Cleric of Time and Space
Groznak Ironthroat - Oversized Goblin Barbarian/Alchemist
Kaia - Catfolk Bard
Qahllabbth - Kastatha Unchained Monk

Book 3
Odek - Cleric of Time and Space
Groznak Ironthroat - Human Barbarian/Alchemist/Gray Paladin
Kaia - Catfolk Arcane Trickster/Wizard/Rogue
Qahllabbth - Kasatha Unchained Monk

Book 4
Groznak Ironthroat - Human/Gnoll/Occult Dragon Barbarian/Alchemist/Gray Paladin
Kaia - Catfolk Arcane Trickster/Wizard/Rogue
Qahllabbth - Kasatha Unchained Monk
Senju - Tengu Shaman

Book 5
Kaia - Catfolk Arcane Trickster/Wizard/Rogue
Qahllabbth - Tanuki Unchained Monk
Krosan - Kasatha Arcane Archer/ Magus(Eldritch Archer)/Ranger (Bow Nomad)
Thorn Ironbeard - Dwarven Slayer

We are about to finish book 5 and move onto book 6
Context: I have a custom Reincarnation list cause I thought it would be more interesting . Hence my crazy races

Claxon wrote:
Raezial the Thamendaemon wrote:
Long John wrote:
If your party is killing you, then you appear to be having deeper issues, hombre.

With the the Druid and the bard. The Fighter is a pretty gullible guy and the bard had a potion of invisiblility and was casting message and feeding him lies. Wasn't anything I could do in that situation, can't out social a bard after all. But he was just being a dick tbh. All I wanted was for the party to just let my drake have the stupid candlestick (it was shiny, he's a drake what do you want) so I told them to back off. Everyone else did except the bard who decided to challenge me to 1v1 combat the next morning. I accepted expecting to show him who was boss and he convinced the fighter I was a traitor to the queen. A Druid at 3rd level can't go toe to toe with a fighter at hat level.

He cleric is still alive and the Necromancer died due to bad rolls on a trap. The problem is more of a "they don't like my characters personalities" situation.

The bard player sounds like a jerk.

It doesn't really matter whats happening with a character, one of the "rules" of the game is to get along with others which means not plotting and trying to kill your fellow PCs (unless that's explicitly agreed upon by everyone).

As for the necromancer thing...I wouldn't say Undead are welcome in Cheliax, more so that they aren't illegal. However, they wouldn't be welcome at any fancy dinner parties or anything like that. Heck even Devils are look at as servants by Chelaxian nobility, not equals or superiors. This is part of why Tieflings are not as celebrated in Cheliax as one might imagine.

The potential of our characters killing each other has already been agreed on. Though most of us don't go out of our way to do so. The bard was acting a little out of character imo by trying to get my Druid killed.

The issue isn't really with him but our conjurer who actually praised him (the rest of the party wasn't super happy with how things turned out) for getting me killed. He refuses my attempts to talk to him to let him know the mindset of my characters claiming that all my characters are terrible and he actually said that he was going to try to kill my cleric when he got the chance

Kileanna wrote:

Why do you think they don't like your characters?

Are they OK with you charging them for healing even if you craft for them later? Because that is something that should better be decided as a group.

Even if you are playing an evil character my best advice is to avoid being confrontational with the other players. Even if you want to claim something for yourself, as it happened with the candlestick, try asking them instead of demanding it. Some players might take that behaviour as an offence, even if you don't meant to offend them.

As Dastis mentioned, try to play a character who has likable traits. A bossy tyrant can be an evil character, but also a subtle seducer or manipulator can, and the second one is more likely to be accepted.

Of course you might try to have more negative traits, like being selfish, but always try not to let those traits interfere with other players enjoying the game. You can use your negative traits to help instead of to hinder.

Like that, the same selfish or greedy character might demand a greater share of the loot, making it hated among other players, or try to negotiate better deals from merchants, helping the party.

Its mainly one player. He has a problem getting into the role of "evil" as it is as he typically has a strong aversion towards evil characters. He is actually playing the twin of my first character but hasn't really acted "evil" in any way.

His biggest complaint is that my characters don't "act for the better good of the party" which has never been true.

My Necromancer went around town and helped out the weak (in order to gain influence for the party)

My Druid gathered a lot of information (which he used to give the party advantage over the enemy)

anfd the Cleric MAKES MAGICAL ITEMS!

Long John wrote:
If your party is killing you, then you appear to be having deeper issues, hombre.

With the the Druid and the bard. The Fighter is a pretty gullible guy and the bard had a potion of invisiblility and was casting message and feeding him lies. Wasn't anything I could do in that situation, can't out social a bard after all. But he was just being a dick tbh. All I wanted was for the party to just let my drake have the stupid candlestick (it was shiny, he's a drake what do you want) so I told them to back off. Everyone else did except the bard who decided to challenge me to 1v1 combat the next morning. I accepted expecting to show him who was boss and he convinced the fighter I was a traitor to the queen. A Druid at 3rd level can't go toe to toe with a fighter at hat level.

He cleric is still alive and the Necromancer died due to bad rolls on a trap. The problem is more of a "they don't like my characters personalities" situation.

So I'm having a problem with the rest of my party hating my characters. And I'm on my third and haven't even left the first book.

My first one was a Tiefling Necromancer that would do anything for his sister. They hated that I walked around with skeletons (a common practice in Cheliax). He died due to bad rolls.

My second was a Kitsune Draconic Druid that was a spy for the queen and already came in as a Agent of Thrune. He was prideful, sadistic, and wholly believed in the rank system. He was killed because his drake wanted a candle stick and our bard convinced our fighter that I was a traitor (super bad sense motive checks made him believe him.) and caused him to cut of my head. Which the bard was punished by the authorities for.

My third is a Derugar Cleric of Moloch that believes everything must be earned in some way whether it be through money or hard work. And he charges the party for healing but puts the money aside for the character he heals and crafts magical items for them.

What do I do? I want to play a truely Evil character but I can't seem to make one that the rest of the party likes!

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Raezial the Thamendaemon wrote:
HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
...without having to use the trash-bag Grey Paladin archetype?

you could always play a Grey Paladin (requirement is NG)

This amuses me.

lol didn't even notice that. Unfortunately there isn't RAW

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
GM Loup Blanc - one last question - what are your thoughts on the Paladin/Druid alignment requirement discrepancy? I'm shooting for a Paladin/Feyspeaker Druid, but one requires LG, and the other Any Neutral. Any chance I could roll with a NG/CG Paladin of Magdh, Ng, or The Lantern King without having to use the trash-bag Grey Paladin archetype?

you could always play a Grey Paladin (requirement is NG)

On another note. How would you feel about a Half-Elf Gunslinger (Bolt Ace)/Magus (Eldritch Archer)? seems like it isn't super hard to work into the world (no issue that is the complications of guns)

Also having this issue

GeraintElberion wrote:

This is a rare case because you are usually grappled for a round before. Ring pinned.

If you're already holding that wand when grappled, it should never get to pin.

What creature in RotRL goes straight to pin?

It's the Skull Ripper in Skulls crossing

and he retrieved it while grappled the previous round (which is a full round action)

Bump this post cause id like an answer lol

Though the rulings look like they wouldn't allow wand use.

Maybe just like casting a spell but instead a UMD check would be a viable option? Until we get an official ruling I guess DM rules would dictate

16 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Was running a session of RotRL and came across a situation where one of my PC's was pinned by a creature while he was holding a wand of Dimension Door. While he was pinned would he have been able to use the wand?

1. Will you or the team ever develop methods to become fiends other than demons?

2. Will the remaining Runelords ever get fully stated?

silverhair2008 wrote:

The question that comes to mind when I see the size of the fort is, do you have a table large enough to display the map? I have heard of Kinko's doing maps for people, but am unfamiliar with the cost. There are also pads of graph paper at art supply stores and places like Office Max and Office Depot. Those are usually back in the art supply section.

I hope this helps.

Kinda, Fort Rannick is 620ft (124 squares) by 480ft (96 squares). I do have a table that can fit it,just wondering if there is a roll of graph paper that fits that on it. I want to draw the map in 5ft squares so my party can tackle it without complications.

Does anybody have any suggestions for a product that you can use to draw larger maps? My PC's are close to getting to Fort Rannick in RotRL and i would like to draw the entire for without having to redraw alot of the maps. (I have two Basic Flip-Maps but Fort Rannick's map is ~400ft x 340ft)

Arcaian wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Arcaian wrote:

There's a major spoiler for:

** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **

That is awesome and I want to do it.
It is very cool - the way it's written suggests that the artifact used to do it doesn't exist just in that location - there can be many of them, wherever a certain God wants to bless Her followers! :)

What book is that in?

Sorry I haven't replied to this. HeroLab allows them to stack. I thought this was wrong too unless i was missing some weird roundabout exploit.

I know there is a method to becoming a Demon:

Becoming a Demon

Demon Ritual:
While it is one matter for a sinful soul to be judged and then sent on to manifest upon the Abyss as a larva, from there to perhaps someday transform into a newborn demon, it is quite another to bypass this process entirely. Yet for some, the power wielded by demons is too seductive and compelling to wait for—especially considering that the process of becoming a larva almost always expunges memories of life. To this end, there are methods by which mortals can hasten the transformation into a demon—demonic implants and a vile transformation ritual.
The Transformation Ritual

The forbidden and blasphemous rituals of demonic transformation can be found only in the rarest of tomes (such as the Book of the Damned). A rare few demons, ranging from lowly quasits up to the mightiest balors, know these rituals and can teach them as well—they guard this knowledge closely, offering it only to those they deem deserving of the lore. One way to learn such a ritual from a demon is to use planar ally or planar binding to conjure the demon in question and offer it a payment in return for the secrets of the transformation ritual—this could even be a four-step process requiring a new conjuration for each step of the ritual. Not every demon knows this information, of course, so researching the name of a specific demon can add an additional level of research required before the process can begin. A character might even receive the methods by which to transform into a demon via a series of dreams or visions (typically granted to him from a demonic patron in reward for service), although this route is best left for NPCs that are strictly under the GM’s control.

First Ritual: The first ritual is the easiest, and requires nothing more than for the user’s alignment to become chaotic evil. By undertaking acts of a vile and destructive nature, the mortal consigns her soul to the Abyss even if she never finishes the second and third rituals. The mortal must select a demon lord (or a nascent demon lord or Balor Lord) at this point to serve as a demonic patron. The acts the user must undertake can vary, but should be of a nature that represents and “honors” the areas of interest of her chosen demonic patron—these acts are intended to attract the patron’s attention, after all. Even mortals who begin the transformation ritual as already chaotic evil must undergo this stage of the ritual, if only to select a demonic patron. In total, the first ritual must progress in this manner for a minimum of one year—at the end of the ritual, the mortal’s alignment changes to chaotic evil.

Second Ritual: The second ritual requires many more months of debased acts and vile plots, but at some point during this second year, the mortal must contact her chosen demonic patron, via either commune or contact other plane. A trusted minion or ally can cast this spell on the mortal’s behalf—it’s common for a spellcaster to gain a quasit familiar so that the quasit can use its commune spell-like ability for this purpose. Once contact is made, the demonic patron must be told of the mortal’s desire to become a demon—the commune or contact other plane spell cannot be used to ask any other questions. At some point thereafter, but before a year has passed, the mortal must offer a significant sacrifice to her demonic patron as a burnt offering in a temple consecrated to the demon lord. This offering can be either living or dead—in either case, the burnt offerings must be of someone that is related to the mortal by blood or family—an adopted parent or child is sufficient if, at some point the mortal and the offering once loved each other. The mortal must make a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check to properly perform the burnt offering—if the sacrifice is or was once a worshiper of a lawful or good deity, the check drops to DC 10 (and thus becomes something that even one not trained in the Knowledge skill can attempt). If this check is successful, the second ritual ends and the mortal gains a demonic implant (typically demon senses or a demon talon) as proof of her demon’s favor.

Third Ritual: At some point after the mortal contacts her demon lord (typically after the second ritual succeeds, but sometimes before), the demon sends the mortal a vision of a task that must be completed (such as freeing a bound evil outsider from a Material Plane prison or assassinating a powerful cleric of a good religion). This task is typically one of significance to the demon lord, and in many cases one that the mortal has no hope of completing until she grows more powerful. There is no time limit for how long the mortal has to complete this task, but she must maintain her weekly devotions to her demon in the time that passes in the form of regular worship and continued atrocities in the demon’s name. Additional burnt offerings to the demon, betrayals of allies, and assaults on innocents are popular choices. Once the assigned task is completed, the mortal must perform another ritual in honor of her demonic lord—a sacrifice consisting of no less than a dozen nonevil intelligent creatures offered in the course of no more than a single week. The mortal must make a DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check at the end of the sacrifice, but gains a +1 bonus on the check for every 5 additional sacrifices offered beyond the initial dozen. If the check succeeds, the third ritual ends and the mortal permanently gains the half-fiend template.

Fourth Ritual: For many, gaining the half-fiend template is enough, but for those who wish to go even further, a fourth ritual exists. The mortal’s demon lord grants no vision or advice to begin this ritual—the mortal must take it upon herself to honor her demon lord in a manner appropriate to that demon lord’s interests and areas of concern. Once every year, on the anniversary of the day the mortal completed the third ritual, she must perform a special ceremony that recounts her accomplishments over the past year and culminates in a significant sacrifice (usually consisting of the sacrifice of an important member of an enemy faith, or of a lawful or good outsider; in either case, the sacrifice must be at least CR 9). The mortal then makes a DC 40 Knowledge (religion) check, with a cumulative +1 bonus for each previous such ritual she’s performed over the past several years. Success results in a final transformation into a full-fledged demon—the mortal loses all benefits of her previous race or the half-fiend template, but can immediately apply all of her class levels to her new demonic race (for example, a human fighter 10 could become a vrock fighter 10). The type of demon that the mortal transforms into depends on both the nature of her chosen demon lord and the GM’s discretion, but should generally not result in a total number of Hit Dice that more than doubles the mortal’s original Hit Dice.

But is there a way to become some other type of fiend like a Daemon?

So I'm a little confused.
Does this stack or is hero lab just messing with me?
Heavy Metal Shield (1d4)
Spikes (1d6)
Impact on Spikes (1d8)
Bashing on Shield (3d6)
In theory you can enchant the spikes and shield separate and therefore are from different sources, so do the bonuses stack??