
Rachel Kotow's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 26 Organized Play characters.


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Dezhem wrote:
Nooo, Brendan must run the Harrowing. I've been training him in how to terrorize and brutalize PC's!

Sure you have ;P

To terrorize PC's make the game go for 20+hrs =P

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Derwalt wrote:

Yay! Now I can rebuild my character in such a way that it keeps being fun for me and my friends to play with it!

I'm now no longer saddened by this change :) The only thing I feel bad about now is Cheapy's post further back. You're usually so well spoken and base your replies on facts and a great rules understanding. It saddens me to see you make such a blanket statement.

@a lot of posters / haters: your arguments might be true in some cases, but they are not true in all. The rule has been posted. The way you want things are now the way it is (and I want it that way as well). Why do you have to add insult to injury by being a jerk to some of us, who has done nothing wrong? Please refrain from doing so in the future. Thank you.

This post made me smile. Although I don't play a synthesist I know a person who does and I was sad to think they would die without a fighting chance.

My Druid loves role playing with that character; I'm happy now.

Seraphimpunk wrote:
RachelK wrote:

Why do people give so much hate to synthesists?

People are mean and it is okay?

Yet PFS says that bullying is not?

People don't make sense; it is a game.

Let others have fun and don't tease them for doing so when it was perfectly within the rules at the time.

i've no qualm with them getting rid of synthesits. i didn't dump stats as much as i could, and mine's still disgusting to look at. +11 natural armor? and you can add mage armor to it? his stats accross the board are 20(22), 14, 14, 14, 14, 20 at 8th level. if that weren't an alien suit, that'd be about a 54 point buy character. without the suit he's 8(10), 10, 14, 14, 14, 20 at 8th level as an aasimar.

its just when he goes, i'd like to be able to swish around his stats a bit, so i can still play him. I loved the concept of becoming an angel , wearing an angel suit, but i'll find some other way to build that with other classes. but an 8 str and 10 dex won't leave much room for him to actually hit things anymore.

I have no qualms either I just wish people would not be mean to someone for building an effective character that was legal at the time and then find that their character is going to die horribly...

Yeah I agree it would be nice to let people change their stats a little bit. I play with someone who has a synthesist and the only save they will have is FORT and that won't even be a good one...

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Why do people give so much hate to synthesists?

People are mean and it is okay?

Yet PFS says that bullying is not?

People don't make sense; it is a game.

Let others have fun and don't tease them for doing so when it was perfectly within the rules at the time.

Give them a penalty to DEX rather than CHA - neanderthels were shorter and stockier than our species, but they weren't that bad looking seeing as all caucasions have traces of their DNA in them (as in the species wasn't that unlike humans, and quite a few must have found each other attractive).

Dezhem wrote:

I enjoyed running this scenario and believe my players enjoyed it, too. However they had a very easy time of it. I'm not sure whether that was due to my GM'ing ability (I'm still very new to it), or if they were just very experienced and had powerful PC's. Would appreciate some insight based on the feedback I got/got given! It was a 4-man group, Tier 7-11: Fighter Archer (huge DPR), Archaeologist Bard, optimised Sorcerer (only level 8 though), and a very annoying save-or-suck Witch.

** spoiler omitted **...

Looking at you, Dezhem:
Hey Denna would have been awesome if she remembered she has a way to get rid of fear ... she would also have been very dead I'm assuming if she had the dragon's attention (><)